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Elathar is a Pale Golden Elohei Solar Sun in the Godworlds, which emanates the Crystal Palest Yellow Diamond Ray, and in some fields working with her body sounds the AA tone, or Ahhh tone. The Elathar Cosmic Sun builds out a diamond crystalline staff in the Solar Elohei-triple goddess queens, in which the resin like staff of the honey and frankincense are held in her solar breath of the gifts of the Maji in the Solar Breath Channels restoring to the body of Morgana, Solar Dragon Queen whose White queen body embodies the Elathar palest golden sun as her spirit suns essence.

Solar Breath of Humanity, Elathar Pale Golden Sunlight and Solar Breath of Morgana

The Solar Breath Channels of Humanity, and the Eternal Keys of Life as held by the breath itself, are restoring into the human experience through the guardian host extensively challenging and alien attacked recon mission to locate the Solar Dragon Morgana, to restore her body into the Albion during the Winter Northern Solstice of 2023. Morgana's body was surrounded by a large Archon in the Aries Cosmic Clock of the Aeons timecycle, and also she was held enslaved in a quantum keylon particle, to be located by her Solar Dragon Queens working to locate her missing parts. Morgana's body holds the citrine pale Elathar Diamond Heart which had been located in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, and of which her namesake using Morgan had been used to generate black hearts connected to the Freemasonry and Satanic-Luciferian rituals which bound her body parts inverted as Morgana La Fey a Lunar Forced imposter of our True Elathar Solar White Queen from the Celtic Tuatha Solar Aryan Dragons. Morgana and Merlin are the twinned dragon couple who were removed from the planetary albion in which the Hierogamic Edenic Codes were located by the first wave Emerald Founder Aeonic Pairs.

See - https://omnilov3.com/wiki/Meditation_-_Morgana_Solar_Breath_Khemalohatea

Eeya-Asha-Neua Buttermilk Pale Golden Elathar Cosmic Sun, Elathar Spirit body of the Ankulasha

The Rays of the E'eya E'Asha or Eeya Asha Neeahh of the Mother's Cosmic Elathar Triple Solar Cosmic Flowerings and her body parts within the earth had been inverted and destroyed in the mother's Dark matter template and had been also lunar moonchained through various archontic massive creatures inserted using the controlled dark matter and elemental instruction sets of the planetary matrix. The destruction of the planetary rose and grail lines, from within the Atlantian Cataclysm timelines and the machinations of alien artificial intelligence were used to control the planetary matrix. After Atlantian floods, the Female Melchizedek Christs from the Emerald Order volunteered through pre-birth agreements returned into the time matrix to assist in the finding of the body parts of their beloved families who held the peach-buttermilk codes of their holy Mother Merida which included the Morgana rose line cathar body parts. The Eeya-Asha Neua are the spirit suns which hold the citrine like 36D Rod Scepter-Staff codes, as liquid spirit of the Cosmic parts required to obtain greater access to the Ruby Sun Grail Line, and the Ruby Crystal grid networks across the earth and they also are found in some space of pre-fall Atlantis and pre-fall Lemuria holding the Mother's Cathar tones and essences. The Eiyani massacre histories of the Thothian Atlantian Grail King who defected and was installed into the Niburian planetoid plugged into Wormwood and the Stonehenge Stargate, held the black and white checkerboard distortions within the earth controlling various false grail kings who had usurped the christos maji grail kings and queens from their stolen body parts.

During guardian host work to extract out false melchizedek cloister emerald order false priests of Ur who were holding antichrist gatekeeping within the 12D inner Kauai stargate, in Hawaii; the holy mother's Elaysian Melchizedek Solar Female Christs who had retained their Rod-Staff Codes, could support in extracting these imposters out from the invaded records accessed in future timelines through the Kauai Stargate. Their protectorship over the records structures within the Hawaiian Island chains, was met with the Holy Mother's Lemurian pre-fall Pisces Rainbow Dragon, who could resequence the access into the planetary body retaining her memories from the Lemurian Times. As she took her place within the gate, she freed more of Merida's body parts and restored these in which the Merida body of the earth could finally be seated after immense spiritual energetic projects, which required the installation of the many Pillars of Cosmic Grace and guardian Failsafe Copper Platforms, clockshields and the body parts to resurrect beloved Merida into her rightful Solar Queen position in the 11D United Kingdom position.

Cosmic Sun Mother's Elathar - Eeya Asha Neua Tones of her Pale golden pastel sunlight, of the Elohei-Feline Cosmic Mother's body as the unifer of the White-Peach-Pale Citrine Elohei.

Imposter Elathar Golden Sun, Enki's Annunakian False Elathar

During the recon mission for rebuilding the Cosmic Sun of Elathar's structures inside the Universal Time Matrix, the Elohei Queens Triple Goddesses holding the Rosetta Stone of the Elathar, were the first family of Elohei White Queen Triple Goddesses, to build out the internal Scepter Staff of Elathar, and who were charged by Cosmic Mother's Elathar Sun to locate her missing parts throughout the time matrix. These female Elohei Queens holding the Triple Staff of Elathar, were reclaiming solar breath in hierogamic union edenic codes and would encounter the impostering Annunakians linked to Thoth-Hermes in the gender split matrix, of false twins, in which these forces of Annunakian confrontations would challenge their every move, and their every breath. These founders located false elathar suns and false elathar ursa major passageways in which the impostering of dragon twinned founders as false elohei and false ascended masters operating in controlled timelines were shown to be reversals holding in false golden solar breath coming in from the Phantom Arcturus 7D fields. The Imposter Elathar solar lights of the Eeya Asha Neua have been removed in methodical extractions by the Elathar Paliadorian Dragon Twins, who located and secured the Eternal Keys of Life from the Elathar Cosmic Sun, as the Paliadorian Crystal Dragon Templar Body of Elathar was required to secure Albion Cosmic Hearts, into the 4D Giza Stargate during May of 2024. Cosmic Mother sent her 4-golden seraphim Elathar Heart complex, and her Cosmic Alhambra Timekeeper Cosmic Heart of Quadrata into the 4D Giza Stargate, as her overriding to the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion of the planetary staff by the False Gods Annunakians under Enki-Thoth-Hermes Antichrist controls. These imposters stole and mimicked a false elathar ray, in which they would use this to control the blood hybridisation problems of humanity by connecting them to elathar golden false wings networks of golden caduceus implants being used to induce false solar breath patterns. As these are in stages of removal, from the 7D phantom Arcturus fields, the reclaimation of the 6D and 7D lightbody channels, and wings, and breath is possible for more humans shedding lunar breath and false elathar golden transmissions and to be restored into the Gold Ray architectures being reclaimed by the Gold Order Solar Founders, the Gold Order Rishi Elohei-Dragon Founders.