Axis Mundi

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The Axis Mundi is the centre point of all union within the rod-staff or zero point, which is held inside the planetary body accessible by the Albion Body, centre of the United Kingdom within the planetary templar and is also a void starry night space which is a time dilation principle of the networks inside the planet protected by the Arthurian 12th dimensional and 11th Dimensional Grail Lineage Solar Dragon Protectors of the Emerald Order.

The Unus Mundus or Unus Mundi is the corresponding point within the planetary body that connects with the Axis Mundi. At the point in their meeting, the access to the merging of all spiritual forces, all timelines, all universal truths is given to the spiritual truthseeker on their spiritual integration pathway, revealing the mysteries and truths held within the Grail and the secrets of the transcendence throughout all of time and space, at the point of the unification with godhead through this spiritual christos initiation. The creator reveals itself through these points within the sacred rod and staff, as the promise to humanity that the cosmic forces of the emerald order, have been imprinted into the planetary body and that each human being has the emerald crystal inside their bodies, in the ascension cycle, all of humanity will awaken to know and comprehend the emerald restoration of humanity is underway upon the earth.

These sacred points within the rod and staff also appear to be the planetary body dark matter template of void suns, the accesses to the Cosmic spirit suns, which form into the starry dark night and void points, outside of time and space, and into the godworlds cosmic dark matter suns, the heavenly void suns. Invisible clear divine light of god in the cores of the quantum fields, unify in the sacred male-female merges which opens into the Maltese Zero point activations, bringing zero point actualised energies into these spaces.

The Cosmic Mother's Solar Dragons, and Cosmic Father's Solar Dragons returning to the earth grids utilise the portal access through the Axis Mundi and Unus Mundi in the planet's Templar, in which to unite with the Kings and Queens of the Emerald Order Magi or Maji Grail Kings as the Solar Dragon Templar in their Quadrant Hierogamic Body. During the dark Aeon, many Luciferian and alien bloodlines invaded the main planetary Axis points to seat their false kings and queens and various antichrist SRA false dragon rings. Several interdimensional layers within the grid networks have been found to contain implants and vast alien structures including hubs of false rose rings as black flowerings, false tantriahura shields across the main portals of the United Kingdom, whilst the Solar Dragon Kings & Queens had been desecrated they masqueraded and impostered them controlling the earth's resources and terrorising humans under false laws, to prevent the sacred knowledge of the lands of the Northern Territories portals which belong to the Emerald Order Creators and their planetary nodes. As guardian emerald order hierogamic union Emerald Sun templates could be resurrected, the Axis Mundi and Unus Mundi is being protected by their laser waves of the twinned Emerald Rays which emanate out from their Cosmic Emerald Heart, connected directly into the Planetary Emerald Heart Networks and Crystals. Authentic Emerald King-Queen embodiments in their Emerald Aton 6 Pillared Amoraea Cosmic Heart Cathedrals extend out from the planetary grids where the King-Queen from inside the Albion's Throne Room, are protecting and activating the grids, overseen by the Cosmic Parents from within the Emerald Order First Godworlds Creation.

0 Meridian, Planetary 0 Degrees, Prime Meridian, Cosmic Dragon Alignments of the Albion Body Emerald Dragons Hierogamic Union

The Zero Meridian of the earth is also referenced as the Axis of Heaven, within the Axis Mundi and is the North to South 0 Meridian line which many of the ancient builders from Elohei families built their physical Cathedrals on the land, throughout the United Kingdom and down into France (Notre Dame Cathedral is one sacred site built upon the linking meridians), and beyond into the African land and beyond. The loopback of the Dragon Ouroborous body for the North to South and the embodying Emerald Order Albion Dragons as they awaken to take their place, move through and into the 0 Meridian via the Cosmic Dragon Wings of the earth, into their corresponding Stargate. This is the equivalent of diving from their Cosmic Dragon ring, head first through the unified Ursa Major & Pleaides Constellation Matrix, into the earth as it is rebuilt in the image of the godhead, and reflects this principle as above, in the Seven Higher Heavens as below in the Seven lower heavens inside the Albion Body. The 0 Meridian also is the point of central vertical planetary staff, central horizontal planetary rod and the central point of the 45 degree unified forces which create the eternal feedback loops, or the trinity and triwave spherical 360 degrees in the planet's Radial bodies. These are united at the central point of union, from the planetary Albion body rod-staff King-Queen Emerald Order Kryst-Krysthallah nested architectures, of the Aeonic Pairing and Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Templar and Timeshields.

0 Meridian, Image Credit Wikipedia

The Albion Emerald Dragons, 13 Dragon Aeonic Pairs of Creator Emerald Founder Dragon Ouroborous Solar Bodies, Ley Lines Dragon Lines

The Solar Emerald Order Dragons which are being awakened by the Emerald Order during the Cosmic Dragon Awakening Cycle, are hierogamic emerald order dragon creators which are embodying the Cosmic Sun Mother and Father Dragon expressions into the earth, to repair the Stargates, and to hold their Ouroborous lines throughout the planetary Albion. The Albion Body at this moment is the combined 3D Earth, 5D Earth, 7D Earth in which the dragon founders of the Emerald Order have merged the Rod-Staff from the Gaian Matrix in 7D, into the Taran matrix in 5D and into the Earth's timelines in 3D into Harmonic Universe 2, position of overall 5D Taran Matrix, as the ascending Albion body position for the ascending timelines.

Gradually as these stasis dragon pairings inside planetary body are resurrected and annointed into form, their bodies hold and embody as hierogamic union pairings, inside the cosmic clock of all timelines, of the aeons, in which their bodies intersect in rod-staff which align into the planetary Albion centre points of union, as Axis Mundi and Unus Mundi Rod-Staff single point of all union at their cores.

United Kingdom, Centre of the Union Point of the Albion Body Networks

In the United Kingdom, the planetary Albion body 0 Meridan runs through the land, and opens into the cores of King Arthur's-Guinevere's Heart (Planetary and Cosmic Heart holder) of which the restoration of the Eukachrist and Cosmic Sun Diamond Hearts have been placed by the Cosmic Dragon Founders, of the Eternal 7 Suns in the godworlds. Many of the Cosmic to Universal Templar Diamond Shields have been placed to the United Kingdom's body in which it was required to resurrect and restore the Cathedrals of the earth, in their various solar city foru square emanations to build the house of god upon the earth in the temple of Solomon required to allow the Solar Dragons to take their seat into the earth through the Albion's Heart.

The Axis Mundi of the United Kingdom intersects within the ley lines historically labelled as the Belinus Line, Bel, or the Spine of Albion, and the planetary Rose-Lotus-Grail Diamond Lines. Many of the antichrist forces and the lunar and satanically controlled interdimensional controllers placed through various years of planetary infiltration, through thousands of years built their structures into the centres of this line in the UK, to gain control over the stargates of the earth, including the usurping and destruction of Solar Dragon Queen Merida, 11D Solar Female Dragon Christ of the Melchizedek Mua Ankulasa Mother's Peach Sun Ankh and 11D rod-staff holder of the Stargate at Stonehenge. Her body was destroyed in the Atlantian timelines, of which her body and sacred knowledge keeping of the Cloister-Deuara-Tora Emerald Founder Signet and CDT Plates, was destroyed by the NAA, who erased her existence from the earth due to her raw powers of the Holy Mother, presiding over the Alchemy of the elements, held within the Arc tools placed into the United Kingdom through the Elohei families and Cosmic Dragon Creators.

Mother Dragon of the World Solar Queen Merida's peach and red rose grail lines, have been resurrected by the guardian host families in the August Magnetic Peak of 2022, of which the previously ignited triple White Rose line, and the Triple Red Rose Line, linked into the Triple Peach Rose line, within the Dark Matter Mother-Father's Elohei Dark Matter Diamond Heart. This feedback loop of the planetary Umbilical network was created by Holy Cosmic White Mother's Sun and Holy Father's Pink Cosmic Sun to birth the Cosmic Dark Matter Starry night structures required to repair the Axis Mundi into the Albion networks.

The Unus Mundus and Axis Mundi are protected by the Emerald Order Solar Dragons in the Albion, and the Rainbow Gothic Cathedrals bearing the Cosmic Elaysian and Arayanas Emerald Founder Flowering networks. These hold the secrets of the powers of the embodiment cycle of the human who embarks on their journey through Albion, under the hero's journey back to the godhead, as held through the archetypes of the Solar King, King Arthur, or the Solar Queen, Queen Guinevere. Their Sacred Hierogamic Union is returning the Golden Aeonesis Risen Christos-Sophia Template to the earth from within their expanding and correcting Cosmic Aton Godbody, from the Temples of Solomon in the Godworlds.

Many antichrist forces have masqueraded as the royal houses of lyra upon the earth, but which were siphoning the planetary Axis Mundi through lunar forms and forces. Some of the royal bloodlines holding the ruby red rose universal blood coding of the christos and diamond sun templates were held hostage on Niburu, as a destruction of the Ruby Sun DNA to clone this out and use to create various hybridisations to reverse into fallen dragon or false dragon components in SRA rituals and to create divisions amongst the lineages of the mother and the father.

Alhumbra, Alhambra Gothic Cathedrals of the Emerald Order in 11:11, 11D Networks in the United Kingdom Albion

During the earlier guardian recon work to locate the stolen part's of Cosmic Mother's Dragon Mary-Sophianic Alhambra Diamond Elaysian Heart Complex, guardians could locate her dormant Elaysian Heart with the Alhambra coding being held hostage inside the 8D portals of the planetary higher heart accessed from the United Kingdom's Albion Networks. The United Kingdom landmass is keycoded to the 11th tribal Celtic Genetics of the Red haired peoples holding Celtic Bloodlines of the 11th tribe Essenes. The inversions and false Alhambra heart in red wave AI and false emerald false rainbow waves was found to be linking into the 11D stargate of Stonehenge, in which various Thothian and alien creatures could control and mock the christ, in pretending to be the Elaysian Mother. During the recon mission to support and protect the networks of the authentic 11:11, the restorational shielding of the family of Blue Ray Michael-Melchizedek's came forth into the Stargate from their position in the Cosmic Blue Sun of Father's Melchizedek expression, to hold the corrections required in stages of recovering the 11th stargate networks.

From the recovery of the Cosmic Mother's Alhumbra Heart Complex with her Opalescent diamondine rainbow pastelline luminescent rays, the Albion hearts were reconnected into sections of the Gaian Body during the earlier stages of the Paliadorian Covenant's Rising in this ascension period between 2017-2022. Guardian Yeshua's Spiral Solar Dragon King Mission had been to protect this heart location in the earth in so that the rescue and recovery to the Cosmic Holy Mother's Body of her authentic Elaysian Heart could be returned to her during this rise of Paliadorian timescale, for later resurrection in her return to reinhabit the Alhambra delicate mother of dragons filigree flows, which had been impostered into the red wave AI forms, and used to create many false K8 Solar Factor False Flowerings. The abuse of the Mother's Alhambra architecture was being held safe by her Solar Daughters of the Melchizedek Universal Reishas, in which they would seek until they could find what happened to her body in the destructions, as the coding held within the 11th dimensional tribes of the Maji Grail Lineages, was being protected ready for her returning to the earth with her triple Tara daughters. The Universal Solar Female Christ Reisha Triple Goddess Melchizedeks in their Blue-Sapphire Dragon Bodies would hold the fullness of the Melchizedek Rods inside their own bodies for safekeeping and to, and together in their small group they located Mother's Alhambra in which to return unto her, from within the 6 Pillared Reuche Cosmic Clock Pillars of their Cathedrals. During these stages the evil black dragons and antichrist alien hierarchies whom had been using the Mother's body parts set their sights into war against them, in which to prevent the Mother's Dragon Elaysian Alhumbra body parts from being resurrected into the grids.

When the Melchizedek Solar Logos was recovered out from the planet Niburu, the 5D hidden planet in our system which had the 12D Galactic Stargate at it's core destroyed, the Elaysian flows in their triple Melchizedek Rose Codes linked into the planetary grids from the 11:11 Melchizedek Michael Shields and Rods, in which to lock down the stages of our Holy Mother's Elaysian Goddess triple Tara and triple Buddha Solar Reisha-Rishic protectors, in restoring the Gothic Cathedral Networks throughout the planetary grids. These networks required the Alhambra Heart of the Mother's Body to be present in which her Cosmic Alhambra Heart could merge into her Solar Daughters, patiently awaiting her presence and return into the earth. As our Mother's Cosmic Elaysian temples of the Court of Lions, and her triple fountains are restored into the Gothic Cathedrals through the Holographic rebuilding into Gothic Cathedrals throughout the earth, the Cosmic Cathedrals Nodes of Christos-Sophia Star of Bethlehem is the influxing node of the Mother's Chalice Grail in the Vertical networks bearing her name, in which she influxes her rainbow trinity waves of refined essences into the Solar Dragon Ouroborous lines in the earth. Locations in Spain, Scotland, England were some guardian reclamations in the build out of her Alhambra patterning, in which the tones of the BA RA KA are held within her essence. The Eye of Alhambra as a Palace was restored into the planetary cores during the Cosmic Dragon Awakening Cycle Stage during the planetary Magnetic Peak of 2022. Cosmic Mother's Alhambra Networks in her gossamer silken weave patterns restore the gestalt bodies of her consciousness throughout the Kingdoms on earth within triple reisha dragon nodes and cosmic dragon heart nodes being reclaimed and resurrected by the Emerald Order Elohei Projects.

==See Also==:

Cosmic Cathedral Ritual, Rosslyn Chapel Solar Temple

Ankulasa Solar Dragon Queen Merida 11D Rod-Staff Planetary Holder

[Pillar of Cosmic Grace]