Abraxas Nebraxas Rabazod
The Unholy trinity of the Abraxas Nebraxas and Rabazod create the reversal matter fields of lunar forces and elemental compaction of the black sun, black heart networks as antichrist false sophia in lunar alien mother, including baphomet, satanic and is closely related to Ezmarelda luciferian female energetic forces.
Abraxis, False Edenic Black Sun Lunar Female Unholy Trident Unholy Trinity
The Abraxas gestalt energy is felt as an Archon, which is related to The black sun of Rabazod/Rabazad. These forces are antichrist forces which block the organic DNA, planetary, solar system, and at universal levels in the time matrix, up into the 11th dimension in the future timelines of Lyra.
It has been felt as false eden, and interlinked to some Mexican/Peruvian/South American she-demons of Ixchtel-Ichma, and femme fatale black magic seductress type of energies, 5D Mayan Timekeeper timelines, and also the Bali Demon of black dragon consettia, that has come up a few times also. The black sun energy in fallen portions of black hole in Lyra and also in Tiamat.
Nebraxian pillar system was found by guardians on site at Kauai 12D inner gate in October 2018 whereby it was observed that Nebraxian pillar system as a yahweh inside of the round of time that seats the lemurian arc of the covenant gate access which is obscured through the lunar planetary monad clone (nebraxis felt as 11d original clone of the lunar monadic inserted by the moonchain beings and negative aliens to harness and destroy the solar logos).
Lemurian inner timelines are accessible from Kauai 12D Inner planetary stargate.
One thing that might be helpful to the family clearing in prayer or dedication is to clear curses related to Judgement, Hecuba and Abraxis, Astaroth and Red cube 999 base 9 maths held inside the synthetic red wave AI influences, as god would have it be. Today feeling so much Armageddon programming in the planetary fields with the 911 coding of armageddon end of days and warring incitement to re-enact michael-mary wars (666 wings cut off and separated) and male female trauma. Today we are in the 17th July of the Heliacal rising of Sirius in the Egyptian Sothical Calendar. Every year this phase of weeks into July especially the date of 16-17ish of July are always a next level reveal in activations or bookend pieces to the last cycle in completion for personal understanding, whilst another doorway appears or direction is assigned for the onwards phase where our spirit needs us to be.
Clear curses of Hecuba, Abraxis and Judgement archetypal forces through all sections of the hologram, I do not consent to black magic derailment transmissions.
Abraxis has been encountered as a female she-demonic consciousness which subverts the potentials to embody the sophianic body from 1D through to 12D. It runs in the lightbody and has been connected to grail reversals, 2D, 5D, 8D and 11D. Has reversal Edenic codes, acts within the archetypes of the dark alien mother and lunar mother. Category:Lunar_Trident_Anti-Hierogamic