Diamond Rose Line

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Diamond Rose-Grual Line

The Rose line is a universal antakharana flow through the universal staff-scepter in the universal time matrix, which supports the diagonal mother to solar female sophianic flowering of the diamond heart networks upon the earth. These hearts circulate organic trinity wave liquid light forces from the godhead, throughout the tributaries in the planetary grid leys and links circuitry. This architecture is part of the mother's body and the Cathar codes which create chalice grail cup trinitised forms in the merged black and white hole spin points of the planet. Solar Dragon Kings and Queens flower a hierogamic flowering rose line between their bodies as part of their spiritual duty as Grailkeepers within their 6 pillared cosmic cathedrals in their Ankh bodies.

It is part of the grail line and runs throughout the planetary body across the globe.

The Rose Line is a resurrection of original divine hierogamic union frefined flows of elixirs of god. Inside the human body, the solarisation of the living light breath of the mother and father unite inside to create the merging of the inner male and female. The Cathar body of the mother and her flowerings, and the Cathar body of the father united to generate a 45 degree angle of diamondine lines within the human body, as it is being married with the divinity of god from the inside, to be prepared in stages of birthing the christ child through the internal grail. The Christ child birthing takes place through a series of golden dragon eggs, and in hierogamic union couples the Risen Christos-Sophia requires the full solarisation of the Double Diamond Sun Krysthallah body in which to receive the Azothian flows of the Divine Fire-Waters and alchemical elixirs of eternal godworlds eternal life, or also referred to as the fountain of youth which embodies into their shared Aurora Rainbow Crown of the Avatar Christos-Sophia within their Solar Logos Embodiment. This principle is being restored into the earth by the hierogamic union of the Elaysa-Melchizedek Suns, and the Dual Suns which have created spirals of the godhead's energies which run through and to the ascended master's capstones in the planetary body, and in the stargate networks. To embody and ignite the rose line inside the body, the sexual organs must be consecrated to authentic solarisation, and one must disband from any sexual abuse practises, including the abuse of one's own sexual energy in seducership, or forceful use of one's sexual energy to force such things as the creation of wealth.

The Rose line repatterns and restructures the relationship of the sacral centers to the heart and higher heart matrices. When the architecture is completed Golden Peach White Christ child energy emerges in the body partners to be more fully embodied. Intersects with the lightbody rod function, the centre point is in the 8D thymus higher heart. It is responsible for supporting the rising of sexual energy into the heart centre, through healed sexual centres into sealed wholeness, freed from lunar and reversals and siphons.

The Michael 6th dimension-Mary 7th dimensional wing points are required to create a heart twinning movementwhich meet the rose line in the lightbody creating a form of rod and staff intersection between the eternal original 3d 12 tree grid and the 5d lightbody 12 tree grid of the Krysthallah 12:12 corrected masculine and 13:13 corrected feminine principles in the lightbody. This signifies an extensive reorientation and transformation of lunar forces and the sexual misery programming related to and running in the lower dimensional energy centers.

It means that the solar sacrum births the Christ child, requiring the rose line and the rose breath to have been created in the union. The rose line is what allows the sexual energies to be felt and experienced inside the heart center. Guardian representatives reclaimed the planetary UK rose line, reactivated, and returned resonance of it to the blue dragons who originally installed the lines.

Cosmic to Universal Ankh of the Mother-Father

Guardians specific mission to recover the Universal Ankh body of the formholding blueprints and Ankh layers inside the time matrix, was supported during the periods of the restorations of the Cosmic Dragon's Returning their Cosmic Dragon bodies down into the reclaimed bodies within the earth and local planets in the solar system. Extensive damage had been carried out to the rose line interconnecting planetary networks in the grids, as several planets had been invaded and their core sun-star stargate was inverted for alien black rose and black lotus networks in black hearts circulating antilife across the solar system. The restoration and appearance of the Mother's Ankh Body of her Sapphire body started to be returned to the Solar Logos 10D Lyran Vegan stargates, and of which the Father's Pink Ankh body started to appear and be rebuilt during the Metatronic Logos Restorations hosting the father's trinity of tri-tones into his sound body as his Pink Elohei forms of Solar Rishi made their hierogamic union with the mother's white elohei into the stargates of Macchu Picchu 5D, Malta 5D Gate as the Planetary's soul matrix was being more fully restored. The Ankh Body of the Universal Time Matrix is a Solar Rishic and Solar Reisha Sacred Aeonesis Marriage, which hosts through the trinitised forms from the eye of god, and is correcting the Cosmic Ankh body of god from its spirit form in the godworlds, into it's matter form of Ankh in which the Cosmic principles of the Cosmic Dragons of Creation, including the Solar Rishi and Reisha, travel in and out of the godworlds, to hold the principles of the aspects of the body of god that they represent.

Solar Dragon Rose Trinity Ouroborous Lines Reclaimed into the Earth, Albion Dragon Bodies

As the Cosmic Dragon Awakening has been taking place, several of the earth's natural trinity of rose lines were found to be destroyed, and required to be resurrected into formation by the emerald founder families mission to return the cosmic aethers and flows from the godhead directly into the earth grids. The Axis Mundi and Unus Mundi intersections of the earth are ancient Emerald Order Cosmic Rod-Staff entrance points which through their Emerald Heart and Rainbow Rosetta Breaths of their Living Lights of Emerald-Aurora-Elaysian Rainbow Life giving current's from the Eireayanas Amoraea Heart-Breath they were able to activate and bring into the planetary grids, the annointment of their Emerald Albion Dragons, and their assorted Rose Dragon Rings, Rose Trinity Lines and Lotus Dragon Rings. During the build out of the emerald order's restorations to support the Rainbow Dragon Rings, 7 Rainbow Dragon Rings were placed into the earth through the Cosmic Emerald Triple Timekeeper Pillar inside the Four Leaf Clover Cosmic Emerald Pillar which was placed as an Emerald Eye-Crown into the Stonehenge Stargate 11D in England during guardian host Malta's work in August of 2022.

This installation of Rainbow Dragon Rings is the formholding blueprint of which to support the restorational figure of 8 liquid plasma flows which build out into the Paliadorian Starseed's Dragon Body, through a series of genetic keycodes into the RealmKeeper's rod-staff coding, held by the Emerald Aeonic Pairings inside the Albion Throne Room. Thus, the build out of several stealth missions of trinity of rose lines was activated from the Pendragon Shield network in which the Founders could rebuild the flowering plasmas through the Pillars of Cosmic Grace, and the Coppery Cosmic Dragon Twinned Pillars and Failsafe Platforms throughout the grids in 2022. The timing of the activations was during the supermagnetisms returning into the earth from our Cosmic Mother's White Rainbow Cosmic Dragon Body returning her White Cosmic Ankh into the earth networks, through her triple to quad Elohei ancient builder feline vertical grid networks. The Great White Lion White Diamond Verticals in Earth to the Great Blue Lion Diamond Verticals in Tara, to the Great Golden Lion Verticals in Gaia and into the Emerald Lion Elohei Capstone to generate a capstone layer in the Emerald Order's Coding.

Mother & Father's Regulus in Leo Constellation, for North Star Emerald Templar King Arthur-Guinevere's Alignments

To restore the stages of cosmic mother's quadrant of dragon verticals the Emerald Order's Capstones of the Emerald Sekhmet Guardians from inside the Emerald Order, placed their Capstone through the North Star in Regulus, to unite the Father's Dragon Eye Emerald Order in Regulus, to the Mother's Eye in which supported the restorations for later North Pillar alignment of King Arthur's Emerald Dragon Eye from inside the English and Scottish Portals of the United Kingdom. This Northern Star Principle is important as it aligns the entire planetary Emerald Umbilicus into the Northern Stars throughout all of the procession of equinoxes, unified into the Cosmic Reuche Pillars, and directs the organic aligment through the grail chalices in the mother's body to receive the frequencies of her flowering songs, tones and love, and united with the father's songs tones and love, as the songs of the Christos-Sophia which resound in the Solomon Temples and Rose Lines, which are inside the Solar Dragon King-Queen hierogamic bodies currently annointed into the earth in their ascended master rishi-reisha templates. [Ref Malta August 2022]

Reclaiming the Rose Line

The architecture in the UK landmass, Hawaiian landmass and in other locations upon earth has been usurped in previous timecycles and holds reversal energies and codes. The Rose line ley tributary originally connected into the organic diamond heart intersections of planetary lightbody architecture, from the UK into the France stargate system. Guardian teams through Krystal Star have accessed the line and retrieved the consciousness units which were being held in reversal on the line. Part of these energies binding the roseline in a reversal current are bloodline and blood sacrifices of the Cathar and Essene lines, who held the alchemical knowledge and gnosis of becoming a 'Christ' embodied human. The blood record of humans holds the entire consciousness record. Upon death, the Cathars and Essenes who were tortured and killed for their knowledge by negative aliens were stapled into this grid line in order to mock the mother and christ-sophia essences. Guardian teams have also recovered human soul energies who were bound as part of freemasonry false luciferian light rituals from the rose line. Part of the Christ Reclamation mission is the intentional recovery of our spiritual body parts, consciousness units and DNA codes which have been bound into the planetary body and held in reversal.

To know oneself as a christ is the divine birth right of all humans to understand themselves as 'a christ' body, that the human form is. This information has been hidden from humans and is distorted through various teachings on earth. All humans are built in the mirrored perfection of the Christ, as humans are a Christ body - which is synonymous with saying a Diamond Sun Template.

The Rose line holds the downstepped frequencies into the earth through the structure known as the holy grail, or internal chalice, which at the Montsegur 12D Stargate and Kauai 12D inner Stargate is a 12D connection into the planetary body and out into the natural stargates to Lyra, and Andromeda. The Planetary Rose Line intersects the Michael-Mary 6D-7D line in the UK and is accessible through a pure heart intention to recover consciousness and release memories of torture in previous times. The Rose line is further supported via the planetary staff lightbody connections into the correct alignment at this time through Andromeda, and into the heart of AquaLasha, and Krysthl Universal system, which is transmitting frequencies into the planet at this time to restore the truth to humanity.

During the stages of the reclamation of the planetary rose line, from earlier periods back in 2007 and onwards, the Melchizedek Female Solar Christ Family observed the gross reversals of Orion Draconians controlling lunar females to put them in place under false rose groups having been set up to actually infiltrate, steal and destroy the lightbody of the Melchizedek Females on the Christos Mission in their nodal points across the earth. What wasn't understood by the deceivers of the rose line functions, and false rose groups upon the earth is that it would take the Holy Emerald Order's Body in the White Rose of the Holy Mother's White Queen, and the Pink Rose of the Holy Father's Pink Elohei Red King, would have to reunite in their Cosmic Cathedrals Rituals, in their White Queen Bride of Christ and Red-Rainbow Father King of Christ within their Emerald Ankh Eternal Godworlds Solar Dragon Vehicle, in order to secure and lock down the planetary Rose lines for restoration to King Arthur's protectorship which happened in stages during the Cosmic Dragon Awakenings in 2022, and in 2023. This delineation of activated authentic trinity of the organic rose lines and shields is highlighted by the guardian families to support starseeds in the earth in comprehending the massive deception which has taken place over false twin flames, false unions and false partnerships to derail the organic grail codes held inside the female womb portal and the masculine prostate portal. Guardian host acknowledge the painful suffering of many false partnerships which were being set up in hidden derailment tactics to confuse lower timelines of activation into believing they had control over the planetary stargates and rose lines, but of which false dragon rings, false cathedrals and false lunar trident situations were being imposed, installed as varying false ascended master identities into the wrong genetic ray identity. The NAA deceivership over the ascending spiritual families returning to the earth to learn about the truth and be re-educated through the genuine emerald order families, firstly have to come to comprehend the abuses created in sexual misery were reversing the rose line and nodes in the earth to appear as hierogamic union emerald order body parts. These alien structures, cloned roses, and various false reality fields of love light and bliss, filled with alien light language and channeling must be removed from the personal use as the rose line flowering ignites within the spiritual truthseeker during the negative ego mind control releases. The solar sacrum of the human body is required in order to raise and embody the sacred flowering of the sexual organs, which will bring the human orgasmic power into the heart through acts of lovemaking. This is a part of the very sacred human sexual sacred marriage with the godhead, which flows through the flowering diamond heart, the flowering rose and grail chalices, and the inner unified male-female hara line which delivers the essence of god's living light eternal truth spirits to the embodied Solar Avatar Human. In the Avatar Solar Sun embodiment, the Seven Suns of the Krysthalah Tones will start to become embodied, in which to build the Eukachrist Rainbow Shield and Individual Ankh Body of God.

When the Avatar Sun Solar Logos Identity is embodied, the Rose Line rises into the outside of time Christos-Sophia as the birthing of the Christos Solar Child into the Vessel prepared as the personal Christ.

The Rose line as plasmic flowerings in the human body builds through the clearing out of sexual misery, and will seed and blossom within the person who wants to know the true god and understand to dedicate their sexual organs to building of their personal diamond sun template.

Until the Rose Line is capable of being built into the human body, the frequencies of the Christos-Sophia are not possible and as such the internal 2-5-8-11D centres of the dimensional body cannot receive the essences downstepped from the 13-14-15D eye of god, into the 12D Avatar body. In Gender twins or Primary Genetic Equals who authentically have their [Krystal Gene Code] embody inside the female form as the mother's 13:13 spin, and the 12:12 rod spin inside the male body, as the advanced Hierogamic Union of their Avatar Suns twinned; when united in genetic equals these create the sacred interdimensional conduits of the body of god, for the Cosmic Aethers and Cosmic Azothian Frequencies to be alchemised in their Hierogamic Union through the threefold flame gifted into their bodies from their outside of time Krystal Cathedral. This is a rod-staff function of which the Christos-Sophia opens out into the godworlds for travelling as a Cosmic Citizen in and out of the Cave of Creation. The Risen Christos-Sophia birthes through the original gender twins whom have built and reclaimed their soul, monad and avatar sun bodies to triad these together in the shared lightbody, which opens additional experiences through their rod-staff together. The internal Christos-Sophia building of the solar vessel inside a human form can embody through 1D-7D in unifying the energetics in building the Mother's Staff Verticals, which would bring the Planetary level of ascension of the solar Mary or solar Michael body to the human christ body.

This the pre-requisite to build and embody the entire risen rose-lotus flowering lines in the centre of the human vertical channels, as a series of extensive flowerings in 45 degree christos-sophia diamond angles in full 360 orb body configurations and tantriahura edenic flowering shields which live in the horizontal rods. On the ascension path it is suggested by the guardian host to clear one's sexual organs and energies of painful abuses, cords, energies, succubus demons, sexual desires to others or materials, including the over use or intentional use of one's sacred lifeforce energy. If this is abused or used in any form of seducer force, including the baphomet over-electrified sexual energetics in baphomet used to create destruction to the higher heart building process, then this must be recognised before the human can rebuild their rose line internally for the godhead to share the sacred elixirs internally, creating the chambers of solarisations inside the heart. There is no part of the godhead that will use a sexualised energetic through a christos body in order to use this for any form of healing to another person, place or thing. The godhead frequencies run through the body of Sophia, inside the human who has cleared all lunar forces, male or female body, in which the love of the true holy mother's body is the parent-child bond of the love of god to the god's child (human being, angelic human body) this is also known as the Mother-Sophia healing which comes through the Crystal Lotus Diamond Heart in the Monadic Core, permanent seed atom. This runs aquamarine at first, and later during Sophianic embodiment this turns Sapphire, throughout all dimensions and through the human crystal body of the Silicate Matrix, or Avatar Solar Logos embodiment.

The Blood of the Christ runs within the rose-grual lines, and is coveted over many centuries as part of the luciferian and satanic forces on the earth comandeered this architecture to create crucifixions, reversals and siphonings out of the earth. Many secrets lie within the embodiment of the Rose line, as the template is returned to humanity through the inner sacred marriage of the male-female of the risen solar male and female christ as the christos-sophia in hierogamic union. It is the at-one-ment with god source and eternal breath of the living light and mother's breath in the body rising the inner principles of the holy spirit to reencrypt the atomic body and matter elements into their krystic format. Guardians in previous times attempted to return this to the earth through the Holy Ruby Order, and the Ruby Crystal Body from Lyra, as the Mother lineages contained the Rose Cathar coding required to retain access into the 11D edenic planes and realms of the Avalonian connections, to the organic Eden codes. The flowering principles of the lightbody are attained in healing the heart matrices and sexual organs into wholeness and are a part of sacred sexual embodiment.

When the Rose Line is building inside the body, with the flowerings and the essences, the interference and intentional hijack of this process is possible to be derailed by old lovers or interfering alien entities trying to push non-compatible partners together whilst fooling them with various hero-saviour red cubed programs, in which they are told they are here to save the world as maji grail kings and queens. In the authentic Magi lineages, these emerald order founders hold the override within the Albion networks from inside their Emerald Rounds inside the Cosmic Reuche Cosmic Clock Emerald Pillars, from the 12 pillars into the 6 Heart Pillars, which are protected by the Albion King_Queens in the Emerald Throne Rooms. These Cathedral formations are a part of the Emerald Founder's promise to humanity, to restore the Emerald Heart of Humanity, which will connect in stages to the planetary Emerald Heart, to the Galactic and Universal Emerald Heart, which has downstepped frequencies of the Emerald Order into the earth.

Lotus-Rose Diamond Ouroborous Line

See Planetary Lotus-Rose Diamond Elaysa-Melchizedek Hierogamic Restorations Planetary Dragon Ouroborous Lines North-South Axis Mundi

Black Rose, Black Flowering, Implosions to the internal hara line, False Sophia

Many Black rose and lotus grids and nodes running in the earth's body controlled the true nature of the mother's cathar body upon the earth. Mostly, as we know, the lunar force of the seducer or controller female in the lunar expression has at its backbone the false spine of albion, false chalice grails which lead into the 2D baphomet alien false sophia consciousness forms. Guardians have successfully located many variations of the imposters of the mother's sound tones on the earth, in which the Solar Female Melchizedeks' upon earth could retain the triple goddess codes and the mother's rose line controls through their operational control over the planetary staff verticals and the planetary rod horizontals, in which they could utilise for later resurrections of the Mother's Reisha triple Rose Lines into the earth.

The Mother's Body as the Mother of Dragons in the earth is the Ouroborous Solar Dragon Ring as embodied by her Solar White Queens in the earth, which in the past earlier reclaimations of the Rose Line in the earth was the Cathar Mother's Solar Rose Line held by Guinevere and Meritaten's bodies. These Solar Dragons were reversed, broken, destroyed, among with their sisters of the Mary-Sophia's White Queens, and the guardian host long term mission to recover Solar Mary-Sophia and her beloved Christ King Michael was the long term goal to reclaim their bodies for all of humanity. Once they were seated and throned by the Emerald Order Families and their living Rosetta Rainbow Dragon Breath of the Solar Mother of Dragons, this allowed the Planetary Rose Lines to flower in their plasmic flowerings and to repair into the earth as connected with the divine flows of the Mother's Cosmic Sun and her Dragons, and the Father's Cosmic Sun and his Dragons, which are in various stages of restorations in the planetary Albion Body.

The Black Rose, and various Black Flowers in the human form shows the lunar dark mother, moon matrix and lunar reversals as an energetic substance controlling the female part of the consciousness body and lunar forms or attachments, which must be faced in the personal ascension, as these extractions and removals are a part of the ascension process of Lunar to Solar. To embody the true nature of the solar consciousness, the black flowers and reversals, satanic and luciferian energies connected to control, sexualisations, abuse of sexual energy or power abuses as per the Lunar Dark Alien Mother Baphomet, must be extracted, removed and shed from the body, which eventually means for the Solar Sexual Organs that no sexual urges will remain in the body, the body will be repatterned slowly into receiving the Solar Female in both the male and the female body.

The Eternal Cathar Flows of Plasmic Flowerings inside the human body builds the internal chalice of holy trinity, from the sexual organs in which the corrections through the ascension will bring various flowerings to the sexual organs and run life force energy upwardly in the human body, to repair the gender splits in every dimension, and with the journey in embodying self sovereignty. Starseeds on the earth will also be led through these activations and changes, and will have to see the pain and suffering that the personal consciousness and the planetary solar consciousness has suffered, as the healing takes place to rebuild the solar diamond rose and flowering lines. The negative ego minds, and the sexual organs are entwined into these lunar forms, and thus the ascension will bring personal life lessons in healing past timelines such as high priestesses using sexual energy to heal others: in this ascension, this pattern must be healed out, as no form of control over others, or the sexual misery and sexual abuses over humanity and the personal body can exist when the holy mother comes to heal the personal diamond heart and roseline cathar flows which is intrinsic to the solar female christ stages of the different stages of spiritual templating, or the Mary and Michael Healing.

See Also

Diamond Rose Lines Activations in Planetary Body

  • gridwork guardian planetary emerald order reports, in progress to share - OL3 threads, referencing

[Michael Mary Healing]

[Four Flowered Cathedrals]

[Solar Christ Mary Sophia]