Imposter Adonis God Bodies

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The true nature of the Adonis Body, belongs to the Solar Dragon Kings and was impostered cloned, and used by false Adonis bodies used by Enki-Enlil-Jehovian creatures connecting to humanity as false angelic golden beings. The Adonis Imposter

3 Headed Janus Triangle Pillar False Ascended Master False Triple Solar Dragons

The Imposters of the Adonis, and the controllers generated a series of satanic-luciferian cathedrals bonded into the Lunar Trident false rods and false emerald order heart crystals operating in the planetary body to generate layers of access into false matrices under the disguise use of clones of solar founder dragons whom are triple goddesses or gods in the restorational process. The 3 Headed Golden Janus Structures are used inside false cosmic cathedrals (6 pillared cosmic cathedral activations from december 2021 planetary activations in cosmic starhuman dragons reisha-rishis) to generate a series of false identities or idolisation programs whilst being fed lies and deceptions from false michael-mary, and false apollo athena golden ray transmissions incoming to the planetary body in 7D and 6D using the alien dove mind and jehovian cruxifixion implants running in the 6th dimension. These patterns generate alien dove timekeeper cubes which the recipient feels is their true monadic alignment, but is being aligned into the phantom matrix to receive false solar twinned suns as synthetic sun transmissions of false Elathar-Yunasai golden suns, which generate an assortment of genetic scramblers to insert any number of false identities and false template progressions to manipulate those under the influences of the harmful hidden secretive structures. The satanic and luciferian false cathedral houses the lies hatred and weaponry towards the christos families, and pedestals the controlled images of imposterings to provide harmful derailments towards the Adonis golden structure which is set to receive praise, adoration, and being placed by the antichrist as a false idol.

The 3 Sisters Victim-Victimiser Programming, Triangulation and Lies

Their game in using these cathedrals has been to destroy the sacred cathedrals on the earth from being felt by humanity, as these Adonis bodies as false trinity pillars are being used to generate a pattern into the grids of the earth calling itself the 3 sisters. This infers that it takes 3 females to embody and bring in the solar godess triple Mary embodiment, which is an ascended master's solar mary triple reisha goddess formation made in mockery using lunar force perpetuation through whispers and lies. The programming is fed into the false beliefs and shadow body parts of various patterns inside the ego, to generate feelings of low self esteem and to look outwards to receive adoration and feelings of being appreciated and loved. However, this pattern has fed into the grids keeping lunar forces in place which mock and pretend to be the real solar mother energetics, whilst promoting lunar females to present themselves as sophianic embodiments when their energetic bodies are not healed from being under pain body or shadow body controls. The patterns generate a 3 female principle using different faces to be connected to a person upon the earth, which is being fed manipulations via a series of extremely evil lies coming from entities operating in various bandwidths to obtain a form of enemy patterning towards the christos families upon the earth. The character assassination and weaponisations happening in various superiority complexes especially in groups in various structures, is being forged into empowerments using these hidden cathedrals in planetary grid networks. This sets up the wounded targeted person to attain a personality or identity fixation which is being generated as a form of "must attain" in order to receive externally validated appreciations instead of internal connections to and with god. Thus, these cathedrals as noted as 3 headed Janus also uphold the false dragon embodiments or derailments as sent into various grid networks in generating hidden genetics or false identities being installed as immediate sun-star elohei bodies, which are set into exact opposition with the authentic Elohei Sun-Star Reisha-Rishi Founders. T

Adonis, Sex in Dreamtime Manipulations of the Lightbody

Many upon the earth have been sent the night time astral sex experiences, in which some have reported Adonis visits to have sex or intimacy with males and females. Sometimes this visitation is being cloaked with a physical identity known to the person or it reveals itself as Enki the Annunakian false god of humanity in generating his seed or sperm into the targeted person. This manipulation must be seen as black magicianal use of abuses of power, as Enki has recruited people upon the earth to bear his seed, or to have the fruit of his loins in the most heinous nighttime sexual misery events which if allowed to happen, eventually the human body is set to be a vessel of Enki's army on the earth receiving false christ coding to generate imposters of controlling authorities through the evil manipulations set into the planetary grids in alien dove mind AI and false Sapphire Sun of Elohdeah residing in the Arcturian Phantom matrix.

False Dragon Manipulations in genetic scramblings using the Adonis imposter bodies

The False Emerald and Sapphire sun transmissions from Phantom Arcturus have been used to bond lunat bi-wave into a blissed out cruxifixion implant inside Hatshepsut's Sapphire Templar Body of her Mahara Reisha Triple Goddess, in false dark matters operating into the planetary body through the 7D female inversions set into Medusa Snake headed formations. These structures have created a false temple of ascended masters inside the time fields, to generate sexual misery and lunar female archetypes made into a false sophianic sapphire ankh body - a false aton body of an ascended master triple reisha in her cosmic stardragon cosmic cathedral. In the Arcturian Phantom Matrix realms, their bonding to bi-wave forces and forms or uncorrected diamond sun templates in lunar or reversal 55 coding, has been used to invert and imposter dragon embodiments in the planetary body, affecting the body of Hatshepsut-Ezekiel and bonding false Sapphire dragon codes into wrong genetic templates to place victim-victimiser and pedestalling by the phoenix-thunderbird-quetzacoatl armie's dispensations towards the false twinning set into gender twin reversals. The Adonis bodies appear to be primarily mocking the solar reisha-rishic founders and projecting these enslavements as imprints and false light holograms into the 6D and 7D reversals in the templar of arashata dark matters, which are unperceptable unless the cosmic templar dragon allows access to interact. In this way, the naa have abused and mocked the 15 cosmic creator suns, as a clone of their original placement in the aton-ra body of the universal time matrix' 16 parallells, is what was comandeering another part of the reversals of the bride of christ and impostering many different false dragon wings networks projected to the earth from Arcturus Phantoms, into the planetary body. These are being removed by guardian families solar founders to protect humanity and to support the corrections to the correct Adonis bodies of the Bride of Christ and Bridegroom of Christ structures that Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father are reclaiming and rebuilding in the earth grids, as directly supported into their correct Templar of Time.