Yin Yang

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Yin-Yang Elaysian-Melchizedek Hierogamic Logos Restoration

The Yin Yang Symbol is a hierogamic expression of the creators of our realm, the Elaysa-Melchizedek Twinned paired merged hierogamic Creator level of Suns, who were recently restored into our time matrix, as the Universal Suns and Logos aspects of creation.

During their restoration into the 24th dimensional openings to the Cosmic Energy Godworlds Timecycle opening winter solstice of 2022, their Cosmic Suns shone down the Double Diamond Sun Kryst-Krysthallah of the 5D ascending lightbody of the Kryst-Krsythallah the Double Diamond Sun body or Diamond Ball Krysthalah template held by the guardian Oraphim Lineages. Cosmic Mother's Elaysa Sun united with Father's Melchizedek Blue Sun united and returned their unified loving expressions to their authentic Yin-Yang shields into the earth's body. This restoration was one of the override to the black and white checkerboard matrix colorations of reversals set into the 11D stargate networks which had been infiltrated and overrun by negative alien tribal shields, controlling the male and female body of the king and queen archetypes set into the splitting of male and female, or gender reversals. The Yin-Yang Rainbow Opalescense with Blue Pastels entwined, linked in and directly connected to the Diamond Rainbow Lotus-Rose Hearts which were returned into the earth's Albion networks during December of 2022, into the Pendragon Heart Shields of the Albion Body as part of the Arthur-Guinevere structures.

Thus, from the guardian perspective, as the Elaysa-Melchizedek Logos was restored in their Hierogamic Union and are the original Creator's of our Threefold Flame in 13D 14D 15D eye of god, they restored their authentic Opalescent Rainbow and Blue Ray Melchizedek Rainbow Shields of Yin-Yang into the Albion Networks during the merging with the parallels of the father's threefold flames in 22D 23D and 24D Emerald during the reveal and opening of the Cosmic Timecycle restoring into the earth during the Cosmic Dragon Awakening. This was one way they shared the reclaimations over their Male-Female sacred union to help restore and repair the sacred balance that was once held in the Yin-Yang symbols recorded by the Rainbow Masters and Tibetan Asian Indian lineages of the Christos families, who were keeping the knowledge alive during the dark aeons waiting for the Elaysa-Melchizedek Unified Twinned and Suns to return.

Guardian Padmasambava, Zarathustra and Paramahansa Yogananda were a part of the team who had originally embodied the Cosmic Suns of the Yin-Yang hierogamic shielding, and returned to work with the guardian's emerald founders cosmic white elohei families to repair the shields and temples in the earth. This involved the Sapphire Cosmic Suns of the Mahara Reisha Triple Goddesses, and their Rainbow Blue SA Sun expressions to be unified into the dragon ley lines of Tibet, in the guardians restorations of the original hierogamic tantriahura flowerings and shields of the twinned suns. The golden lotus with threefold founder flames was returned from inversions to unite in the 11D Lyran Fields, and was a part of the TA Mother's Cosmic White Elaysian Dragon Rings Portal and TA Cosmic Father's Pink-Dark Rainbow Unification [April 2023] in the 11D networks repair, required to seat the Cosmic Dragons into their position in Stonehenge Stargate and Albion Ouroborous Line reclamations.

Double Diamond Sun Krysthallah Lightbody in Hierogamic Union Embodies the Yin-Yang Elaysa-Melchizedek

The Oraphim Hierogamic template was the guardian mission to heal and return hierogamic union from the original template of the Elaysa-Melchizedek to heal the splits in the gender in the earth. Through the massive reversals set into the various dimensions in each layer of the planet's auric field, the distortions through spiritual eliteisms in moonchain reversals caused 11D reversals into the solar logos, which was primarily being used to generate reversals in the lineages of Tibetan Masters, or Eastern Traditions where guruship or spiritual hierarchy were being placed into false king of tyranny leadership patterns. The Double Diamond Sun 24 stranded Kryst-Krysthallah hierogamic union template and vehicle of the Avatar Christos-Sophia is the embodiment of the Elaysa-Melchizedek Ying-Yang Upper and Lower lightbody horizontal shield, which when in place will generate the twinned shields above the head in the 24D position and the twinned shield in the base shield of the Eukachrist. The Yin-Yang Rainbow Blue Shielding connects with the Crystalline Seven Suns of Creation, the Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La Suns, which generate the pastel rainbow eukachrist body of the human diamond sun body.

In the Solar Rishi and Reisha Avatar Christos Sophianic Body of the Earth's Cosmic Founder Dragon Aspects, from within their Emerald-Rainbow-Sapphire Cosmic higher Hearts their bodies hold the Emerald Order's Elaysa-Melchizedek Yin-Yang which is a part of their emerald rainbow eternal master's ankh body. This shield within their cosmic aton cathedral or temple of solomon connects directly from their grid node position of triple goddess-triple god, and anchors the pathway back into the godworlds from that temple upon the earth. Various temples on the earth are in stages of reclaimation by the guardian host, many were found to have been in states of intended reversals as the sapphire body of the mother-sophia was and is detested by the naa controllers. The true ascended masters who embody the mother and father's Yin-Yang shielding are protected in their aspect of embodiment for the Cosmic Heart of the Mother in divine union.

This shield can be called upon to amplify and correct the gender repairs in the diamond sun template, to rebuild and rehabilitate the internal female magnetic flows to the mother-sophia and the internal male electrical flows to the father-christos. The inner sacred union perfected blueprints are transmitted to the earth from the downstepped frequencies of Elaysa-Melchizedek's unending love of creation.