I would say that the baphomet fields in the 2D layers are underworld, and also parts of the astral plane 4D, and fallen astral plane 4D fell and was inverted in sections of its natural position in time down inverted into the lower fields to 2D as being sucked down part of the planetary heart configuration; these contain a mixture of fallen angelics, demons, she-demons, beautiful dark beings, horrible death beings, aliens, femme fatale she demons, incubus, succubus and jinns, jenies and random shadow creatures that pop up from time to time. There may be different languaging words used for the same purpose, I guess I call them hell realms as a general term; yet meaning the same thing - these entities who live within sections of the planetary body or in different dimensions of time, are not connected to source and must consume energy through another method in which to stay animated. There are off planet sections and pockets of alien machinery which are also filled with fallen entities or reptilian beings who enslave humanity in hidden invisible layers. We also have parallels in pockets of time, into the parallel universal structures which are also creatures, baphomet aliens, various draconian reptilians and evil entities stemming from there.
These hell realms and demonic gestalts are consuming, materialistic, offer bargains of glamour, are tricksters, seducers and project an image of charmingness or support. Yet, some beings appear because they require to be guided out of their location, such as, through a transit portal held in the shadow vortex or perhaps because they recognise your essence from another lifetime and want to try and communicate. Many awakening people find that they are being beckoned or enticed to interact with forces that they do not know what they are, because the dress themselves up as something else and give a false front. A bit like finding an attractive partner who ends up being violent or a cheater; there is no transparency with these beings. In my earlier awakening phases I had real life temptations, and in the astral plane temptations - which was aliens dressed as angels and trying to flatter me and tell me how important I was. This didn't last long, because I realised it was too far grandiose for my liking, so until I could understand the purpose of the communication I closed my door to everything non-physical.
It's going to be a learning of your own direct experiences, what you can determine. Awakening usually means our previously closed invisible doors are now opened more, and then beings of different kinds are now perceivable, it's up to us to figure out how to manage that and over time determine that. There isn't an agreement between demonics and the christ force, it's basically an offering of a return back home through the mother arc portal, and not a developed relationship. Mostly these beings are possibly wounded and require to be witnessed through compassion and then offered a space back home, all beings trapped in the lower realms are enslaved, and cannot get out without a christ representative to release them from their spiritual bondage. You may be learning some of that on your path, or coming to terms with what your senses are able to perceive. Usually a boundary test using your 12d shield will help you to understand which forces you are willing to interact with, and which you should not depending on your inner yes-no radar.
With Love,