Ascension Community

Mother Arc, Aquamarine Blue Ray 13D

The planetary templar, grid networks and access points to and from the Mother Principle of the tri-wave god source energies, are known as the 13th Dimensional Mother Aquamarine Ray frequencies, or Mother Arc. The planetary body was reconnected to the Mother frequencies in around 2009, by many guardian starseeds and lightworkers who were working to rebuild the architecture and therefore supporting the planet connect back into her true Mother. The energy is available to those who wish to connect and the 13th dimension is the access point out of this universal structure we reside within on planet earth. Guardian Teams support starseeds to connect to the pillar networks of aurora or tri-wave architecture, built with living light fibres of eternal essence.

Connecting to Mother

The Mother Arc can be connected to via a transharmonic pillar or gateway which is built within the individual lightbody of a human being, through intended connection to one’s Mother Source energy. It is suggested to first connect with and build on the internal vertical channel (hara line, staff energy) with 12th dimensional christ platinum ray frequency, and Mother arc currents. The vertical connection in the human lightbody is the connection that builds into Mother Arc. This is required to be built in order to feel Mother frequencies.

Cosmic Holy Trinity

The mother arc aquamarine ray is the first emanation of mother god into this universal time matrix, and access point is termed as the 13th dimension. Mother Arc Aquamarine Blue Ray is the Mother aspect of the Cosmic Trinity of the God source. This tri-wave ray frequency makes up the 3 fold flame, which consists of 13D Mother Arc Blue Ray, 14D Christ-Sophia (Child) Gold Ray, 15D Father Arc Magenta Ray. Together they make up the holy parent, the true ray frequencies that belong to this universe. Starseeds template the recoding of the earth body and all portions of creation with the trinity waves of cosmic parent.

Humans on earth have not been able to feel the true loving eternal essence of the godsource, and thus, in the ascension cycles more humans are awakening to know and understand and feel the true mother essence on the earth.

Safe Passage Mother Arc Portal

For humans passing their bodies at the end of life, the Mother Arc portal or 13th dimensional ray, is suggested to be held open in divine service to allow the safe passing of soul energies at the transition of the physical body from this earth. This is the route home to God Source.