Ascension Community

Dear Reader,

The planetary ascension we are all enduring is so filled with spiritual warfares against anyone with an intention to share truths, and to oust and repel the antichrist's deceptions upon us all. As a note I'd like to ask those out there, whom are in the digital content creations to please bear in mind that the life's work of anyone is a part of their personal actions whilst alive on the planet, that should be treated with courtesy and respect. We are all here, doing our own things, and building safe spaces in which we know there are certain taboo topics which are deliberately being censored, such as alien abductions or the fact that a person who is an experiencer of extra-terrestial harrassments, spiritual hidden silent warfare, is being controlled by the mass media under the guise of being "fact checked".

How anyone can prove to another person their own consciousness experiences, is still a problem at this time on a planet where more humans are waking up to realise the levels of layers of controlled perceptions. Add to this the dismissive attitude sometimes based in fear, which labels many people telling those truths as mentally unstable as an easier solution rather than accepting that person's account as their real life experience. We can share our experiences with others who can feel and sense what that is, and find others who relate to this specifically as an experience that they too, have had.

I started to become spiritually activated in my life back around 1986 where various invisible beings were making themselves known to me, and at the same time, aliens or ET creatures with shadow beings present led to an extremely emotional reaction as dark night of the soul, which was a soul embodiment process aged 10 initiated by my connection to god. This process unfolded since then in a series of galatic emissary avatar trainings until the consciousness with the Lyran-Sirian Sirius B was secured which catapulted me into strange experiences I had to try and figure out over the years personally. I've shared my life's work here in and this wiki, as a sharing to support those on the ascension who have not had access to what I feel would be adequate spiritual truths. I struggled to find reasons why I could see aliens and demons and false-angels. Eventually my personal guardian contacts Yeshua and Akhenaton from their positions outside of time guided me in a non-interfering way to spiritual sister, Lisa Renee whose life's work factored deeply into my own personal activations and growth in such a way it was undeniable to be here with shared commonalities. So, our site takes the form of a similarity, but the content is all our own life's personal gridworking fieldworks with the Guardian Host Emerald founders Krystal Star Host mission. 

The guardian host workloads and their contactees on the earth happen through a process of un-interfering, and un-superior - read - humble, heart based communications to test for spiritual maturity and personal ethics and values, before they will commence working with their ground crew intended ascension guides. This process has been grossly misunderstood on the earth, as we have various thousands of people in different timeline positions and in different soul groups, who each have an oversoul consciousness mission of their own unique spiritual healings. The planet is filled with artificial grids, inserts and booby traps set to appear as authentic golden rainbows or appear as to cater to the heroistical patterns being used to derail the starseed and indigo ascension healing, by setting up extensive traps within dimensions to really keep those individuals from busting through their own dark night of the soul, and to keep these dramatic expressions, sometimes victimiser expressions being used instead of the person taking the lesson, and realising change must happen with the intention of being in direct connection to god source.

My husband spent most of his life generating the artworks to share the connections and templates from the godworlds and to represent these as form-holding blueprints which contain an energetic frequency from the cosmic founders. These have made it out into social media and the world at large, where people send messages and notes of appreciation for being able to see these when they resonate. My mission also as a gridworker in galactic emissary trained services, as a contract, is to share and expand guardian knowledges straight from the guardian families workloads, and from a personal direct consciousness experience. This is important for me to share, to relay this, as the false telepathies and the cloned warfares have sent out guardians as holographic inserts, and channelings to control people in various ways on the planet. There is an ongoing war over the guardian host informations of true spiritual Krystic or Christ, ascension, which all humans are being supported through as the planetary body undergoes its own repair sequences, as does this also affect the inhabitants upon the earth. The hatred and attacks we have received for our sharings has been educational and interesting, when the attacks come, they have an energetic signature and this also leads into who wants to destroy the christos families from being embodied in the ascension. Thus, the content we have, as gridworkers is considered to be shared as supports, as those in the ascending energetic starseed experiences will understand this more than others. Together, this is a part of the ascension in which one day, all humans upon this planet will know exactly how controlled it was here, and they will also experience the actual godhead creator inside their own bodies as they ascend to reconnect with their Christed Embodiments as a human christ which was the original human design. 

You are free to reference our materials, but we ask please, that you courteously respect that if you use them - please reference our site as the origin. To do so, is to respect that others too are working the similar ascension path as yourself, as we are one body of work for consideration to support others. Over the last 8 years the cloned warfare from the negative aliens mostly thothian annunakians and zephilum aliens operating in the shadows as false guardian teams, or false starfamily to other groups (we can see them, they are not our starfamilies of various guardian teams) have cloned out our content into the ethers, and given this as artificial intelligence inserts to several others grids on the earth. This is their means of cloning me out by placing my image or my words into another person's consciousness - to represent certain parts of the guardian host, but whom do not have my direct consciousness experiences to back up their sharings. Also, from time to time our image or body or group field gets holographic archontic images as if this is what we really are. We get a host of heroistic remote viewers trying to gain access to the group body, and in lots of cases, the black magicians out there sending hatred and vitreol to everything we stand for, is usually what people feel the first time the make connection - unless of course, there is clear heart that can feel through the crap they keep placing upon us to derail people and to manipulate those into thinking we are not a body of christ on the earth. The deceptions are quite the ongoing spiritual warfare.

We can see, with the AI fakery in videos, the AI taking over to generate false people holograms as an entertainment system has spilled out into people taking ALL online content and the AI systems using it to scour and re-generate things like essays, and stories, and books. Many of us know we have a personal expression of our own energy - so what is it going to look like in the future if we are relating to some kind of robotic voice sharing informations and content, without a real living human who can share their actual personal hard-earned life wisdoms, how is the emotional sensory perception of that receipient going to feel in the receivership of that?

If you heard my voice, you'd hear my vocal expression which carries my intention and my heart based love for this work, and all who may be served by it. Just like people telling stories around the campfire, there is an energetic moment of shared human hearts together which cannot be replicated into an online system. If I heard your voice, and it could be felt by my body then this resonance and your energy is transmitted within your personal soul expression. We are in a process on this planet, of being = just who we really are, and to really integrate our own expressions to really value that as a deeply emotional human experience to be ourselves and learn to be together. After all, god created our souls, and each soul has a very unique and very gorgeous inner spiritual gift to be or share in this world. These pages are my gift in written expression, there is an energetic signature from my soul that is present here.

The words I am typing today, carry my personal energy within them onto the page, and when you type or speak - your expression from your soul is imprinted upon your own sharing. The resonance we have to people in our lives is very personal, we sense and we feel, we make decisions based upon those intuitive impressions and we can take what is helpful and we can move on. We can say - thank goodness! Someone else get's it! I am not alone! Some may disagree, and that is absolutely OK.

With this in mind, and with the expression that is so unique and personal to each of us on the planet, I've seen very recently our ascension content appear on social media platforms which appears as digital content creators pasting the words and presenting them to their thousands or millions of followers - as if this is their own words and work. I do not feel this needs to happen like this, as it is a mis-representation of that person's own voice, to be mine or our content without disclosing it or without sharing the information actually came from here. This feels awkward, as when all of us are growing up, we learn the basic courtesy of crediting others where credit is due. What happens then, when someone asks you to expand upon those words? What will the answers be? If your own experiences and your own sharings don't feel what you would prefer them to be, how can you look to being who you really are in this life, and not take other's words as your own? Can you sense that it is a bit strange to take someone elses work and present as your own, when you then receive the credit or even in some cases, money for it? I know in life the pain where others have stolen my work and words, and happily received credit for it - never once showing that the information and content didn't really come from their mind or their experiences. Today's spiritual leaderships must abide to only present themselves as they really and truly are. We cannot have people out there on the holy mountain of self-importance to appear knowledgable and with lifelong experiences...if they really don't exist. This energetic dynamic is one which is based in a falsehood, and I have been a witness to this my entire life. People misrepresenting themselves to appear more or different than they really are can have dire emotional impact upon others who placed their trust upon or with that person. Some individuals were very unhealed and very wounded, and used this process of mis-representation as if it allowed them to ignore their unhealed shadow, and to put them up on a pedestal of their own making. What is entirely painful in our planet is when we find out, later, that someone wasn't really who they said they were, or that how they acted wasn't their actual real all-the-time self. This generates and re-generates broken heartedness on this planet. Many of us have had enough of that, as we know, being a trustworthy person in the purest self-expression as just who we really are, is what is building our human race to embody the actual spirits of christ, and truth.

In this spiritual warfare, my tasks are to offer public informations out as part of my life's mission and spiritual truth sharing with my husband. If I refer to someone else's work who sparked an insight within me, I'd share their online link as the direct reference. What is being shared here is an account of ascension in direct contact with cosmic teams of intelligences, to support humanity have another resource to support the person think feel or resonate - or not. To bring support. We do not have any social media sites nor do we add content to them. More and more of us on the christos families have experienced character assassinations at the hands of satanic and luciferian forces. These forces covet and clone, and copy, and feel very self-entitled to present knowledge as their power. To bring this information to the content of our site, has meant we live on donations and memberships as this helps us continue to bring free content in blogs, and updates. And yet, I am very aware of the tendency of the glamourisations over this knowledge, whereby unscrupulous energetics in service to self agendas, are using knowledge or energetic supports to cost hundreds of dollars, which I can honestly say is not a guardian intelligence.

We are happy if someone feels support from our work, this is shared in kindness for anyone who feels like it is helpful to them. Please may you link back to our site, as a respectful courteousy of shared human values. There is enough room out there, for everyone's voice to be heard and also to be found, for just who they are.