Mhairi & Sequoia are in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of one. Both experienced an intense kundalini awakening event many years ago which led to direct experiences of multi-dimensional perceptions, of the godsource energies in spiritual awakenings and as contact from Cosmic Starfamily serving the law of one. The contact continued over many years in training, direct consciousness experiences and planetary gridworking which resulted in the body of work you see here, to offer support in returning the human awareness of our multidimensional reality as an embodiment and the difficult painful understandings about negative controls placed upon the human reality fields; blocking out the direct relationship with benevolent godsource.
Their stewardship is in service as planetary gridworkers, multi-dimensional ascension guides, etheric surgeons working in full life service as ground crew galactic emissary representatives of the guardian host. Many spiritual-biological upgrades and direct trainings as a part of direct contact with guardian host in the higher godworlds realms outside of time in order to interface directly with the planetary grid networks including visitations from various racelines of ETs both benevolent and hostile as a part of this training. Along with guardian group families, their mission is to support the re-education of humanity bringing awareness and spiritual truths. Information on our site has come from direct consciousness experiences and through hundreds of sessionfields with the krystal star guardian host cosmic christ families.
In support of the God-Sovereign-Free timeline, which is each human's right to comprehend the highest expression of self in learning life lessons to attain spiritual and energetic self mastery; the OmniLov3 community is offered to prepare starseeds and the indigo families comprehend the true hidden galactic history of humanity and understanding the biological ascension happening in the universal time matrix. Sharing a safe platform for re-education and ascension tools to navigate the pathways leading into self-sovereignty and true heart healing. As the planet body is upgraded to support the rehabilitation of the architecture OmniLov3 exists to translate the energetic shifts impacting human consciousness evolution, as the benevolence of GodSource returns to earth this cycle and into all human hearts as a reality.
The God-Sovereign-Free timeline is the highest freedom potential in consciousness liberation as an awakening human in understanding the Cosmic Citizenship in consciousness liberation and as an extension it acts to provide a multi-dimensional, multi-lineage support in the ascending human protoform. All tools and informations on our site are from direct telepathic relay contact with the Guardian Host and not through entity-channeling or controlling entity channel. Guardian Hosts of the Krystal Star, are leading the universal time matrix management and rehabilitation of the architecture of our planet, solar system and beyond under the direction of the Emerald Order Cosmic Christ intelligences.
We are not related to or affiliated with any guru-disciple models of spiritual teachings on earth, or where group hierarchy is in place. The heart of Christ or Krystal Star consciousness is a humbling embodiment process of which is the divine right of all humans, to discover the sacred Crystal Diamond Heart within = direct connection to god source and no hierarchy exists there.
We believe that when we create with and through love, existence is recoded (repatterned and architecturally aligned) in the essential resonance of God-Source.
Spirituality is not a disembodied sense of self, nor is it a separate part of life, it is an ongoing state of comprehending the natural and eternal life flow which is received into the time matrix via the higher cosmic rays of godsource matrix. It is the intent to develop and listen to inner guidance with Love, with the unity intelligence field of Mother-Father-Child Godhead zero point matrix. It requires dedication, discipline, observation, detachment, and truthseeking to reveal the force of love and unity. May each human know the truth of their creators, the Cosmic Christos families of Unity, Sovereignty and Oneness.
Spiritual Ascension Support, Starseeds & Indigos
This website is an outreach of support as a living light architecture and multidimensional awareness community. Our perpetual dedication is to cosmic re-unification of the Christos-Sophia in form through the practices of gnosis, spiritual alchemy and divine union. Through the guidance and the embodiment of Krystal Star Guardian Host consciousness we have and continue to re-learn and serve to re-educate others how to live in harmony with Universal Truth. Humanity has been denied the truth of the Christos teachings upon this earth. For the many awakening starseeds and indigos here to support this ascension path, it can be a very confusing experience.
The Cosmic Christ consciousness is not a religion, nor is it a myth, nor is it one man who was sent to earth. As the planet endures her dark night of the soul, and has her auric field cleared of reversals and machinery placed within her grids, many awakening starseeds and humans are being raised into higher levels of reveal into the truth.
Being here marks a place of transition where your work of surrendering to spirit will begin to flower more rapidly and fully. This is a space of spiritual development designed to cultivate an intimate relationship between you and God-source. Traditional norms relating to the organization and meaning of perception will be progressively transformed. Communal resonance becomes spiritual radiance which dissolves old patterns of being and paves the way for higher expression and inner divine relationship unfolds to the outer. Thank you for your persistence and your presence.
Know that you are supported, that the answers are coming directly to you, and that you are not alone.

This container is a heart offering and ascension archive that exists to help others progress through their awakening with optimal grace, peace, and power.
The energy-architecture of this body reflects a range of support systems stemming from an expanded and refined space of perceptions and reality experiences consistent with future timelines and higher self-realization.
This is specifically attuned to sacred union and for starseeds, indigo races and lightworkers to advance their understanding and embodiment of unity field intelligence or god-source awareness. Individual healing, collective recoding, and emancipation gridwork are featured.
Assess from the stillness of your inner awareness and heart, retain clear connection, and ask whether or not this path is resonant to you. Remain in your inner core and discard all that does not serve your empowered unfolding of relationship to source directly. While you are here may you be blessed by the silent tone codes of the Krystal Star to heal and nourish your Spirit, Soul, and body-mind systems.
The support to help cultivate individuals gain their own deep emotional & spiritual healing, the dismantling of the negative ego false construct and the expansion and refinement of the heart through devotion to gnosis via compassionate living, meditative peace, & balance are the aims of omnilov3. Becoming the highest expression of self, through a heart emanation leads to at-one-ment and endless peace with source connection.
This is not an idealized vision, nor is it without difficulties, it requires deep inner work to learn how to become clear about the endless pitfalls of spiritual glamor as well coming to a place of inner balance with our relationship to the presence of negative forms of experience and negative consciousness.In becoming a heart-guided clear-eyed neutral observer an individual will come to realize that our consciousness evolution involves continuously cycle through phases of dissolving the negative ego and all that is inorganic to our self as we are gently guided to recall our multidimensionality through rebuilding the interwoven connections we have to other times, other selves, and the larger grid systems of the planet and beyond in a myriad of expression and universes.
I have been a meditator for most of my life, spending long hours for many years developing focus, peace, non-body awareness, and inner core alignment. I progressed through the worlds wisdom traditions during my learning process. In 2006 I experienced an intense kundalini awakening where I found myself operating in a completely different dimensions of perception.
I awoke to the realization that all previous information I had been operating on was not adequate to encompass starseed ascension dynamics. I discovered that many versions of the earth were being impacted and controlled by nonphysical entities through advanced consciousness siphon and distortion systems. I began spontaneously time traveling into alternate realities and assessing future outcomes. I was attacked without end every evening by hosts of beings using techniques and technologies I had no prior reference of.
This movement of consciousness took place for nearly a year and progressively revealed information and understanding of an entirely different context for spirituality, human history, and the involvement of many other stations of identity, and other dimensional beings. I eventually had a walk-in ground into my awareness which helped to effectively protect and integrate this level of immersion in multidimensionality through soul integration.
Shortly after I discovered others who had undergone a similar stage of awakening and found an immediate kinship with a spiritual sister, Lisa Renee, and the Energetic Synthesis group. I started hosting meditation classes and generating images based upon consciousness transmission which I tend to experience in abstract form of geometric frequency patterns whose information I then read. I began several small online groups during the next few years as I finished a post-graduate program.I had a second kundalini event in 2015 that lasted about 8 months which involved a complete shift of consciousness to another density level and an understanding of many ongoing galactic level events. It was this range of experiences and the subsequent whole heart-resonance connection with my wife Mhairi that further activated and prepared me to extend my servicework to the group container of Omnilov3.
At age 11 I had a spontaneous kundalini energy awakening which catapulted me into depressive states and anxiety, also known as soul integration levels. At 16 I was diagnosed with ME/Chronic Fatigue syndrome and had excessive energy fluctuations and thought I was dying. In 2002 I experienced another intense kundalini awakening where I was aware of alternative dimensional spaces in the future Lyran Sun-Star Solar Logos layers of the time matrix. I actively sought out paranormal, new age teachings and ascension channelled information in many failed attempts to support me to understand what was happening to me.
Through continuous starseed activations I had a future self from Sirius B walk-in (merge in consciousness) support me to stabilise my consciousness in my body. I then knew directly that all previous information I had gathered via new age teachings was in fact not in alignment with my own inner starseed compass, and I began to share more of my awareness online to support others.
During these phases I was being forcefully attacked by beings I could not see and became aware that my lightbody had been implanted to stop the flow of organic currents from GodSource. After repeated darkforce attacks I understood that there was more than the astral bliss of love and light, and it was now being revealed to me so I could understand my purpose here. Seeking support with this phases of my awakening sequence, I was delighted to find spiritual sister Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis.
Through the walk-in process I was activated to serve in planetary gridwork repair and rehabilitation, and intricate advanced etheric surgery and DNA repair in the body and lightbody matrix system healing work which I had no prior knowledge of. This began my intiation into enlightened ET contact, from the guardian host beings of the Cosmic Christ Families. Shortly after that I began "Galactic Heart Healing" under the name of Indigo Intuitive, holding monthly group field spaces to anchor in Cosmic Christ coding and building the communication links in the grids of Scotland for the Krystal Star Guardian host celestial Christ management teams. This would assist the rehabilitation of the diamond grids and to offer starseeds a truthful connection to source fields of the 13D Mother Arc Aquamarine Blue Ray through the Mother Arc of the Covenant,
Perceiving levels of multidimensionality and reversal systems, anti life force beings and false spiritual teachings on earth I endeavour to provide context and support for our starseed awakening family. Bearing witness to galactic history hidden and recorded in the planet and in human lightbodies to support timeline overrides, supporting others to awaken to know their own inner truth; I continue on the path of inner truth and resonance with heart based intelligence through my own inner work and that of providing healing and guidance to other ascension path walkers.
Further integrations and consciousness shifts of inner sacred marriage allowed me to prepare this group container with my husband Sequoia through our unified heartfield with complete resonance to live our servicework mission which is entirely built upon eternal lightfibres of Omnilov3.
In the 3d realms I have training in personality parts conflict resolution, hypnotherapy and past life regression, body emotional memory release, spiritual attachment (demonic, possessions, et or discarnate soul) release and inner child soul fragmentation support. Using advanced methods of etheric surgery to obtain deep levels of alignment to your heart and soul; lightbody/physical and emotional healing can take place. When an ascending starseed or indigo can connect to the source fields more fully, without implants and mind control, one is able to live their direct purpose more easily and with more support as a directly connected person to the godhead, with no intermediary or imposter spirits.