During the guardian rescue of John the Baptist and his beloved hierogamic wife Mara, the Ishtar lunar satanic forces were found in SRA rituals upon their bodies, and used to desecrate the solar female dragon reisha parts in binding the tongue of Mara, whilst siphoning the body parts from her solar light, to be supressed and silenced.
The lunar forces and antichrist forces created the Ishtar temples which are etheric temples of Set, Muhammod alien antichrist creatures, in which the Ishtar identity was bound into the solar dragons from the Melchizedek Lineage, in order to bind them as subservient disappearances. Ishtar is a lunar force in alien dark mother and has been set into grids and archetypes of mocking and pretending to be the solar female christ or goddess. Guardians advise that the lunar females have used Ishtar as a powerforce in using sexual energy predatorships or elitest spiritual gurus, connecting to and channeling the black forces sent through the Kaballah artificial tree, in the adverse sepiroths. The Ishtar identity archetype and the etheric temples were found to be connected into Ethiopian grids, and throughout the Holy Lands of Israel, Islamabad, and directly connected to Islamic Muhammod Alien god architectures in black hearts and Muhammod false records, false records.
Ascending females who hold 10th dimensional Sapphire codes and have the keys to build out the true Mother's Sophianic Sapphire Body in their 10th dimensional lightbody layer, have been aggressively targeted to prevent their comprehension that the Ishtar temples are in fact run and used by the antichrist forces. The Draconian reptilians and Wesan controllers from the parallel universe who invaded the earth during the Egyptian-Sumerian Invasion absconded with the female solar Melchizedek Dragons who could speak the mother of dragon's tongue through their bodies, and they created an inverted masculine speaker or prophet named Muhammod. The Muhammod structures within the earth's planetary grid networks are false prophet, false god, and have an absolute hatred to the mother's aquamarine ray and all of her body parts. The hatred of the female solar energies has been obscured by various evil manipulations using the hunting stealing and seeking out of the female christs who are ascending to restore their mother's body upon the earth. This means to be aware of these deceptions will support the comprehension of the vast falsities in place upon the earth to prevent humanity understanding - What happened to the earth? Where did our true godhead holy mother go?
At the time of writing, and through extensive gridworking the Ishtar energy hasn't been witnessed in guardian host as a solar female energy, this is very similar to the installations within the planetary grid of lunar female forms such as Nefertiti and false Sophia structures which run within the lunar forces or Moonchain energies, connected to sexual misery and power abuses. The Mother's Body in the earth is being resurrected by her Cosmic Dragon Forms, and Celtic Dragon Aspects, and her light returning supports the shedding off of the many lunar deceptions placed here impostering her actual truth love and purity.