Solar Dragons

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Kantarian Dragons, Solar Cosmic Christos Dragon Paliadorian Elohei-Elohim Creators

The Kantarian Cosmic dragon creators administer to the planetary emerald heart plasmic super highways and from within their embodied of 6 merged emerald hearts. These are from their personal emerald heart and from the emerald heart within our earth, to the galactic heart, to the universal heart, and into the godworlds emerald cathedral 6 heart pillars within the amoraea heart cosmic shields of the holy godparents in their first godworlds creations, they can travel through their arc core gateways into the central cores of the godworlds and move into the cosmic realms via the Kantarian emerald heart of their dragon, which runs diagonal lightfibres in every 360 direction to experience direct connection with the true and holy emerald order founder beings.

The Kantarian Aeonic Pair Creator dragons appear as a hierogamic pairing which emanate their birthing from the Cosmic Suns of Creation and are solar dragon oroborous king creators from the emerald order godworlds which come into time and embody themselves in hierogamic union (male-female pairs) into the cosmic clock of the aeons. These dragons are united as one within the temple of solomon or city 4 square crystal cathedrals of which their male and female bodies are unified as one in holding the eternal dragon oroborous cosmic dragon creator body in the earth. These are also the albion dragon kings, of which each planet in our solar system has the Albion template of 13 dragon kings. The dragon kings are aeonic pairs which embody themselves throughout the entirety of time, from the alpha to the omega and their extensively large cosmic bodies fill the universal time matrix as aspects of the holy mother and holy father united as one, in hierogamic union to birth forth the offspring and trinity waves of god, the christos-sophia.

The Kantarian dragons have been returning to the earth in which to recover their identities throughout every aeon of time embodying the architecture of the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, where their original and one unified consciousness expression as cosmic genetic equals birthed forth together from the cosmic suns of creation, are being reunited into their planetary albion dragons as the male-female ley lines of the earth. Their bgod parodies take the formation of the aspects of creation as the cosmological principles governing the laws of the universal founders, carried forth from their plasmic rivers of liquid plasmas in the outside of time or no time locations, into the manifest dimensions of time through the music of the spheres as the holy cosmic god parent source domains, cosmic sun-star portals.

The Kantarians have held the keys to the planetary body through their emerald order instructions and lineages, and of which these dragon king pairings unify themselves into each planetary round of time, into the nested galactic rounds of time, cosmic rounds of time, merging and collapsing every aeon of time that they have experienced, in to unite each of their aspects with the cosmic godparent fields in the unity of the christos-sophia rainbow shield. They take the formation of a dragon king creator pair, which have been responsible for creating massive realms outside of our universal time matrix, within the higher fields of andromeda and can birth solar bodies such as suns, stars, create structures and holographic blueprints and design their own creations. Thus, the universal time matrix, our creation of the milky way, andromeda and many local galaxies were created and birthed forth from their founder bodies, brithing their cosmic creations through the womb of the mother, to birth creations into formation of time. Kantarian dragons are a part of the matrices of creation and of which hold the blueprints of creation and manifest the elementals through their bodies, into the planetary body as elemental fabrics, platonic solids, liquid living waters, aethers, vapours sentient, sound tones, songs of creation and have chosen to be the one expression of god's creation within the massive orchestra of god, the living light fabrics of our entire existence.

Kantaria, or Kan Ta Reeah

The Realms of Kantaria, are accessed by the Kantarians whom have Elathar Golden Sun Codes, which allow them to pass through the Elathar Golden Sun Realms as the Kantarian Families can move through this layer of reality inside of time, moving through Ursa Major Stars, to reach the higher realms of the area of Kantaria. This Spiritual Home has surfaced in the Golden Sun Gold Ray Order restorations through the Golden Templar, and leads the Kantarian Golden Solar Families through the 14D portal, and beyond into the Mother's Elathar Cosmic Elohei Sun. During the reclaimation over Holy Father's Mer-Kings of the Melchizedek Blue Sun, his Kantarian Dragon codes of Sirius B Logos signified his watery realms repairing into the Holy Living Waters of Cosmic Father's Elaysa-Melchizedek Cathedrals including his Cetacean Water Tri-tones, holding his Water Elemental Staff-Scepter to locate his Dragon Kings out from their enslavements inside his body in the Oceans of the Earth, and his Living Waters Cathedrals of his Mer-Kings and Queens.

See Also

Solar Christ Mary Sophia 13th Dragon Queen


Maji Grail Lineages