Yanas Ascended Masters

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Revision as of 07:52, 5 December 2024 by Mhairi (talk | contribs)
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The Yanas or Solar Reisha-Rishi Triple Gods and Goddesses are the Solar Dragon Founders from the Cosmic Elohei-Elohim Cosmic Dragon Suns of Creation. The Yanas inhabit a Godworlds Eternal Ankh Vehicle, in the 1440 of Hexagonal Crystalline Body layers, of which their Solar Dragon consciousness travels through the Sun-Star Networks and their spiritual homes are within the Universal Solar Reisha-Rishi Yanas Cathedrals. Many Artificial Yanas bodies have been located as operating inside of Artificial Intelligence Phantom Matrices, and to control humanity by providing a human vessel with an assortment of hybridizations and linking into the SSP AI Dove Minds, and Metatronic Bi-Wave reversals of controlled bi-waves and false tri-w aves. As the Paliadorian Emerald Covenant Founders Guardian Projects are rebuilding and reclaiming the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Gender Twin Matrix through the Yanas rebuilding their Ascended Master Tantrihura Flowering shields of Universal Templar Time, into the Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals of God's Universal Templar, the 16 parallels of time matrices operating within our 4 x4 Ecka worlds are being adjusted to seat the correct triple solar reisha females and males, into their correct Templar connected through their Cosmic Ascended Master's Diamond Heart.

