Ascension Community

it is very painful for me, but my twin flame and I have been in contact for over 7 years, this happened straight after I had a walk in experience in 2014. I have been there for him through every stage of his life, being a friend, listening and supporting him through his partnership and sexual adventures with other women; but we are not together as a couple and it is very painful for me to understand why it's like this. I also support couples in twin flame relationships

Holding a space of compassion for your learning path and heart healing for yourself. The alchemical union stages of inner sacred marriage tends to be quite tough in learning all about ourselves- the behaviours and archetypes we play out, the romantic idealisms, and the spiritual growth and maturity that is also learnt through living life. I have written an article on my site, Understanding the twin flame as I have worked with hundreds of starseeds over the years in supporting them through their learning curve with the alchemical unions, as I had to work through a few myself in my earlier awakening years. I receive many requests for support with this topic, so this article was to try and shed some light for others to identify within themselves to bring a level of supportive understanding.

There really isn't a quick way through the emotional body clearing, it is to learn our own self-integrity and energetic self mastery in the process of gaining our sovereignty. If we play power games, seduction, damsel in distress, or whatever it is we have to learn - these patterns show themselves in order to be healed and dismantled. If we notice these in the other person - again, it's about how we respond to that energy. What we will allow, how we feel about ourselves. It's not just about the other person, it's about our own behavior and what we are learning is a strength, weakness inside ourselves. Can be very very painful, but also a long journey to obtaining real clarity.

There are stages to the personal lightbody building that cannot be skipped, and in the earlier stages of awakening - there are different people who hold different codes for sharing, and that they are not an actual 'final life time' genetic equal partner; sometimes we are met with an organic alchemical union person and at the same time 3 imposters are sent towards us as distractions which have a bait hook of attraction. On the earth everything has been done to stop genetic equals from finding each other, but we each have to clear ourselves from sexual misery as best as we can, we also have to remove the dark mother lunar forces from inside ourselves to truly start to build the sophianic templating. The connections we have with others help us to self-assess ourselves and where we are at.

I have worked with several women (and men) who held onto, and also perpetuated the runner-chaser type of connection that they allowed themself to 'wait for' the man or 'be the other woman' for over 10 years- in full belief that he was THE one. This created a form of secret hidden and deceptive relationship, or a belief that this guy was the absolute only one, in waiting like this, it re-enforces a belief that god is not capable of harmonising our spiritual relationships and it keeps the dark mother lunar force pain siphoning loop in place, until one party cuts the cords and refuses to play into the unhealthy energy exchange.

Another thing to consider is that after awakening or walk-ins (merging in part of another self), we are still perhaps in the soul and into monadic building layers of the lightbody. There are astral glamour traps in those planes of our own lightbody connecting into the collectives- where false christ light, bliss, astral bliss and false architecture sit. We are clearing those parts of our personal lightbody in these stages, it is done brick by brick until we get the energetic corrections and alignments in place. When the time comes to open up into monadic connections, this is a really vulnerable point in the ascension process where every imposter person romantic, false friend, false partners will be sent over towards us to create mass deception. Our dark arts training takes the next stage of real until we keep going deeper into ourselves to find more absolute truth. At that level of integration is where we are given our higher levels of spiritual tests and intiations, that we have to pass the personal resonance test to integrate the learnings we have lived through.

I understand how painful and confusing it can be, so just surrendering all up to god and asking your godself for support will bring to you the answers you seek, of which you will know deep inside your heart.

Sending you many blessings of support as you go through,

In loving kindness,