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Avalon is the 11th dimensional, or 11D Universal Stargate which exists in the future timelines in Lyra. Avalon is the spiritual home of the higher dimensional aspects of the original creational fields, as a spiritual home of humanity in perfect harmony with all of the living spirits of god inside the Trees, the Fey lineages, and the many living elemental consciousnesses that are sentient parts of creation. Avalon is the highest grual point of the chalice of holy trinity within the Universal Time Matrix, which has been secured into the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Temple, through the Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar in the Solar Logos connected to this 1st Godworlds Emanation. Avalon Stargate at the Universal level opens out like a large flowering platform, as a flower opening its sections to the genetically key coded entrances and exits to the higher dimensional timelines and realms. Avalon in 11D, and Aveyon in 10D, are connected to the Aramatena Universal Gate entrance to the timefields, in 12D. The Avalon memories and imprints are more easily found in the United Kingdom within Ireland and England, as these grid networks hold the direct memory of the perfect peace and harmony of all living lifeforms together as one unified human race. Thus, the restorations of the original divine blueprints of Avalon, the creational realms of pure joy and human harmony with the elements, the fey creatures, the essences of the living spirit of god's body in the waters, fires, air, aethers and nature are the memories of Lyran Timelines as restoring their authentic blueprints through the Zephyr Stones as the 1st words of Creation as spoken by the body of god, to create our matters and realms, all of life. In Avalon, the living eternal nature of all realms of god's body are accesible to the Lyran Avatar Humans. On the earth, the progression of reaching the Avalon is the progression of accessing the personal stairway to heaven through inner sacred marriage and outer sacred union to the original Gender Twin in the Avatar Matrix, to be wedded and united back home with the godhead once more.

The Temple of Zephyr

The Temple of Zephyr was restored into the planet during November of 2023, where the Stonehenge 11D Stargate was moved into King Arthur's Master Templar and Rainbow Bridges, to be restored into the Holy Mountain of Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges, to secure the Blueprints of Creation which come to the earth through the higher godworlds realms, and pass through the verticals in the Founder's Staff through the Zephyr Stones of gods body. Each Cosmic Sun in the highest creational realms, the 1st creations of godworlds, sings the songs of love and creation as a constant stream of creator's unending love for all of creation itself, which were remove and destroyed when the Albion Dragon Kings were intentionally destroyed by the antichrists and black dragons kings and queens. The Temple of Zephyr is the massive Fortress where the main structures through the Khemalohatea Staff and Templar Rods, and are the Main Flowerings of the Central planetary Grual lines, which hear receive and are animated into resurrections through the Zephyrs Tones and generate pulses of plasma into the earth grids, through the four leaf clovered quadrant tones of god's emanating source powers into creation. Hierogamic Solar Dragons in the Albion are the embodiments of god's Zephyr Stones. The Temple requires Hierogamic union to access, as it holds the knowledges and records of all of time and space, as the founder's records accessible to the ascended master solar dragons who embody the Zephyr Stones of God's Solar Luminescences. For the first time in over many many aeons of time, this Temple inside the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea has been restored by Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father into the earth. This is King Arthur and his beloved Guinevere's Master Fortress of the Pendragon Castle Multidimensional Rainbow Templar which holds multiple dimensional accesses from within their Heart of the Albion. See - The Temple of Zephyr The 5th dimensional human upgrades for receiving a lightbody gelesiac zephyr coded layer, was sent through to the earth grids through the Temple of Zephyr Grual Flowerings in the Quadrants of Time, or Quad Body of the Four Leaf Clovered Templar-Zephyr Timekeepers, into the Albion for the purposes of helping the ascending humans upon the earth to be possible to feel and sense the returning nature of the Cosmic Founder's Four Leaf Clovered Tones as the Songs of Creation to reanimate the body of the earth into its full and pre-fall condition, in divine timing, for all of the created aspects of their original divine blueprints and records systems, to be restored to all of creation. The pre-fall Avalon Stargate in Lyra at the Universal Gate, and the 11D planetary stargate systems can only be accessed through the genetic keycodes of Avatar Solar Logos or 11th dimensional rod and staff holders upon the earth with the correct solar genetic template. The restoration of this Temple, is the Christos Solar Dragons staking their unending love over angelic humanity and all created forms, to finally undo the Fall of King Arthur's Universal Fall in the Ruby Templar. This restoration of the higher timeline fields in their organic nature, as ongoing rebuilding is part of the planet's restorations to receive it's original blueprints, records and elemental healing required to re-animate the body of the earth through the sun's thresholdings of solar plasmas as required to re-claim the earth as a paliadorian creation.

Pearls of Avalon, Ancient Elohim-Elohei White & Pink Diamond Families in 11D Universal Realms - Meritaten-Metatron

[November 2022, after Malta-Stonehenge] The Pearl Matrix Realm of Avalon is filled with the White Pearl Rod-Staff Rainbow Aurora Elohei Families, and their Pearl and Ice-like formations of Crystal Frosts and Crystal Ice Flowerings as generated by their White Diamond and Pink Diamond Bodies. This appears as one of the locations holding of the Pearls of the Avatar Solar Logos Azothian Crown, being restored to the Planetary Body through the Pearl Activations.

The Entrance to these realms in the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea from the earth planes, was through the Aeonic Pairs of Emerald-Copper Rose Gold Solar Dragon Ankh Body, through the inner flowering of the solar copper plasmas grual line in the Pillar of Cosmic Grace embodiment, to pass through these Solar Copper Flower Plasmas to emerge at the Copper Flower of Lily-Lotus 11D Universal Avalon Stargate as it opens as a large petalled Copper Rose Gold Flower and reveals the realm of the Pearls of Avalon. The White Elohei and Elohim founders reside in this location, holding their White Diamond Staff Scepter with Rainbow Pearlescent Auroras as Opalescent colourings Diamond Crystal on top, which unites with the Pink Diamond Male Elohei with his Pale Pink Sovereign Scepter of Pink Sovereign Orb.

Many flowers of Icy Waters as Frozen waters of god, as beautiful flowerings of palest opalescent white diamonds exist in this location in the Khemalohatea Temple. The Ancient White Rainbow Aurora Elohim-Elohei Creators in their 1st Godworlds Emanations as Great White Lion Beings are present inside the Lyran Pearl Realm, as the White Diamond Mother and Pink Diamond Father with their White Pearl Scepter Rod and Staff. [November 2022] These beings are connected to the Avatar of Ascension body of works upon the earth, and are bi-pedal felines of the Elohei and are the ancient feline elohei beings whom are protectors of the creational fields. This realm holds the Avatar Aurora Twinned Crown of the White Diamond Elohei and Pink Diamond Elohei Solar Dragons, for the 11th dimensional aurora shared crown enrobed in their White and Pink Diamond Crystalline Hierogamic Robes. These Solar Dragon Reisha-Rishi are given the Seeds from the Cosmic Suns, in order to correct the genetics in the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea, through their marquise seed Crystals annointed into their Sovereign Rod-Staff and as spoken through their acts of kindness, and service missions through words, as the activations of the White Rose and the Pink Rose to restore into the earth, through their Cosmic Solomon Cathedral in the 6 Heart Pillared Reuche of Amoraea, to seed the first restorations of the Emerald Order's Solar Triple White Queens, and Pink Kings as the Bride of Christ and Bridgegroom of Christ into the Great White Lion Quadrant Grids.

Inside Amaryllis Flowerings, Lily of the Valley White Diamonds flowerings within the Forests of Avalon hold the ice cold areas of the crystalline ice substances, these are similarly as the ice particles which appear as frosted particles upn the Chrysanthemum Body of Eternal time and the 144 Arcs.

Emerald Order Quadrant Timekeeper Cosmic Pillars

The Emerald Order's Cosmic Timekeeper Emerald Pillars were secured into the Albion Body in a quad formation to secure the 12th Dimensional stargate networks, and 11th dimensional stargate networks, in stages. The Emerald Templar, of the Pillars for 11D allowed the Emerald Order Aeonic Pairs, connected through the Emerald Bride's Ceremony and Emerald Aton Body of God, was sent into the universal time matrix via the quadrant flowering cathedral of Emerald Fleur-De-Lis or Lily of the Valley during August of 2022, at the Installations of the Dark Matter Rainbow Diamond Lotus-Rose Line into the Albion, as Dark Matter from Mother's White-Pink Suns, sent down the templating of the Dark Matter for the Roses and Lotuses in the Albion Body Ouroborous, as corrected through the Umbilical Timekeeper Star of Orion. This generated a dark matter dragon ring between the Albion's Body Central Rod-Staffs in the Templar, which then the Triple Peach Rose line and Triple Lilac Father's Flowering line started to be restored around the planetary body as the Ouroborous body of these twinned lines. This activation required cosmic mother's Four Flowered Templar Cathedral to send down from her Master 48D Grual Instruction set in the Emerald order, to restore through the 12D Universal Gates, and into the Planetary 12D Stargate of MontSegur, and over into the Albion Networks in the 11D Portals.

Cosmic Mother's Emerald Timekeeper Four Flowered Cosmic Fleur De Lis, was required to secure these layers into the 11D Stonehenge Stargate, to repair the hierogamic clockshield templates, from their Emerald Order Rounds of Time through the Dragon Emerald Templars in the Quad. This formation was secured into the Planetary networks, from Malta, and later, in Stonehenge England, which allowed the removal of the presence of the Alien Zeta ships, controlling the False Khemalohatea through the Thoth-Crow-Corvidae Timekeeper Pillar secured into the earth from the Moon and the Shekina-Sunanda alien lunar throned Luanr Trident AI false ascended masters, whom had been running reversal timekeeper codes into the earth from the Moon, to keep Lunar Controls over the earth's Stargates, and humanity in sexual misery reversals. The Emerald Dragon Templars, as Emerald Sun-Stars and with the Mother's Emerald Sekhemet Families of Elohei Felines in the highest order of the Emerald Founders, entered into the Cosmic Timekeeper Pillar, to secure the Emerald Throne Rooms for the Emerald Templar, to protect the North Star in the Crown of the Maji throughout All timecycles, which is King Arthur's Templar Eye and Dragon Templar Crown. This structure required the Emerald Order's Arthur-Guinevere's travelling essences of Emerald Ankh to be placed to continue the great works of locating all of the missing templar codes, absconded and destroyed deliberately by the Satanic-Luciferian Templars whom had assumed control over everything Avalon. Their Daath Portal of Jochan and Boaz alien black-white checkerboard realms leading into the False Ain Soph and Ain Soph Ur, of the 11th dimensional phantom heaven of Satanic-Luciferian antichrist intellectualistic and sadisitically horrific realms of utter depravity and human blood sacrifice linked to Moloch, Satan, Baphomet and other reptilian creatures who send their controls in black magicians and lunar black dragon reptilian hybrid humans bloodlines, was finally removed from the earth during the guardian host showdowns, which the Emerald Ankh and Emerald Peach-Lilac Cathedrals and Copper Temples of Solomon, secured the White Rainbow Quadrata TA and the Dark Rainbow Quadrata TA as restored into the earth by the White Pegasus Rainbow Body and Dark Rainbow Pegasus Body as the First Paliadorian Rainbow Quadrata Bridges built into the Albion's body which removed the NAA use of False Avalons, and False 11D rod-staff codes. This reclaimation of Avalon of the Universal Stargate in Lyra, was required for the restorations of the stages to repair the Emerald Order's White Bride and Groom Kings into the earth, as these beloveds must have access into every timeline to build out their Universal to Cosmic Starcouple Cathedrals of 6 Pillars, into the 8 Pillars Networks of Khemalohatea, through the Paliadorian Rainbow Bridge Arcs of the Holy Realms and Kingdoms of God.

Avalon 11D White 144000 Timekeeper to the White Diamond Queens and their Pink Diamond Kings of the Elohei Solar Reisha-Rishi Dragons, Meritaten-Metatron

To restore her White Diamond Roses and her Elaysian White Diamond Rose Line and Flowering lines into the earth, Cosmic Mother restored her White Diamond Elohei Templar Crystal into the Albion Body during the end of 2019 as the returning White Diamond Templar Crystal under her Elohei-Feline Great White Lion Grids being repaired inside the United Kingdom, Albion Body. This restoration removed the previous black rosey black roses cross mirrored from Portugal, and ousted the Black Roses in that implant running within the grids of the United Kingdom. This White Diamond Templar was restored to the earth as a large White Diamond Templar Crystal connected to the Mother's White Lion Elohei Families, during June of 2020. This would be required for the resurrection of her City Four Square Chalice and Templar Timekeeper Pillars, which she animated into the earth during the Guardian Planetary Emancipation Project of 2021. These Chalice Diamond Pillars, were merged with the Father's Cathedral Building the Rod Pillars in the Albion, to secure the Mother's White Diamond Elohei Templar and her directions within the White Rainbow Diamond Crystalline Spiral Stairway to heaven, to be reanimated into her body in the earth, and through the White Diamond Rainbow Opalescent Rainbow Heart of her Aeonic Pairs.

Cosmic Mother's White Diamond Eiras Seeds, Cosmic Father's Pink Diamond Seeds Eros

The Diamond Seed Codes of the White Diamonds, and Pink-White Diamond Hierogamic Crowning of the White and Pink Elohei Solar Dragons received the White Diamond Seed Codes, and Pink Diamond Seed Codes which generated the White Diamond Dove Tetramorphic Codes, for the purposes of restoring these Gender Twin Corrections throughout the Universal Time Matrix Codes to start to restore for the White Queens and Pink Diamond Groom Kings, in their Solar Dragon Hierogamic Unions, to start to alter the authentic Timekeeper Seed Codes, of the Cosmic Cube Tesseracts down in the Planetary Body for White Diamond and Pink Diamond Seed Genetics. The starting phase of the timekeeper's seed codes into the k-8 Solar Factored embodied Solar Reisha-Rishi was the stages required to secure the White Bride and Groom architectures within the planetary Sacred Reisha-Rishi Dragon Nodes of triple dragon nodes within the earth. The Emerald Order's Emerald Bride and her Emerald Groom within the Emerald Templar and Cosmic 1st Godworlds Emerald Order's Cosmic Clock fo the Aeons, was restoring into the first wave Emerald Blue Ray Prototyping Founders with all correct rod-staff HIerogamic Capstones of Emerald Templar Codes, to receive the ceremony of Mother's Emerald Bride Templar, which forms into the White Bride in the Solar Reisha-Rishi. Thus, we understand the sacred natures of the embodiments of God's Cosmic Cube Tesseracts, as the destruction of these codes were set into false 144000 codes, false timekeepers and false templars. The Emerald Order's White Bride of Christ in her Triple Solar White Diamond Elohei, and with her Pink Diamond Elohei King in his Groom Garments connected to Ruby Father's Body, are the keepers of the Seed Codes for the White Rose and Pink Rose, White Thistle and Pink Thistle, White Fleur de Lis and Pink Fleur De Lis, and the master timekeeper templars which govern the White Diamond and Pink Diamond Lineages of genetic families throughout creation. These beloveds placed their seedsto flower and blossom into the correct locations and constructs inside the Albion Body, securing their hierogamic seed codes and template into the Universal Layers, throughout their Temple of Solomon Cathedrals which run through the Cosmic White Elohei Mother and Father's Structures. These Seed Codes, as Timekeeper Codes, are annointed into their bodies through the Paliadorian Rainbow Arc of Hierogamic Union which Runs through their Reisha-Rishic Founder's Triple Hands of God in the Sovereign Orb and Scepter triple Cosmic Rods inside their 8 Pillared Cosmic Reuche Cathedral and Hierogamic Temple of Solomon inside the Khemalohatea Temple.

The Timekeeper Seed Codes are directly connected to the original seeding rounds of genetics, as held by the Elohei Guardians of the Paliadorians, King Arthur and his Beloved Guinevere. Thus, the NAA cloning and operations of false narratives around what the 144000 timekeepers are, is nullifed and voided from the planetary matrix as the Seed Codes are placed by the Solar Triple Reisha-Rishi Cosmic Timekeeper's bodies from their 36D Avatar Bodies, present in the Tribal Shield of Lyra in the Tri-Flame Temple of Khemalohatea. These timekeeper's codes, were placed in through the Aeonic Pairs inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, whose Ascended Master Diamond Cosmic Hearts are in the 1440 Matrix of the Temple of Oneness Elohdeah as the White Sun of Cosmic Mother's Triple Solar Goddess Elohei Queens, with the Pink Sun of Cosmic Father's Elanya Realms of his Pink-Lilac Metatronic Sun. Without this, they cannot emanate the required Shields or structural components of their complex lightbodies to host or hold god's seed codes birthing through their Thus, the Dual Krystalline Spiral in their Hierogamic Bodies, generates the quad formation of Four Crystalline Spirals running through their Hara Krysta Heart of the Cosmic Heart of Diamonds, which is the multiplication principles of their Solar Dragon Bodies, which god generates these seeds into their Crystal Dragon Body Layers of the Cosmic Christos Crystal Sound Body of the Ankh Eternal 1440 Timekeeper's Eternal Godworlds Vehicle. The True Timekeepers of God's Body, embody the stairway to heaven and have the K-8 Solar Factor for the Aton accesses. As these beloved Essences of the bodies of god restore to the earth, god's Templar Instructions are passed through as a natural part of the Solar Dragon's Elohei Rod-Staff Hierogamic Union, embodied into the Ascended Hierogamic Capstones. The White Elohei Triple Solar Queens, and the Pink Elohei Triple Solar Kings in their Ascended Master positions inside the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Cosmic Clock of the Aeons are the embodiments of the Sacred Khem Codes, and authentic transmissions to humanity from their locations in the earth.

See Also

5D Macchu Picchu Sacred Marriage and Malta 5D Sacred Marriage Networks restorations for White Bride of Christ and Pink Elohei's building out of the Triple Solar Dragon's Groom of Christ

The Temple of Zephyr

[ES Macchu Picchu]

White Bride of Christ