Kali Reema

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Kali Reema Fallen Time Cycle, Reversal Evolutionary Round of Time

Search Name Kalireema, Kali Reema

The Kali Reema construct was a fallen evolutionary round of planetary time, in which the antichrist forces used this space as a phantom zone to destroy and link into the Mother's body of Mary-Sophia and her qhite queens within the earth. During the guardian recon mission to locate and recover the solar female christ aspects of the dragon mother's body, several travels into this fallen time round were required in order to resurrect the organic consciousness body of the dragon body of holy Mother.

Inside the Kali Reema was connections to the astral plane recycling of the incarnational shredders of human souls which had been previously removed by guardian families. The location was holding many of the mother's elaysian body parts of fragmented ankh body parts, their teardrop instruction sets and also connected to falling bardot death sequencing, in the lunar forms. Solar Mary's White Queen Dragon body was being inflicted into this fallen reversal evolutionary timecycle by various Niburian Nets, NAA Thothian constructs and several false pillars and reversal cathedrals inside Niburu, Earth and Mars, Saturn and other portals using the alien antihierogamic lunar trident capstones for their use to invert the mother into lunar alien evils and supress her body from ever being restored to the earth.

Kali Reema Observations

is black enmeshed looks like a horizontal labyrinth of horizontal AI fields mixed with fallen timelines or phantom matrix times to reverse the instruction sets held within the mother's elaysian cathedrals

related to the bardot of astral recyclings

Is connected to the 4D astral planes phantom matrix which leads into lower timefields inside the parallell Universal fallen time matrix of Wesa. It is connected to reversal aeons of time which are black sun aeonics that power down into those time matrixes linked to the fallen timelines and reversal controlled timelines and rods stemming from the Orion Black Hole and Black Sun-Star Abaddon.

Is connected to an eye of Consettia Black Dragon which looks like a wheel with 90 degree ends on the spokes, not unlike a nazi or antakharana reversed symbol, but has around 24 spokes on it. Let's call this an antichrist reversal of double diamond sun - like a black discoball instead of a christic one, feels like the reversal which is hosting the reversed aeon energies into that time matrix and linking in spilling invasions over into the Universal time matrix we are positioned inside here.

Connected to Lunar Pillars inside of planetary body. As black crow east pillar, black lion west, black north jaguar and black south as a griffin/gargoyle hybrid - reversal time pillars

Black rose and black spine as the staff of the wesa, so through its' universal spheres of the 1-2-5-8-11 is a black rose and black staff

Connected to Kali Archetypal Archontic Force in reversing the Solar White Queens within the earth and in Tiamat

Fallen Eden codes connected to seducer force archetypal demonics and she-demons in the earth grids and in baphomet fields of hellrealms and 2D body of earth

Guardian Session Excerpt and Clearing/Recon of Kali Reema Planetary Impacts, White Diamond Heart of The White Queen Diamond Templar Shield Restorations in the Albion Body

Ok, so the connection in the use of the christos-sophianic rainbow rounds of time, and to observe this location of current awareness guardians highlight the structure of focus is connected to the of reversal and controlled elements related to leviathan principles, the compactions of atomic and sub atomic layers and levels, and this is also seemingly related to rod functions in the phantom matrix timelines and connections into black hole systems and the connection into a fallen time cycle which is recognised as the ka-lay-reema time Now this is understood to be somewhere between here and the second parallel or second parallel time matrix to this one which would be part of the wesa system, and over the last few weeks guardians have been accessing that its like a reversal time or fallen time round of time, at what feels like a universal level or a connection into what would be the dark aeon of the consettia energy,

So consettia black dragon energy was more prevalent last year or the year before, and it was evicting the consettia energies out from the rose line ley lines and grail line and grids across the planet wherever required and this energy whenever we were coming into contact with it, it feels like a reversal aeonic pair it feels like a death energy a big giant threat energy to the body but this energy is black dragon consciousness, related to kathulu abraxas energies, so these consciousness forms, and what is like a demonic and a reversal aeon, and when I speak of that I am speaking of that being a time principle and a reversal aeonic pairing, and had been used to create reversals so that the planet could not aeonic pair, through the principles of the krysthallah template for the planet and also for our personal templates as well, so many of us here may have come into contact with that energy to heal evict and remove as part of the reversals as this is a, it’s a disconnected and reversal time, like a phantom matrix that doesn’t have an organic connection to the creator it’s in the wesa system and so guardians have been working in there to recover god seed body parts over the last 2 weeks which are directly related to what was lyran vegan serres Egyptian gold ray lineages, and also hapshetsut timelines and other body parts which were found and located by the christos guardians in that location.

It appears that the human mitochondria has been reversed inside this connection to the Kali Reema location, in so guardians now making us aware that this can be corrected through the fieldworking taking place at this time, as we hold the space for consciousness retrieval here, this round of time looks like ablack record or labyrinth that has holes in it, it is entrapping the consciousness energies of the adamic bodies so the adamic body being a model of body that could sustain the eternal god spark creator essence inside of it, which has connected to the previous Egyptian timelines, so the AK timeline and the HA timeline, where the bodies were able to connect in and retain a connection and when the adamaic body returns and merges into your current station of identity it brings with it this strengthened F-M irreversible and unassailable connection in a protected way At this time we are just hosting the field to return these opalescent pastelline god seed crystals and body parts there is an assortment of body parts and what I am also looking at is ruby sun template parts come up from this fallen round of time Calling forth the amplifier of the yod of father god

Some level of repair is now available to the mitochondrial DNA, so applying the aquareion lilac amplifier with the combinations of the aquafey and the aquaelle to clear mitochondrial, there’s like a binding on the..ok.I want to say that what I am feeling that on the returning of these body parts, they are highlighted as the returning to have contained a portion of the blood code mitochondria code it has inside of it some kind of marker or tagging system that has been held inside the reversal round of time, what I want to share about that is, this is like looking at where the families were not able to exit the time matrix and were instead killed for their lightbody gifts and massacred in previous timelines and the body parts were then used to allow the dragon black hole entities to harness the christic code into their use

But this has had an impact of the KA battery body of the earth and also of humanity so it feels as if when these are returned, there is a power surge returns to the physicality to the physical body as it is merged into wholeness, and merged into wholeness christae tagging systems, May we clear this universal karmic load that has been superimposed upon the rightful owners of the body parts and clearing shadow forms of reversal god seeds and cloned godseeds that are harnessing a 10 strand regressive DNA black sun template, Infusing the body with krystal rainbow waters and applying elemental reencryption as god would have it be Holding space for the return of gold ray rod codes And gold ray keeper essences

I want to add to that and say, the solar logos rod codes are what seems to be coming back as part of this return and these appear, certainly in this moment they appear as the omega symbol, so there is a level of rod embodiment that happens through the Michael to the Michael galactic template to the aurora christos template in the aeonic pairing, which is related to a merging of the omega rod codes in their krystic resurrected format they make a pair, so there is a level of awareness that there has been a lot of stolen solar logos rod coding which is what hosting part of the return for here, and so I would like to allow the sacred heart principle of our group field to usher away any form of despair or heartache as we recognise the return of our own body parts in the group field and that which has been stolen by our families before us, in the previous time cycles, There are also now a lot of violet rod codes that are returning through our session field again to be RRO (return to rightful owner) Requesting an amplification of resonator keys

Feeling seeing and calling forth the rainbow ray recoding of the 2-5-8-11-12 spheres and central axis Collapsing the reversal of the double diamond sun template in the wesa system and the eye of consettia superimpositions, karmic overlays ancestral genetic bindings through the curse of Yahweh,

the curse of Ezekiel the curse of Ezra, the consciousness identifying as the sermon on the mount, which is – in this understanding of what we are looking at in architectural terms is like looking at something that I want to call the tablet of smarna but is related to thoth transcriptions but is related to the stealing of the emerald order coding and body parts so, it has gorgon and Nephilim energy connections,

I wanted to say it feels like the 10 commandments as given as part of a biblical falsity as a narrative as part of the controller systems, so dismantling that construct (in wesa it is being held in this fallen round of time) but is harnessing it’s utilisation, it is connecting into the 10th stargate into the planet but is also impactful over the paliadorian activation sequences as part of the rod building, so the emphasis here is more of the masculine parts returning, but when I feel into this, and please forgive any emotional part here because it feels very raw, This is also related to the thoth timelines niburian histories of the eiyani Essenic massacre and this is feeling like exactly where thoth took a lot of the male energies and disconnected them from the females through that timecycle and timelime, lovingly holding compassionate witness for that Application of RRO

All keys, wings, jewels, crystals, time codes, As we collapse and remove any remnants of reversal time pillars related to

Black crow, black lion, black jaguar, and black griffin/gargoyle hybridisation which are being used as reversal time pillars, in each person’s crystal cathedral as apart of an overlay or binding, We clear the reversal off the bodies of all of these returning bodies and in our bodies of the group of anything which is impactful of the organic cosmic day Which has been a binding in the fallen parallel universes and is impactful of our current universal time matrix here

Reconnecting the senses

At a deeper level into the heart space, into the nuclear core, into the shield 12th dimensional shield centre, allowing the crystalline eye principle to return to the physical eyes, 3000 As we unite that eye principle as the christos-sophia merged holy trinitized form of the eye consciousness and clearing the optic nerve, left eye optic nerve right eye, the pineal to pituitary communication system, clearing pineal cages, black plasma or reversal spherical domains that are projected through the false lens systems,

Removal of implanted timecubes and the brain and the brain stem, brain centre, allowing for the collapse of artificial timelines, and quantum supercomputer or AI red wave generated timewaves and related constructed intelligence overlays, removal of the digitized red wave AI rose and grail line principle or what also appears as a 10 strand dna template made from the red ai wave And clearing red rose coding which is digitized as a false mother femme fatale influence, clearing from each dimensional sphere, Clearing reversals dragon moth and related qlippoth currents Removal of a red wave and a blue wave AI vertical caduceus template is slightly different from the regular caduceus implant this is revealed as harnessing part of the kundalini from the 1d to 9d levels, clearing the red and blue wave intersections and these bind into the spinal column at the reversals placed in the spine through Michael-mary separation so for each psersons here we ask to remove the Michael mary stitching and broken horizontals – this implants, as stiches also impacts the embodiment of the rod inside of the male who is building the rod and also if the female has rod codes and is building that within her body, these stop the Michael mary consciousness from being unified and embodied

Lovingly we ask all aspects that can be removed to be removed in this moment now and allowing for fire letter sequences to be rewritten in the organic resurrected format as god would have it be

As we severe the false umbilicus or the false spinal cord connection and the black crystal connections through the False naval, false heart and false brain architecture which is like 3 crystal instruction sets that are dead crystals or demonic seeds crystals that are harnessing connections into these phantom matrix timelines Where appropriate correct and safe, please support for each person here to remove these architectural superimpositions Clear and collapse negative forms nested clone bodies artificial and hybridized genetics bonded into digital constructs

Allowing the oceanic bursts of the pastel krysthalla sun waters, krystal waters and the holy principle of the rainbow hierogamic robes to wash through all aspects of the etheric layers of your body to support the reanimation and integration of the KA battery body through the atomic body regulator, it’s like going through the permanent seed atom to the perineum creating a rainbow plasma wave of re-weaving of the microcosmic orbit and is supportive to help build the diamond rose-grail line inside of your personal lightbody Running the rainbow wave architecture through the lungs, connecting the lungs to the nose and to the heart in all combinations to rebuild and nourish the interconnection between the higher dimensional consciousness and the breathing or the breath of god through the architecture of the lungs and the nose

Amplifying the krysthallah breast plate or krystal aegis architecture installing and activating the armour of god architecture,

the armour of god architecture was like almost like epaulettes of the shoulders and a kind of diamond breast plate on the front and back of the chest that is in addition to the krystal aegis so through the ascsioning there are multiple levels of breastplates that seem to come online that are part of each lightbody level and layer of the unification principle of the male and female so just allowing yourself gently to be held by the armour of god, by the krsytallah sun pastel rays it’s almost like looking at in our group field now that the 12 krysthallah sun bodies in their entirety are flowing down the pastel rays into each person’s body and anchoring different sequences of these pastel frequency sets that feel like they rotate, so today you might feel the rainbow as a rainbow merge, you might feel it another day as a lilac, you may feel a different ray another day

Allowing body to relax into the corrections that have been brought forth today

And the removal of the imprints of reversal avalon, and reversal eden, false eden narratives to clear the 11d sphere of all records of connections and reversals related to the 11d stargate memories, miasma, pain, suffering, trauma, removal of past mission failure feelings, trigger points, and related phantom reality construct embeds and holographic generated experiences, just allowing your breath to absorb your highest god source essence and frequency into the body

To close and seal any harmful portals or collapse and close any portions of timeline To allow your heart to expand with your consciousness bodies, with the mental body, with the soul matrix body and the monad, and the avatar Allowing the golden solar DNA to recode and aid in the integration of return of body parts, pieces and identities as you hold the solar pillar, and remember the solar self, you are Just acknowledging the awareness here of the 30 strand dna template being returned where needed and necessary as part of your embodiment sequence as 10 10 10 in the golden ratio of the solar cube matrix

Sinking into the crystalline silence of the heart Allowing for the aquareion to recode the physical body parts and glandular systems where there is weakness, or strengthening needed to aid in the transformation 4520 As we are connecting as a group and remember the consciousness of the 11th dimensional tribe through the grailkeeper lineages of which we are a part, hosting and rebuilding the rainbow round for the 11th dimensional gate on the earth Just holding a gentle awareness as our shield is held in the rainbow rounds of our group field Beloved holy presence of god, as we are your compassionate witness to each other, may all hearts be healed in relation to the AI inserts false identities inserted across our planet to create confusion obfuscation of the arthurian grail mission the akhenation grail mission, the hapshetust grail mission the yeshua mary grail May we clear each connection Each trigger point, memory fragrance algorithmic installation of false time, false memories, false time memories, false brain, AI brain into the thothian construct of thothian architecture which is an AI brain

We ask lovingly through the strength of our group field that each member remove and collapse all obfuscations victim-victimiser all Armageddon programming and sexual misery that has been used to desecrate the body memory mind understanding and embodiment of the holy christos within

Rebuild renew and re-establish templar communication networking systems and relationships between the planetary grid dragon line and ley lines and personal body architecture axiom lines And central vertical column to god source as the White Diamond Templar Shield of the Albion Body is being highlighted as a part of this session in the reconnections to the Albion's Heart at this time. OK, thank you beloved guardian teams.

So now as part of the rainbow round the tri-wave rainbow in the rainbow rounds, to further support the animation and anchoring of what looks like rainbow crystal algorithms of the krystallah rainbow body into this templar diamond rainbow shield, and I want to say what I am feeling or looking at inside the Albion Body Networks Is almost like a heartbeat come online within that structure, it is like looking at the sonar sophianic luminescent waves of the principles of the rainbow krysthallah the embuing together to support the anchoring together of the heart of the albion body come back online in a new configuration

The portions of the heart of the albion as a male and female albion structure and cathar sounds of the mother's consciousness and I want to also support an understanding here that work that guardians were achieving two to three weeks ago at this point, was the installation support of the sacred marriage principle of the male and female principle star element of the albion body, but the male christos twin children reconnect to the sophianic body so we could call that the principle in the earth that is the christos-sophia or aeonic parts in the planet itself, so the hosting here for those guardianship awarenesses

Of the feeling is part of the almost like I want to call it the permanent of the seed atom the heart of the albion at this field section, which is as a level of hierogamic union and restoration within is occurring in this structure

So allowing witness, this has an influence on the vertical ley lines of the UK which are quire often depicted as serpent lines there is a line that runs down the eastern portion of the UK body which is a 7d line, and there’s a ley line that runs north to south, they run into France, they run from the north pole down the planetary system. But it’s a 6d line in the UK body that have been used to reverse the Michael mary connections, also the rod function of our planet

In this moment my awareness is that this work of the guardian families is to help the unification principle for the planetary body itself to support the ongoing of the Michael and mary solar principles for our planet

Which will in the ongoing states and phases support the humans humanity and ascending humans to embody their Michael and mary as the solar principle And so just seeing or observing portions of the 6d and 7d ley lines be cleared from this action as this templar like an encrusted shield has a form of heartbeat now, when I feel like the ongoing potential as a larger potential to run triwave or zero point, which is held inside the heart of the cosmic diamond templar white diamond shielding, in our hearts may we give thanks to our guardian teams of support, may we feel the breath of god in our bodies to bring ever protective understanding in the perfected gnostic direct experience and cellular understanding the gift of god, Repattern and restructure triad communication stations in the diamond sun solar logos to coordinate now to the potentials in the multidimensional highest expression, Please seal the auras and close the session field as god would have it be.

(end of guardian host session excerpt June 2020)

See Also



Solar Christ Mary Sophia 13th Dragon Queen

Lunar Pillars