Ascension Community



The information provided here is helpful for gridworkers trying to remember locations 
but as always the information is really only a starting point.

Stargate portals on the earth grids were installed and created by the Paliadorian Dragon Kings and Queens, in which their hierogamic bodies seated into the stargates are as a part of their consciousness inside the Templar of Time, as Solar Dragon Templars in Hierogamic Union. The Stargates of the earth were cloned, machined and outfitted with diversions in which their routes were blocked and diverted during the negative alien invasions which took place over thousands of years of wars against the Christos Founder Cosmic Elohei Dragons in the Paliadorian Covenant. Thus, the guardian host Emerald Order mission of the Paliadorian Covenant Reclaimation of Christ, required the guardian host to rebuild the planetary body through Hierogamic Union and Arc Tools, held by the Paliadorian Dragons, in which their workloads to recover and protect the DNA held in each Stargate, in the Tribal Shield of King Arthur's Body for the entire planetary body. This mission to secure the stargates required the Cosmic Founders to repair the Stargates and go through an extensive demonic extraction process, as the stargates of the earth when in full alignment to the Paliadorian Dragon Kings-Queen's Sphere of Amenti, means the planetary body and the inhabitants with a Full 12 Stranded Avatar Lightbody, would pass through the stargates depending on their Genetic Templates. 

Since the guardian host mission of the Emerald Founders in this timeline, is directly linked to the previous Cosmic Christos Guardian Host Emerald Founders mission in spiral time, the past guardian host timelines led by Akhenaton, Hatshepsut, Yeshua, John the Baptist, and others of the Celtic Aryan Solar Dragon Founder's 11th and 12th Tribes of the Maji Grail Kings, it required to recover several Solar Dragon Kings and Queens of the Founder's Cosmic Elohei Rishis out from various satanic ritualling deaths of their consciousness and spirits in the other timelines. This current timeline of the guardian host Emerald Founders, is only possible in its success due to the extensively challenging orchestrations of work across the spanning timelines, through the recover of the Planetary Master Templar Complex, which had been invaded in previous timecycles. Therefore, the stargate networks of the earth as they are being repaired, allow for travelling through the stargate with the correct genetic template - without force, and of which in the ascending human race those starseeds and indigos with repaired diamond sun templates, and cleared shadow body and negative ego mind control can travel through the gates into other locations as a matter of natural consciousness transport mechanism being restored to the merkabah. Two of the stargates noted above and below in the diagrams were re-located into their correct positions this mission by the returning Cosmic Emerald order Founder Primary Genetic Equal Aeonic Pairs, as these founders holding the embodiments of the Templar Reuche Codes could work with the Cosmic Suns of Creation in which the Godhead restored the stargates to their correct Templar Cosmic Timekeeper Sphere of Amenti Crystals in the Planetary body. These Crystals, including the Sphere of Amenti itself were replicated by negative aliens including Enki, Thoth. and others operating in AI time fields controlling humanity through the base 10 spheres of antichrist qlippoth and kaballah tree of artificial life. Thus, the restoration of the Stargates was required to ensure the correct DNA strands could be built out and those connecting their ascending rods, repairing the rod time code in each DNA strand in the male-female pair inside the DNA itself, would be assured of accessing a true corrected timeline position in the healing of the inner sacred male-female parts of the human body form. The negative aliens controlling the 5D vatican stargate portal (August 2022 guardian projects) Stargate 5D was relocated to its correct Templar position in the earth grids to Malta, and the 11D Stonehenge portals was moved into its correct Templar and Throne Room position in the Albion; the NAA were surprised that guardians rebuilt the stargates without their awareness, whilst the move supported the process of the rebuilding of the Khemalohatea Gender Twin Matrix, from the move of Stonehenge Stargate as the cherry on top of the Khem, to finally secure this into the planetary body after years of Hierogamic Templar and Solar Elohei Twins repairing the structures and rebuilding these into the correct crystal hearts and shields. 

This process was dependant on the installation of the planetary Rose-Lotus and flowering grail lines, as these solar plasmic flowerings birthed inside the planetary Mother-Sophianic and Father-Christos holds the correct solar flowering and timekeeper codes for the correct stargate access in the lightbody. 

Each stargate holds the tribal code memories and original universal twelve tribes seeded into the time matrix in the Cradle of Lyra. When an ascending human is awoken in DNA activations there may be themes of the location of the natural stargates of the earth which can show up in life as musical references, or the country area, memories may surface in order for the soul to remember and start to compile organic christos base 12 patterning of the diamond sun into the personal tree of life template. The earth stargates have been installed with alien machinery and appear as machined layers of AI but the organic connection to the gates happens through genetic lineages and DNA codes held within the tree of life within the body. During the previous invasions and the lunar forces installation to tilt the planetary body in an unnatural 23.5 degree tilt, the gates were moved from their organic location. 

Guardian Host Krystal Star forces and their on planet christos gridworkers have access to the stargates to correct and upgrade templates in the slow process of restoring and returning the eternal life force flow from the higher dimensions to run inside the stargates and through the crystalline diamondine fibre networks in what is known as trinity waves. The planetary gates and movement in and out of them will happen as a natural experience within one's own consciousness journey and cannot be forced to gain access. The gates of the earth have been wormholed to lead into other interdimensional spaces comandeered by negative racelines in other dimensions whom have destroyed the natural gate access and inserted male-female splitter technology into each gate, including the planetary grail gates. 

Each stargate holds 1 strand of instruction set of the angelic human DNA stranding, which when activated by your personal blueprint and connection to godsource can support the assembly of the DNA codes of which will help to build the soul matrix in 4D-5D-6D, and monadic body or oversoul in 7D-8D-9D, and to the avatar christos solar logos in 10D-11D-12D. 

Stargate travel and access cannot be forced, to travel through the stargates is by DNA keycoding set within the diamond sun body in rehabiliation stages. The Maji Grail King-Queen of Christos-Sophia families have a natural stargate control and repair and thus their experiences upon the earth are targeted due to the corrective principles held within their shared lightbody. Lightworkers, gridworkers and ascending indigoes and starseeds may find their consciousness travelling or transporting without trying to do so, which connects them to the memories and tribal shield records held within the gates.   Paliadorian starseeds in stages of activating and building their solar embodiments may travel through higher solar gates. Template corrections for all consciousness repairs, can be supported by daily dedication and use of the 12D shield building technique. 

Anyone can apply a multitude of spontaneous contemplative inquiries, as a holographic fractal, or a multidimensional
mirror: for instance, the 3-6-9 as Masculine Principles can be related to the Galactic gates to Earth, Jupiter, & Neptune.
You may then cross-correlate your personal astrological chart to where these planets sit within your 12 houses
and come to understand a new relationship to yourself.

Alternatively, you may relate the right sided organ systems Liver & Gallbladder, the ascending colon, the Yang kidney
to these energetics and uncover another relationship. 


Portal Systems

SG: Front cone of the Planetary Chakra / Stargate
IG: Back cone of the Planetary Chakra/ Stargate
MA: Mother Arc Gate Aurora Time Field Access Routes
T: Trinity Arc Gate, Created for those who have not spiritual awakened


Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Theta Orion Parallel Earth and Mercury. 

SG-1: Halley, South Pole (22W, 75S)

IG-1: Cyprus, Greece (33.1E,35,2N)

MA-1: Adare, Ireland. (8.9W, 53.1N)

T-1: Malibu beach, Malibu California



Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Epsilon Eridani/Inner Earth and Venus. 

SG-2: Sarasota, Florida. (83.5W, 27.3N)

IG-2: Easter Island, Chile  (109.2W, 27.3S)

MA-2: Stonehenge, UK  (2.8W, 51.1N)

T-2: Belize City, Belize. Central America



Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Earth, Alpha Centauri and Venus

SG-3: Bermuda Islands. (65.3W, 32N)

IG-3: Johannesberg, South-Africa. (27.9E, 35.8S)

MA-3: Seattle, Washington USA. (122.5W, 47.7N)

T-3: Goa, India (1mile of SE coast)



Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Sun, Mars

SG-4: Cairo – Giza Egypt. (31.5E, 30N)

IG-4: Aguascalientes, Mexico. (102.2W,22.4N)

MA-4: Manhattan Island, NYC USA.  (72.8W, 40.8N) 

T-4: Staten Island, NYC, NEw York



Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Pleiadian Alcyone–Tara and Asteroid Belt (was Maldak) 

SG-5: Machu Pichu, Peru. (73W, 12.3S)

IG-5: Rome, Italy. (Vatican) 12,5E,41.8N)

MA-5: Bali, Indonesia. South Pacific. (115.2W, 8.6S)

T-5: SE Tuscany, 7 Miles of Castaglione, italy)



Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Sirius B, Procyon, Jupiter. 

SG-6: Near Moscow, Russia. ( 37E, 55.3 N)

IG-6: Thar Desert, India. (72.9E, 26.7N)

MA-6: Ayers Rock, Australia. (130.5E, 24.5S)

T-6: Fiji,  South Pacific Ocean



Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Arcturus, Omega Centauri and Saturn.

SG-7: Lake Titicaca, Peru (69.8W, 15.5S)

IG-7: Paxos, Greece. (20.3E,39.1N)

MA-7: Phoenix AZ, USA. (111.9W, 34.1N) 

T-7:  Andaman Sea (7miles W of coast Tavoy)


Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Mintaka Orion, Gaia – Polaris, Alnitak Orion, Uranus 

SG-8: Xian, China. (108.5E, 34.3N)

IG-8: Taklamaken, Lop Nor, Tibet. (87.4E, 35.8N)

MA-8:  South/West of Bermuda. (64.9W, 32.1N)

T-8:  Auckland City, North Island, N-Zealand


Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Mirach Andromeda and Neptune.

SG-9: Bam Tso Heiho Tibet ( 92E, 32N)

IG-9: Westbury, UK  (2.1W, 51.2N)

MA-9: Antarctica South-Pole. South/East of  Halley. (13W, 88S) 

T-9: in Lake Superior, Canada (2miles of coast Thunder Bay (approx 89W,48N)


Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Vega Lyra,  Tiamat, and Pluto

SG-10: Abadan, Iran. (49E, 30.8N)

IG-10: Basra, Iraq. (47.7E, 30.9N)

MA-10: Baghdad, Iraq.  (44.0E, 33.3N) 

T-10: Hatshepsuts Temple, Egypt


Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Aveyon Lyra, Avalon Lyra

SG-11: Vale of Pewsey S. England. (1.9W,51.5N)

IG-11: Ireland’s Eye. (6.1W, 53.3N)

MA-11: Newgrange, Ireland.  (6.2W, 53.4N)

T-11: Epsom Downs, Surrey United Kingdom (approx 0.2W,51N)


Connects with Universal and Galactic SG: Aramatena, Lyra and Sun.

SG-12: Monsegur S. France (1.8E, 42.8N)

IG-12: Kauai, Hawaii. 159.7W, 22.2N)

MA-12: Cornwall, UK. (4.25W, 50.7N)

T-12: 5 miles SW of Cork, Ireland

The Stargate INCENSION Journey


Visual Solar System - Galactic Stargates

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