Category:Sun-Star Networks

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The Sun-Star Networks are the Solar Sun bodies and Star Body Constellations which are suns which make up our planetoid-star body universal time matrix as the paliadorian cosmic dragon elohei's inhabitant locations for their creations. The Sun and Solar Bodies, including Stars, are multidimensional bodies which make up the realms of god's matter bodies and are stargates, and portals of their own right, from within their Solar Body configuration. As the many stars and suns in the matter realms are being reconnected to the seven higher heavens godworld's cosmic spirit body and solar transmissions of god's body in sound tones, and in communication links, the Sun-Star networks are a part of the travelling matrix of time travel within the human lightbody in the Merkabic Male-Female Merged merkaba shields to generate the orb 360 spherical lightbody, or further into the human solar Ankh Solar Vehicle.

The Solar Reisha Triple Godesses started to take their positions back into the time matrix by enspiriting their positions such as constellations of stars, as a group of female triple solar reisha goddesses as aspects of god's dragon body. Some of the Stars we see in our night sky have their bodies in other dimensions, and as such also have a multi-dimensional experience as their bodies travel and live within different dimensions of time, this is the same blueprint of creation of the human lightbody as many concurrent stations of identity having an experience inside of time all at once. For humans consciousness transports in travelling in the Ankh Body, the access through the sun-star networks is dependant on genetics and DNA coding, and thus, in the Solar Christed embodiment stages of the Angelic Human in shedding lunar and antichrist energies of service to self for service to others in the heart and golden rules of god's unconditional loving benevolences, humans meditating to know their cosmic mother with all of their hearts and cosmic father with all of their hears: or whom know that the other realms and dimensions exist may also travel through stargates in the earth, into the sun or stars within our time matrix as the solar body of god's angelic human template was designed to travel between the suns and stars and into the different galaxies. The consciousness transportations of diamond sun christ adamic angelic human bodies will never have to force themselves through any portal, as the dna inside the human body in the diamond sun silicate matrix template will provide the appropriate accesses in divine timing. The naa invaded many stars and the sun in our system, and as the guardian host families work with the Cosmic Dragon Founder families, each star is being repatterned into its organic patterning to again be and transmit the divine blueprint of god's body and aspects including laws of god through their heavenly celestial sun-stars shining and twinkling. Some starseeds on the earth today have souls which originated from other planets and star constellations in the universe, as they returned to the earth to support the liberation of humanity from the hidden evils of the naa agenda. These beings may be here to locate and rehabilitate their original genetics from earth's histories hidden from human knowledge, but recorded inside the earth's gigantic albion lightbody grids.

Pages in category "Sun-Star Networks"

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