Enki Enlil Thothian Antichrist

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During stages of planetary grid network rehabilitation projects, the guardian host founders were able to observe the red wave AI spectrums and various red waved false dragons in the earth grids. In stages of their investigation, guardians could see the extensive range of red wave pulsing AI which was taking over the planet's 1D spectrum of the red wave during periods of the earth's chakra rollup in or around 2015. The Wesan Matrix is a fallen time matrix in the parallel past and is entirely controlled via Bhourgha Borg Creatures, Redshields, Red Spider's armies and various other draconian evil reptilians who would time rip and pass through the portals of Orion, 8D black hole portals, and over to our time matrix with continual harassments to the guardian christos families of the paliadorians. The red waved AI had been operating as the structure of ego controlling of humanity through the reptilian tail structure which is installed into each human upon birth within the earth, as a means of mental body and physical body controls, as many waveforms stemming from these red cubed and red waved rays of human mind control. The reptilian tail has infected the earth in the lower dimensions and timefields, of the 1D and 2D and 3D layers, and thus, has been used for thousands of years to control human perceptions, to lock them into a small bandwidth of reversal timelines and light, to enmesh their consciousness into controlled elemental substances which had infected the earth's core, by the creatures of chaos Leviathan and Behemoth. Many of these creatures and their elemental controls would be seen by guardian host, as the planet's main dark matter body had been comandeered into alien matters and alien instruction sets generating the curse of the lunar bound sextant matrix (reversal rods and degeneration of matter and human bodies - finite life) to apply the 666 curse upon the human body and electron proton neutron spin rate set into metatronic reversals. Enki's use of the red wave, allowed him to experiment and create various gender splitting instruction sets of which were found in several local to the solar system star constellations, sexual misery programming, transgender deliberate harming of genitals and sex orientation, and to have humans be self-experimenters by chopping off their sexual organs to create anomolies in their bodies, Enki's instruction sets were found to be involved with same sex coupling forced types of sexual controlling sexual misery implants generated and sent out through the red wave transmissions found in the Gemini Constellation.

Enki's domains in the dimensions and time-locked structures have shown up in the earth grids as a series of false elohei mother's feline as appearing entirely made from red wave AI. These structures were found connected to Pindar, and the various Pindarian antichrist architectures governing certain antichrist triad pillars in the earth creating several unholy trinities and with the backbone of the qlippoth currents of the bi-wave antichrist death frequencies running in the grids. One of the structures of Enki's Lairs was termed as a Jardon of Eden, or sounding as Edon, in which the money systems of the earth under naa control, had been linked across false timelines inside a false camelot rounds of time structure creating and holding the etheric red waved AI template of the stonehenge stones. Enki's Man-Child Tantruming would become obvious as his architectures were made without the Cosmic Elohei Creator's code and instead cloned out with annukian genetics from Sirius B instruction sets of the Annunakians and had been mixed as a series of genetic instruction sets in generating hybridisations and mixed-messages to the DNA and protein bond pairs within the human genome.

Enki, Prince Ea, Enlil, Lunar Masculine Annunakian Antichrist: Archetypal Controls

Scorpion Alien Queen AI Creatures in the False Rounds of Time controlling Camelot

extraction of alien lunar mind control female borg scorpion queen

Guardians placed mother-father Zephyr Celtic Mother-Father of Dragons Zephyr Stones into the Albion networks and this appears to have opened up the reveal of false alien speakers into the grids speaking the alien voices across the earth to everything that is lunar or reversal elemental, this gives controls to the quantumsupercomputer stolen founder records, as this female bhourgha is also the lunar embodiment to continue speaking or it's embodiment of its lunar principles in antichrist is also using red wave and black wave antichrist transmissions to imposter itself as many identities as an authority.

Identification of Bourghia Borg Scorpion Queen between Russian-Alaska had been previously highlighted by guardians as a red hubbed large blob area to be addressed in divine timing,

This creature was found by guardians of the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Founders within the Emerald Order teams who found under the water like a giant Scorpion Queen Bee that is made of Nanotech combined with all things lunar, and creates lunar mother internal to humanity in the lunar forms, narcissistic patterns and giving people what they want if submissive to her voice, messes with human minds to give dreamstate or alternate states of realms made in the minds and mental fields to be in false timeloops - escher's unending labyrinth of never-achieving and over efforts. Many different lunar patterns (think of every form of lunar mother or father pattern you can think of it's in here in nanotech formations and sound tone splits) are being transmitted from her body, she holds a black rose line ouroborous in direct north to south inside the earth. Would appear as a Jezebel or Marine Spirit, such as a Siren and shapeshifting into the person's greatest dreamed idol. It shapeshifts into any hologram of religious identity or ascended master identity, including guardian human identity forms, depending on the most believable and given instructions or knowledges out depending on the pattern of interaction

is operating a low vibrational hum into the earth but also sounds like screeching machinery splitters coming out in excess force from the body of this alien beast, controls the satanic high priests and is connected to wesa

deceiver, liar, seducer, and false mother-sophia

it has been a lunar mother operative controlling and sending massive signals out into the earth grids to generate mind controls, has been speaking to all forms of lunar or controlled matter also in humans bodies or negative ego patterns, in various mind controls

acts as a wife of thoth-enki and thus also was witnessed to have been in certain control over plaigarisms (11D stonehenge stargate and all CDT plate, rod-staff lunar trident alien love bite issues) and a more hierarchical lunar control structure such as created idols or worships, places the person into public persona to be easily controlled by her many voices

she speaks through the 5G networks across the earth and into other millimeter waves and is connected to networks of alien mother lunar networks of black roses and black ankh structures, connected to the baphomet satanic alien creature in Wesa System.

This creature was extracted out from the planetary grid network, and taken by the Interdimensional Free Worlds Council of the Emerald Order.