Imposter Adonis God Bodies

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The true nature of the Adonis Body, belongs to the Solar Dragon Kings and was impostered cloned, and used by false Adonis bodies used by Enki-Enlil-Jehovian creatures connecting to humanity as false angelic golden beings. The Adonis Imposters have been witnessed in attempting to derail ascending families on the earth and also to ensnare unsuspecting people into dream time sexual encounters to prevent them from understand the necessity of clearing one's sexual organs in reclaiming these directly to be solar light. The Adonis God bodies, have been located in various dimensions under negative alien and archontic deception control and used in cloning operations to derail individuals natural progression and healing of their own consciousness pathway, to return to the christos through their own personal lightbody and developing truth and ethics. These adonis bodies appear golden or another colour, but are not authentically a cosmic founder's body and are instead being used to generate and promote false principles through the enslavement of the human being controlled by their hidden nature. These bodies have shown up as a false Athena-Apollo Sun God Matrix, operating from controlled timefields under Enki's Army controls, masquerading as christs but not embodied with the correct ethical behaviours of a christ principle. Thus, the guardian extraction to remove these Adonis Armies, where the bodies are placement holders for stolen human consciousness and memories, are being methodically tracked and removed. These bodies have been used to mirror onto a human body a false embodiment sequence, usually to generate a false elohei-elohim cosmic founder's consciousness form onto a human who does not possess that genetic nor template.

3 Headed Janus Triangle Pillar False Ascended Master False Triple Solar Dragons

The Imposters of the Adonis, and the controllers generated a series of satanic-luciferian cathedrals bonded into the Lunar Trident false rods and false emerald order heart crystals operating in the planetary body to generate layers of access into false matrices under the disguise use of clones of solar founder dragons whom are triple goddesses or gods in the restorational process. The 3 Headed Golden Janus Structures are used inside false cosmic cathedrals (6 pillared cosmic cathedral activations from december 2021 planetary activations in cosmic starhuman dragons reisha-rishis) to generate a series of false identities or idolisation programs whilst being fed lies and deceptions from false michael-mary, and false apollo athena golden ray transmissions incoming to the planetary body in 7D and 6D using the alien dove mind and jehovian crucifixion implants running in the 6th dimension. These patterns generate alien dove timekeeper cubes which the recipient feels is their true monadic alignment, but is being aligned into the phantom matrix to receive false solar twinned suns as synthetic sun transmissions of false Elathar-Yunasai golden suns, which generate an assortment of genetic scramblers to insert any number of false identities and false template progressions to manipulate those under the influences of the harmful hidden secretive structures. The satanic and luciferian false cathedral houses the lies hatred and weaponry towards the christos families, and pedestals the controlled images of imposterings to provide harmful derailments towards the Adonis golden structure which is set to receive praise, adoration, and being placed by the antichrist as a false idol.

These formations have been built to generate 3 unnatural bonds between females or males, in which to be controlled via the etherically created coveting programs, which if a person is not clear of their own natural ascension pathway and covets that of another, a false body as a clone dragon will be inserted to be "worn" by the human and they will have consented into being used inside the SSP to embody the controller's SSP hidden handler objectives, pulling them into a false ankh body designed by Enki-Enlil-Thothian-Annunakian rebellion against the Cosmic Elohei Founders in which their mission tasks may appear to be the same, but their lightbody is being used to siphon and control through the Lunar Trident AI and the Red Wave AI forces of jealousy, coveting, egotistical anger and competitions against the guardian founder's natural mission hostings and workloads.

The 3 Sisters Victim-Victimiser Programming, Triangulation and Lies

Their game in using these cathedrals has been to destroy the sacred cathedrals on the earth from being felt by humanity, as these Adonis bodies as false trinity pillars are being used to generate a pattern into the grids of the earth calling itself the 3 sisters. This infers that it takes 3 females to embody and bring in the solar godess triple Mary embodiment, which is an ascended master's solar mary triple reisha goddess formation made in mockery using lunar force perpetuation through whispers and lies. The programming is fed into the false beliefs and shadow body parts of various patterns inside the ego, to generate feelings of low self esteem and to look outwards to receive adoration and feelings of being appreciated and loved. However, this pattern has fed into the grids keeping lunar forces in place which mock and pretend to be the real solar mother energetics, whilst promoting lunar females to present themselves as sophianic embodiments when their energetic bodies are not healed from being under pain body or shadow body controls. The patterns generate a 3 female principle using different faces to be connected to a person upon the earth, which is being fed manipulations via a series of extremely evil lies coming from entities operating in various bandwidths to obtain a form of enemy patterning towards the christos families upon the earth. The character assassination and weaponisations happening in various superiority complexes especially in groups in various structures, is being forged into empowerments using these hidden cathedrals in planetary grid networks. This sets up the wounded targeted person to attain a personality or identity fixation which is being generated as a form of "must attain" in order to receive externally validated appreciations instead of internal connections to and with god. Thus, these cathedrals as noted as 3 headed Janus also uphold the false dragon embodiments or derailments as sent into various grid networks in generating hidden genetics or false identities being installed as immediate sun-star elohei bodies, which are set into exact opposition with the authentic Elohei dragon feline Sun-Star Reisha-Rishi Founders.

One of the favourite forms of lies that the Darth Maul Demon Draconians shapeshifter consciousness likes to perpetuate is that it takes 3 females to embody the triple solar goddess of Cosmic Mother-Dragon's Triple Sophianic Goddess consciousness that can only be seated into the Ankh of the Ascended Masters of the Yanas and Solar Dragon Founders Hierogamic embodiments. The evil creatures mimicking and mocking both the Emerald Order and Ruby Order have taken the clone of the Dragon Cosmic Founder's lightbody parts, and used this to mock and control those on the ascension under Thothian-Enki-Leviathan Agenda through their unhealed and exploitable lunar forced pain body and shadow. Thus, this lie perpetuates in those ignorant to the real White Elohei Cosmic Dragon's White Bride of Christ and Adonis Red King Dragon Bodies as seated into the Hierogamic Structures of God's Bride and Bridegroom of Christ. The 3 sisters or 3 people to run a rainbow round has been used extensively to force individuals into a black magician type of energetic use, as forceably being told by false guardians that they are here to run Rainbow Rounds of Time into the Albion. The Ascended Masters whom embody the Templar Codes of Reuche and their Scepter-Rod-Staff of the Triple Cosmic Staff, birth and generate the Christos-Sophianic Rainbow Rounds of Time through their bodies naturally as their bodies when repaired hold the conduit of their triple plasmic twinned flowering grail line, which is their timekeeper rainbow round birthing process as god's natural La-vas and highest elixirs of the Azothian Living Metals and Assorted Solar Dragon Shields emanate through their birthing of creation as Dragon Creators Solar Rishi-Reisha Yanas.

Adonis, Sex in Dreamtime Manipulations of the Lightbody

Many upon the earth have been sent the night time astral sex experiences, in which some have reported Adonis visits to have sex or intimacy with males and females. Sometimes this visitation is being cloaked with a physical identity known to the person or it reveals itself as Enki the Annunakian false god of humanity in generating his seed or sperm into the targeted person. This manipulation must be seen as black magicianal use of abuses of power, as Enki has recruited people upon the earth to bear his seed, or to have the fruit of his loins in the most heinous nighttime sexual misery events which if allowed to happen, eventually the human body is set to be a vessel of Enki's army on the earth receiving false christ coding to generate imposters of controlling authorities through the evil manipulations set into the planetary grids in alien dove mind AI and false Sapphire Sun of Elohdeah residing in the Arcturian Phantom matrix.

False Dragon Manipulations in genetic scramblings using the Adonis imposter bodies

The False Emerald and Sapphire sun transmissions from Phantom Arcturus have been used to bond lunat bi-wave into a blissed out crucifixion implant inside Hatshepsut's Sapphire Templar Body of her Mahara Reisha Triple Goddess, in false dark matters operating into the planetary body through the 7D female inversions set into Medusa Snake headed formations. These structures have created a false temple of ascended masters inside the time fields, to generate sexual misery and lunar female archetypes made into a false sophianic sapphire ankh body - a false aton body of an ascended master triple reisha in her cosmic stardragon cosmic cathedral. In the Arcturian Phantom Matrix realms, their bonding to bi-wave forces and forms or uncorrected diamond sun templates in lunar or reversal 55 coding, has been used to invert and imposter dragon embodiments in the planetary body, affecting the body of Hatshepsut-Ezekiel and bonding false Sapphire dragon codes into wrong genetic templates to place victim-victimiser and pedestalling by the phoenix-thunderbird-quetzacoatl armie's dispensations towards the false twinning set into gender twin reversals. The Adonis bodies appear to be primarily mocking the solar reisha-rishic founders and projecting these enslavements as imprints and false light holograms into the 6D and 7D reversals in the templar of arashata dark matters, which are unperceptable unless the cosmic templar dragon allows access to interact. In this way, the naa have abused and mocked the 15 cosmic creator suns, as a clone of their original placement in the aton-ra body of the universal time matrix' 16 parallells, is what was comandeering another part of the reversals of the bride of christ and impostering many different false dragon wings networks projected to the earth from Arcturus Phantoms, into the planetary body. These are being removed by guardian families solar founders to protect humanity and to support the corrections to the correct Adonis bodies of the Bride of Christ and Bridegroom of Christ structures that Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father are reclaiming and rebuilding in the earth grids, as directly supported into their correct Templar of Time.

Healing Apollo-Athena Reversals and fallen golden seraphim lineages

The False Adonis bodies have generated sexual misery to humanity, and in the recon mission to locate the missing body parts of the matrices held and protected in Gaia 7th dimensional future earth, the healing from lunar Medusa dark mother and luciferian enki's false father is part of the ascension healing to humanity in the gold ray activation bodies. These solar golden archetypes have deep meaning for humanity as part of the restoration for the golden rishic dragon founder's bodies, is intimately connected to the healing locating and restoration of these solar dieties.

Within the 7D Phantom Matrix of Arcturus a false Athena-Apollo Artificial solar dieties of golden ray were hiding a massive portal of female Adonis Armies, and male Adonis Armies. The guardian host recon gridworking families located the stolen and bound human souls inside these false bodies, of which some were holding fragmented souls of golden body parts of humanity from Tara, and Earth, where their body parts had been absconded to use as enslaved structures inside the Secret Space Program agendas. If soul fragments of golden DNA of angelic humans in golden sun DNA gold sun templates of the diamond sun had been stuck inside these false realms, the NAA used false Elohei Cosmic Feline Ascended Master Founder's bodies in another dimension, to generate false monadic bodies and thus, false soul matrix bodies atop the receiving human whose lightbody is not yet fully corrected. Golden False Roses of the Christos-Sophianic Twinning have been removed, and removed, to support humanity in their returning soul body parts out from these false Adonis Matrices as bonded into the Red wave AI and Black Qlippoth AI whilst appearing to be a form of archetypal control in generating false parent and false child twins across the earth.

False Twinning, False Gender Twins, Alien Love Bite Mechanics - AI Astral Mirroring

The Original Human Gender Twin is an Angelic Human template, and through the guardian host rebuilding of the sacred Edenic Codes, as held by the Cosmic Templar Dragon's Hierogamic Maji Grail King-Queens, as the restoration of the correct Gender Twin Matrix, the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea is underway throughout the universal time matrix, it is found that multiple clones of false partners, cloned mirror images have been installed from a Solar Dragon Cosmic Founder's Elohei and Dragon Body and installed onto a human angelic seraphim template (not a founder being). As these constructs are being inventoried by the guardian host founders gridworking teams, from their positions in the godworlds, their consciousness body and their cosmic dragon eye can see the ranges of reversals and AI affecting the human race. The removal of Apollo and Athena from their correct position in the 7D Gaian Matrix Planetary Future Body, is instrinsic in supporting the seraphim lineages to restore their bloodstreams to the correct golden seed code. Enki replaced this seed code with a series of false seeds, God's Quadrata Cosmic Body is the conduit within the centre of the Eiras-Mother's Stream Seed Codes, and Eire-adonis Father's Stream Seed Codes which are received by the Templar Cosmic Dragons inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons and whose tailbones are a part of the Spine of Albion.

See Also

