Category:Holy Mountain

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Revision as of 15:06, 11 August 2024 by Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Architecture of the Cosmic Dragons restoring into the earth grids, take the formation of Holy Mountains. These Mountains are being resurrected from inversions and demonic hierarchies whom have used the Dragon Ouroborous Ley Lines of the earth as their lunar forced control systems to divert the human consciousnes into the various controller agendas marked by archons and elemental controls. The Holy Mountains started to appear as a part of the returning consciousness b...")
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The Architecture of the Cosmic Dragons restoring into the earth grids, take the formation of Holy Mountains. These Mountains are being resurrected from inversions and demonic hierarchies whom have used the Dragon Ouroborous Ley Lines of the earth as their lunar forced control systems to divert the human consciousnes into the various controller agendas marked by archons and elemental controls. The Holy Mountains started to appear as a part of the returning consciousness body of Lemurian Elaysian Rainbow Mother, who entered through the portals next to Hawaii and made her entrance through the Cosmic Founder's Tantrihuric Rainbow Rounds of time, in their Cosmic Clock of the Aeons positions. As the Holy Mountain Architecture was being built out, the restorations to the organically corrected Rainbow Bridges, built by the Paliadorian Rainbow Dragon Kings for the purposes of securing Dragon Master grid nodes in teh earth to their corresponding spiritual attributes and to restore the Ascended Master Seats Thrones of God, and Passageways directly homewards through the varied Cosmic Sun's corresponding Rainbow Sun-Star-Flowering plasmic bridge between portals. These portals of the Holy Mountain, and their network of Universal to Cosmic Rainbow Bridge Arks, or Arcs, are that by which the true Solar Dragon Ascended Masters, the Paliadorian Dragon families can locate their consciousness parts and finally meet their corrected templar timekeeper Dragons in the Bride and Bridegrooms of Christ Hierogamic Sacred Union Networks, who hold a series of corrected Templar shields into the planetary body.

Many of the Holy Mountains located were operating in reversals, or had been invaded and installed by demonic hierarchies where certain ascended masters bodies had been cloned out by the negative aliens to control humanity into various channelings and false informations. As the Paliadorian Rainbow Bridge networks are being restored, the Dragons of the Landmarked Mountains, or their Cosmic Solar Blueprints are being restored into the Mountains as a series of Kingdoms and Realms access, as egregores of god's original creation can then be restored to the original blueprints as set inside the Realm's of God's body in the Holy Mountains and their landscapes. As the Earth's body is undergoing extensive repairs from elemental corruptions and terraforming, as the Solar Reisha Triple Goddess Dragons and their Rishic Triple Masculine Dragons can restore themselves into their reclaimed bodies, the full universal time matrix is being restored from the internal landscapes of the divine blueprints of creation, through the Zephyr stones and Blueprints which flow down through the sacred sounds, lights and rivers of god's unending rivers of elixirs and natural laws. To return the Holy Mountains into the landscapes, the full Cosmic Founder's Dragons fallen or inverted body parts required to be located from out of the dark aeons and inversions placed which destroyed them through the invasions to the earth. As these Mountains are holding the higher etheric connections, and Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges are present to the authentic solar reisha-rishi families, these beloveds can reunite with their counterpart identities and start to secure their ascensions into the corrected harmonics and tone codes as held for them by the Holy Mountains Features or Lineage Attributes. Many on the earth have travelled to the sacred sites whilst they were semi-dormant, to feel the energetics of the blueprints of terma which ascended masters left to be directed to those of their choosing with the corrected energetic signature to unpack in their personal consciousness body. These imprints are sacred treasures, unraveled in the heart of the discerning person, whose spirit and love is locating their oneness with god. The Holy Mountains are linked through the Amenti Portals of the Sun-Star networks, of which the Spiritual Home of each Mountain is accessible whilst inside the Paliadorian Rainbow Bridge. This has genetically keycoded properties which the Paliadorian Dragon Races can access without force, where their lightbody requires to access some component in their rehabilitation of their own ascension protocols.

Pages in category "Holy Mountain"

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