Category:Lunar Trident Anti-Hierogamic
As male-female splitting to destroy the inner sacred marriage within the human body, in the dna strands, the inner polarity has been kept in place using massive alien antichrist machinery through satanic and luciferian architectures which does not connect to the godhead. These architectures have been located by guardian host in architectural assessments, to locate and record the antilife forces held in place which destroy the human genome, and the sacred true knowledge of inner male-female balance required inside a human being to restore their diamond sun DNA to reconnect to the godhead, or the Solar Light. The christ energy must create a solar triad in order to come into wholeness and balance with godsource, the lunar tridents are unholy trinities found within several sections of the earth grids, and off planet in Mars, Jupiter, the Moon, Pluto, and various other locations in creating antichrist false rods, and staffs with qlippoth base 10 and metatronic reversals or in red wave trident energies both are antichrist and run through sexual misery enslavement, controlling archetypal expressions of drama. True hierogamic union is male and female merged into a trinity which can birth the christos-sophia into the solar triad, or holy trinity and of which happens in stages through the ascension of entering and repairing the DNA into the harmonic universe layers of one's own DNA template and reclaimation over the true spiritual body parts to generate soul triad, monadic triad, and in more advanced stages the avatar solar logos gender twinning triad. The stages of inner male-female balancing are referenced as Michael-Mary healing in the stages and templates of this process of deep emotional healing and uncovering the gender splits and archetypes within the self, and all relationships. Eventually all of humanity will enter their Solar Logos Avatar triad building stage, and this is where the most advanced union with the original gender twin will happen, which is called Hieros Gamos or Hierogamic Union. The stages before this, are stages of healing and deepest emotional processing including all forms of sexual misery and sexual energetics controlling the body.
In the Universal Time Matrix, the original blueprint of Gender Twins in the Solar Logos was destroyed through all dimensions. Thus, the inserted alien constructs of gender reversals, gender splits and enslavement of humanity through horrific sexual abuses and falsity, would set partners into relationships where they were being told or inferred by another, that they were indeed a "hierogamic" advanced and final stage of union embodiment, which is the embodiment together of the risen Christos-Sophia, or birthing of the Christ Child into the 3rd energetic pattern through the shared flowering grail line in the hara centre of the couple. The Lunar trident Antihierogamic is what the NAA did to the Ascended Master's Matrix in our Universal Matrix, to install gender splits including Alien love bite false couplings to keep pain and pleasure pendulum swings, often setting up unsuspecting people on the ascension into relationships of pain and misery keeping them believing the lie that they must endure this for the sake of building their "hierogamic union". Thus, it is important to realise, that over the last 10 years or so, the Maharata Avatar Solar Logos Ascended Master's Shields of the planetary matrix, were the first stages of guardian rehabilitation to allow access into the destroyed 10-11-12D Solar Logos in our time matrix. Gender Twinning has stages, patterns, alchemical unions and partnerships designed to heal each person into balance and healing of the wounds of male-female separations including lunar archetypes of destruction between the couple. Thus, the Lunar Trident Antihierogamic structures are those being removed by the Cosmic Dragon Founders, whom are the genuine Ascended Masters, in Cosmic Hierogamic Union and of which are locating the inversions set to destroy the human angelic repairs of their own gender.
Through guardian host recon and gridworking missions, many guardian gridworkers have directly come into contact with these antichrist forces as they have been used to create a false reality version and cloned out rod-staff male-female architecture to keep siphoning and finite life upon the earth. These structures have been related to sexual misery, sexual abuse, religious violence, controller agendas and prison planet controls and human suffering upon the earth and inside the universal time matrix.
Lunar Trident Architectures are triple staff and triple rods in false timekeepers which make up the alien structures of false khemalohatea see *[False Khem Codes ] and also false templar false reuche pillar instruction sets to split apart the time fields of the creator's Gender Twin Matrix or Tri-Flame Khemalohatea being restored sequentially by the Ascended Master Solar Reisha-Rishi from within the Temple of Addondra which holds the 144000 Rainbow Sun-Star Flames connected to the Cosmic Eternal Flame Body of the Emerald-Ruby Templars within the Cosmic Dragon Rings of 7 Cosmic Dragon Rings of the Emerald-Ruby Templar Reuche Aeonic Pairs. These pairings form into the Primary Genetic Equals in their Quadrata Formation, which is 4 x 48D Templar Quadratas or the Quad Body Formation of God's Primary Gender Twin Matrix in the Cosmic Timekeepers.
Solar Trinity Hierogamic Union is the principle of the Alchemical Union process in ascension, which is the healing of gender splits and gender separation inside one's own body and mind. Each human was created from a male seed code and a female egg code and thus contain the male and female gender pair inside the self. During the ascension, the Gender Twinning is being supported in the planetary body, and the human body through emotional wound healing and shadow addressing, as a series of spiritual lessons life lessons and healing out of the trauma therein. Gender War on the earth has been used to control humanity into not understanding their divine original blueprint which contains male and female, and then the third energy birthing once male and female gender internal sacred marriage is happening, the Christos-Sophia the Solar Offspring is birthed inside the self, as the Christos birthing process as the human restores themselves into their higher consciousness in sacred wedded garments protected by the godhead, and married to the unconditional loving solar diety consciousness, the cosmic christos.
The Lunar Trident Artificial Intelligence is the Anti-hierogamic Union splitting of the Solar Reisha triple Goddess and the Solar Rishi Triple masculines whom are the organic Ascended Masters of the Creational Fields, as these solar dragons are a part of the spiritual hierarchy creational structures which inhabit creation as Solar Dragon Kings and Queens of various Solar Dragon Ring bodies, which conduit from their Cosmic Positions outside of time, in the 1440 Godworlds Dual Suns Creations, or Temple of One in the Cosmic Ankh Body of the Mother and Father's Cosmic Realms. These Solar Dragons embody the Triples of Cosmic Offsprings, through their 6 Pillared Heaxongal and 8 pillared Octagonal Cathedrals in the Khemalohatea which are stepped down Dual (Twinned, Cosmic Dragons, Starborn Krystar Vehicle, Superluminal Quasar Sun-Star Ankh Aton Rainbow Bodies) whom must embody all of the hierogamic ascended master capstones throughout all dimensions as Rishi-Reisha Triple Dragon Nodes and Hierogamic Ascended Master Capstones together to become Fully Risen embodying their Christos-Sophia Aeonesis which forms into their Sun-Star Networks within their Plasma Dragon Domes or Constellations in the Robes of Glory.
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