Ascension Community

The intent of alignment 
Direct connection
whatever else
isn't buoyant

So here, the Rishic prayer


and every day dedication emerges again
clearer, purifying to 
protect & amplify refocusing, prayer, and meditation

as we clear the living light fibers
The energy body is updated, renewed, and forever
Perpetuated by Source

Through intent and and open-hearted beingness
The unity field is established and 
is a living re-establishment throughout time
and space
with our guardian forces and
the krystic families and races of One

This alchemical container is now
we purpose and dedicated our essence of One
to Oneness;
One Law- One Love- One Sun

We set forth the will of One
To achieve inner stillness
to maintain connection with and to God
which is to allow the cosmic christ
to support, uplift, and guide
The way through feeling 
Anchoring, centering, and establishing krystal star
Blueprints, templates, architecture, and coding

Through humility,
Unconditional love and perfect peace
Emerges; as the inner sun is known,
union-experience engages
springs and streams 
into being

To bring freedom, clearing, purification and integration
With the god sovereign free
& the highest and heroic timeline

As the singularity of unity is experienced 
We learn to choose peace
Peace in the mind
Peace in the heart
In the body

Peace to the earth

May this spirit of peace fill 
and flood every body space
Within the mind, the heart, and body

The conditionless formless spiritual essence
Is then known

Aiding the discerning to connections with true spiritual being
And all outer states
Gathering more and more clarity

As inward orientation accrues and god plasma develops.
All else dissolves in the timing, in the order, in the materialization
That god wills, knowing all else to be the gift of the moment
Here to help us move forward and lessen the weight
Of disconnection, distraction, illusion, oppression and suppression
Occurring in what is outer and what is thought to be inner 

Letting each thing exist on its own side,
with no animation or energy sharing,
save for the reconstitution and harmonic-oneness with the living God flame within

Presence, pure presence, is spontaneous
to god direction
Sustained by virtue of the absence of all other intent, energy, or patterns of perception, behavior, or activity.

May this role, the role of the rose queen-king, an impenetrable lover of god
who gives all attention-awareness to heart tones and lights and inner essence
You hold this option & in choosing you can
reach truth by letting god-source emerge within
you without effort, force, manipulation, judgment, waiting, seeking, knowing, or service to self

The love for god is enough,
but just that;
no excess, no lack

Let that be what it is
Learn to listen
Stand or sit at the eternal krystic bonfire
And allow

The pasts, the shadows to be witnessed & washed away
Without moving from this seat, without being motivated to speak
Until the sitting itself has revealed the ongoing union

The profound and self-sustained nature of oneness-stillness 

May no shadow lure you again

May no shadow threaten you 

May no shadow disturb your powerful peace,

Intentions of oneness, or strength, in calm silence
In acceptance, of what is, without reaching

The heart blossoms with love
The heart unfolds with the seasons
Ordained through the union of mother & father

Of water and sunshine, of heart-feeling
This is that season, the season, the aeon of krystic hearts
Emerging together and as one in no-time

In the brightness of day and the brightness of the sustained 

May the solar stars birth yet more union through the
Diamond sun, the cosmic seed of source, the solar dragons
the aurora, with the divine
rishic families the paliadorian suns
the diamond heart
Of the eternal you
That you are

This is the space
This is the place
To own your authority

To be in authentic power
Is to know through humble witness-
That all power comes from the One

May the whole be made here
May holy song and sound reflect only this 

May the pure love ray-flow-geometry-feeling
Heal all directions of separation, all reflections of inorganic, all mirrors of inverse, all pain,
all parts be brought together
Again again again embraced
the threefold infinite nature
Existing in the pre-matter celestial sun fields

This is the path
The true path
The nature of god
The nature of the law 
Of One

To know oneness with christ
Oneness with god oneness with the divine
Oneness with love

With mother father eternally embracing you
Now &

You will not be used
You cannot be used
To wound when you know this truth
If you do not know this truth
You are knowing wounds
These must be brought to surface
So god can hold your heart and make it new
So the mothers tears of true compassion
Can emerge from you
To bring you home

You are the star
You are the light
You are

Only this
Only ever

So too another petal
Expands, softly unfolds
Anointing all that is you



The heart giving back to itself
As god-witness
The pure seed of krystalline

And so it is.