Phantom Matrix False Elaysa-Melchizedek Universal Realms

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See - False Elaysa Matrix

See - Essenic Divide False AI Timelines operating inside controlled bi-wave false khemalohatea realms in the Artificial Tree of Life

The Phantom Matrix hosts false or controlled matters as realms, which appear to be mimicking the authentic cosmic to universal body of god's solar cathedrals, but is being used by the controller's agenda to pervert and derail the comprehension that the universal time matrix, and it's cathedrals are still under reconstruction and rehabilitation by god's cosmic founder families in the guardian host mass orchestration of repairing the hologram. When the dimensionalisation of the Solar Rishic Founder Flames and Eye of God Holy Trinity became dimensionalised as timelines, this generated the Universal Levels of Time, where the Solar Rishic-Reisha Founders reside and pass through in their Cosmic Ankh Eternal Godworlds Vehicles, to enter into their Avatar Solar Logos Founder's expression as an Ankh Eternal Godworlds vehicle. The Universal Realms of the Solar Reisha-Rishi Founders, are Universally sized, and are held in place by God's Templar Paliadorian Genetic Keys, in which allow that specific Solar Sun Code Ankh body to reside inside the Ascended Master Universal Cathedral as a series of Realms. Access to the Ascended Master's Universal Realms is through Paliadorian Founder Genetics as connected to the correct Templar and Diamond Cosmic Heart Principle.

In extremely evil manipulations over humanity, the negative alien agenda to clone suns and copy the colours into a synthetic ray spectrum, was used to derail the true cosmic ascension to happen at a much earlier time on the earth, through a series of building out of false gender twin matrix structures, essentially this is the copying of the original gender twin matrix of cosmic mother and father's templar of master constructs, to be used inside false timelines, controlled timelines, but appearing as if it was actually happening, before it truly could happen. This level of deception is seen by the cosmic Melchizedek founder's families whose home resides inside the 1st godworlds creation, of the Emerald Cosmic Sun realm and thus, their cosmic founder's paliadorian emerald ankh sees the deceptions as it is their task to review, reverse engineer and locate the false structures controlling humanity at the base creational matters, or keylons corrupted dark matters and the corrupted controlled elemental units and atoms of creation.

False Melchizedek Father's Cathedrals, False Melchizedek Blue Ray False Sun

False Elaysian Mother's Cathedrals, False Ascended Master Bodies and Realms, False Elaysian Sun

The imposter realms of our Mother's Cosmic Solar Rishi-Reisha Universal Realms of Elaysa were found to be powered up from a Wesan Synthetic 11D Elaysian Sun and connected to the Moon in our Solar System, generating looking glass realities and sending false rainbow elaysian ankh transmissions through our sky, and operated by Project Bluebeam in the Secret Space Programs agenda, backed by Zetas and assorted negative alien groups controlling false twins and generating false ascended masters through their synthetic antichrist reversal life currents. The False 7 Suns behind the Moon (see the Moon) were bonded to lunar forces in a series of false solar flowerings, and made in sexual misery to mimick the true cosmic grail timekeepers bodies, by creating several false twin unions to birth lunar antichrist-sophia in sexual ecstasy filled with Bacchus Dionysus reverals. The false twinned offsprings were located by guardians throughout the Albion body, and planetary body layers of the dark matters, and inside the cave of creationi where several thousands of lunar embryo and lunar seeds linked to false hierogamic unions, bonded into lunar Trident AI in generating false triple rods and staffs in false hova shields operating in the false ankh body in the earth's grids. Thus, the false ascended master realms and power sources are being extracted by the cosmic templar founders, and their ascended master solar dragon families in which the negative alien attempted powering up of their 9-11 controllers agenda upon humanity is the ongoing fight over the timelines of ascension vs the timelines of false ascensions held by the reversal templar and false Nile Cube constructs. The manipulation of sexual energies, combined with AI digital twins inside false elohei body systems is the genetic mapping of SSP constructs cloned and held inside bi-wave to appear as fully risen cosmic trion fields. Trion embodiment waves require the original cosmic couple in male and female bodies whom work to restore and birth their cosmic khemalohatea dragon eggs, gifted into their cosmic-universal flowering solarised grail line in their Triple Rod-Staffs and cosmic spirit womb.

See also Moon

False Melchizedek Father in Chiron

During the guardian projects of 2024, Emerald Order teams located several false Blue Melchizedek Father's bodies operating as connected to an Aladdin-Jafar-Genie energetic. These False Kings appear as blue crystalline bodies, also connected to Red Trident AI red waved AI False Kings which are Tyrannical Red Wave Kings in the Ocean, whom have stolen the body parts and masqueraded as the Father's Blue Melchizedek Kings in the Universal Time Matrix. Sone of these imposters of our Cosmic Blue Father's triple buddha and assorted Melchizedek Blue Fathers' emanations are controlled via Enki-Enlil-TEE Thothian-Leviathan Agendas operating in rushed, urgent, aggressive and hyperspeed travellings such as Secret Space Programs connected hidden demonics who travel and shapeshift with excessive speed. These creatures also appear to be linked into the RA-Ti-Er of the Anshar, where the guardians facing the False Father Melchizedek Blue Dragon inhabiting Chiron [February 2024] witnessed his shapeshifting into Enki-Sa'Amael and also assorted false blue dragons, blue avian (Ra-Ti'Er as a feathered type of duck billed creature) and as part of the false Khemalohatea instruction sets. Other False Kings of Mer-Melchizedek, and other blue dragon founders as false constructs are revealing themselves as part of the Phantom Matrix Realms as Holy Father's Elaysa-Melchizedek Templar Corrections are underway in his Tri-Flame Khemalohatea repairs throughout the Universal Time Matrix.

Restoration of the Realms of Melchizedek Father's Blue Sun Realms

As Holy Father's Thistle Kings rebuild his Eiyani Father Gothic Cathedrals in correlation with King Arthur's repairs, and the Cosmic Blue Dragon Founder's missions, their mission to locate, remove and restore his Melchizedek Body be repaired, are supporting his Mer-Kings and Mer-Oceanic Crystal body of Creation, for his Living Waters and his Universal Solar Rishic Cathedrals be restored through his Blue Dragon Restorations to his Cosmic Templar Crystal in the Albion Body. Blue Genie

Phantom Matrix Jupiter

The Jupiter Planetoid contains Phantom Matrix to Sirius B, held in layers of the looking glass technology and set up to appear as a passage of Arc to and from Sirius B, into Andromeda. Guardian host transit teams located false white elohei bodies, and assorted golden ray human body parts being set into a closed loop of reincarnational traps, into Jupiter where some appeared to have been set into the grids of the earth under AI guardian transmissions for the purposes of setting false Elohei bodies as a false parent, to the human soul on the earth under false parent-child AI constructs of control. The Phantom Matrix in Jupiter contained false Lyran-Sirian Contact agreements appearing to operate through the Isis Treaty connected to Lunar trident Isis-Osiris antihierogamic union false ascended master constructs. The Jupiter Phantom Matrix operates as a false passageway to Andromeda, containing AI Emerald Tablets controlled by Thothian-Leviathan Black Dragon Groups masquerading as Melchizedek Priests of Ur in future and past timelines.

12th Dimensional Stargates, and 12th Tribe, Solar Dragons Mary Magdalene-Yeshua and the Elaysa-Melchizedek Eye of RA Templar

Our Solar Celtic Arayan Dragons of the 12th dimensional layers connected to Yeshua-Mary are the holders of the 12th Dimensional Tribal Tones inside the 12D Eye of Ra and Stargate networks for the planetary body, into Aramatena Universal Stargate in Lyra. The Arya Azure TA Tones restored into the 12th dimensional stargate through the 2024 restorations of extractions to Phantom Matrix Jupiter and other false emerald order hearts in the earth mocking and mimicking layers of guardian Yeshua-Mary's Solar Ouroborous Body restoration process. Jupiter was found to host the stolen body parts of the lineages of souls residing in France, and surrounding grids, which held the 12th Tribe memories of the Essene Tribes holding the genetics of Gaul. The restorations of the Ascended Master's Cathedrals of the Universal Solar Reisha-Rishi shields have depended on the body of god's Four Leaf Clovered Templar Kings in their Quadrata Cosmic Formations throughout the Templar Dragon King's Primary Genetic Equals positions from the 1st Entrance to the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. These Templar Dragon Kings and Queens operate the Rainbow Templar for Elaysa-Melchizedek and hold the Genetic Key Codes over the 144,000 Codes of the Nile, for the body of god's restorations in the Christos Reclamation Mission we are currently serving. As the body of the dragon twins and Albion Cosmic Founder Celtic Aryan Dragons are being seated by the emerald founders, their shining lights are illuminating layers of the Phantom Matrix which has taken up residence within controlled layers of reality, taking space and pretending to be Diamond Sun creations.