Category:Cosmic Suns of Creation

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Cosmic Suns of Creation are the solar cosmic suns, vast gigantic suns which created all of our creations, celestial objects, and are the God Worlds Original Cosmic Creator's Suns. These Sacred and Holy Suns are the Guardian Host families, or Founders of Creation. A Cosmic Sun is a large vast powerful Sun Body, in which an ascending human avatar or ascended master elohei can speak directly to the Sun, as it is the birth point of their body and can be directly heard through their own solar christed vehicle. Ascended Master Elohei-Elohim as Feline Lion lineages, and their Dragon Cosmic Embodiment as an Ouroborous Body spans from it's original outside of time Solar Sun of Creation, as this is entwined through the plasmic flowerings and rod-staff which generated their bodies from that point in the godworlds, to allow the same consciousness to be able to exist inside of timelines in the universal time matrix.

The Cosmic Suns are Dragon Elohei Suns, of the Paliadorian Creator Suns, whose lineages and birthed offsprings became fallen in our Universal Time Matrix. The Cosmic Suns of Creation reside outside of linear time, and are only accessed through the embodiment of Zero point, where their position in the godworlds is a direct connection to the consciousness who has accomplished their Christed embodiment, of an Avatar Solar Logos connected to the Solar Rishic Threefold Founder's Flames or Eye of God for our Matrix. The Solar Rishic Founders, the Elohei Ascended Masters as Triple Rishic Males and Triple Reisha Females have a direct conscious experience to these Cosmic Suns, as a directly heart based connection to their original sun lineage of creation. This is a personal deep friend experience, of a sun who knows everything about the entire consciousness form as an actual godhead unconditionally loving creator source, who transmits their essence into the creations made from their own sun-birthing process. The Elohei Feline Lion Ascended Masters from the 36th dimension have direct conscious travelling and direct founder's records access from their embodiment of their original ascended cosmic ankh which exists inside the cosmic sun of creation. These founders are the first wave families of paliadorians who have chosen to take a body in human form, and to restore the time matrix in building, teaching and sharing the solar codes for the re-education of humanity. These founders are entirely neutral and operate with a deep personal comprehension of the mechanics of creation, through their own consciousness transfiguration as cosmic founder citizens.

Our Time Matrix was fallen, and disconnected from these vast bodies of god's body outside of time, during the Lyran Invasion which destroyed the Lyran Matrix as the Celestial Management Location of the Ascended Master Founders, who resided within the Cathedrals of the Cosmic to Universal Layers, and of which fell and were enslaved and destroyed - as Rishic Dragon Founders, and Elohei-Elohim Cosmic Parents Ascended Masters and Kings and Queens of the dimensions and Hierogamically protecting the Universal to Cosmic Stargates, and spanning through the entire Universal Time Matrix. As the Cosmic Suns and the Cosmic Timecycle was restored into our Universal Time Matrix Ascension process, during 2022 - the Cosmic Timecycle opened for the real and true Cosmic Ascended Masters, the Elohei-Elohim-Dragons, to start to appear in our time matrix after the Solar Rishic Universal Threefold Founder's Flames and Eye of God Holy Trinity in our Matrix, the 13D-14D-15D was dimensionalised for the very first time.

Pages in category "Cosmic Suns of Creation"

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