Category:Sun-Star Networks
The Sun-Star Networks are the Solar Sun bodies and Star Body Constellations which are suns which make up our planetoid-star body universal time matrix as the paliadorian cosmic dragon elohei's inhabitant locations for their creations. The Sun and Solar Bodies, including Stars, are multidimensional bodies which make up the realms of god's matter bodies and are stargates, and portals of their own right, from within their Solar Body configuration. As the many stars and suns in the matter realms are being reconnected to the seven higher heavens godworld's cosmic spirit body and solar transmissions of god's body in sound tones, and in communication links, the Sun-Star networks are a part of the travelling matrix of time travel within the human lightbody in the Ankh Solar Vehicle.
Pages in category "Sun-Star Networks"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.