Category:Antichrist Forces
The Krystal Star guardian host families have no direct relationship with the anti-christ forces, and are here to release them from enslavements and crimes against humanity in their covert control structures within the planetary grid networks and the albion body, within the solar system, our milky way galaxy and into the galactic and universal timelines in Andromeda.
Antichrist forces are those forces which have not been connected to godsource through genetic digression, alien hybridisation genetic alteration of the blueprint of the diamond sun genetics or through choice to act as their own false gods over humanity. Many antichrist forces include alien racelines encountered interdimensionally by remote viewing, spiritual consciousness transportations into other timelines past present or future, and the guardian host gridworkers of the christos missions who returned into this timeline from future time, to reverse engineer the siphoning of energies, the control of the planetary grids and the mass deceptions played upon humanity about the cosmic christ intelligence benevolence of the human creator. Many false gods have acted in positions of controlling authority over humanity.
These are imposters acting as gods, without a sovereign eternal lifesource godsource connection to the 12D Platinum Ray or trifold flame of the Founders. Antichrist forces are not sovereign beings and must parasitize or siphon another being's energy in order to retain its power source in the bi-wave consumptive model.
Antichrist forces include demonic-alien hybrids which are agressive machines in the astral planes and in various dimensions. These beings include fallen angelics, demonics, demonic hierarchies and such other false gods in control of human affairs from other dimensions of time using their hidden technology to reverse the earth ley lines and install alien technology to control the weather, control time, control timelines enacting wars and suffering, and satanic ritual abuses in blood sacrifice rituals stating this is required to be given to the (alien) gods. Annunakis and Reptilian Draconian Black Suns of Orion are also players in the war over humanity playing out interdimensionally as a horrific spiritual battle between antichrist factions warring internally against who gets the prizes of the human souls power.
The families of Christos-Sophia Cosmic Christos godsource intelligence of the unity consciousness from the godworlds is the authority of the office of christ, through the Krystal Star collectives or guardian host whom are reporting, documenting and transiting these antichrist forces into the choice of rehabilitation of power abuses. The Interdimensional Free Worlds Councils in the founder godworlds realms overseen by Emerald Order are directly responsible for enacting the treaty of declaration of freedom for all humans within the time matrix, this includes all planets in the solar system which also have human inhabitants, all humans in Andromeda galaxy in various future timelines and time fields.
Pages in category "Antichrist Forces"
The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total.