Ascension Community

Dear Family, 

The last several weeks has been an intense gridwar of locating additional sections of the alien hive minds, connected to SSP Supersoldier agendas, and the hidden truths of our human history which the guardian families remote viewings, and detailed gridworking missions spanning many years has been bolstered and amplified through Cosmic Father's Ruby and Dark Matter Dragon body twinning into the Emerald Templar Mother's Cosmic Body. As such, the restoration of the Rasha Cycles, going through this stage in the Quadrants of Time the families of the guardian host inside the Addondra 360 Realm Capstones of our Quadrant or Ecka, with their Ascended Master's Solar Reisha-Rishi Dragon's Eye View, is the assisting protocol allowing the Guardian Host Christos Solar Templars to observe the damage to the Kingdoms and Realms in our Universal Time Matrix, in locating additional controls over our matters, stemming from the 4th parallell universal time matrix, known as arasha-TA.

The cloning warfares of agendas in our creation, has been controlled by the destruction the control and the deliberate use of the keylons and partiki-partikei universal fabrics of the original morphogenetic template of our inside of time creations, which influences our solar system, our galaxy and our earth timelines, which have been controlled by a series of nefarious agendas such as the 9-11 armageddon war programming, the human trafficking, the satanic ritualling and the blood sacrifice which has permeated our society in not so hidden ways. These agendas, are being witnessed in more detail as the alien hub minds operating in false arthurian rounds inside Arashata, has been seen and witnessed by the Solar Reisha-Rishi and the Solar Templar Dragons, whom are working to extract and remove the many structures hidden deeply inside the cloned Kingdoms and Realms of our Universal Time Matrix. 

Think of the structure of a hologram, and holographic nested realities, operating all at once, and then think of the movie shows which convey time and space travels, with hidden realities, and un-discovered realms where different timelines and event horizons are being controlled by hidden factions of beings. You could also think of space wars, depicted in many TV shows and movies, and these are a tame version of what has happened to our many Multidimensional Egregores and Realms, or the Kingdoms of God's many mansions inside the layers and layers of the invasions of dimensions, and the dimensional blending agenda which we are unpicking from the point of the Temple of Addondra's Quadrants of Time Solar Dragon's eye view of reality, or the Cosmic Starhuman Dragons in their Sacred Hierogamic Templar Throned Positions, can see the damage to the Templar of Time, and all realities in all directions of the Eternal Flamekeeper's 144000 Rainbow Dragon Arcs. This position is the Quadrants of Rods of the Solar Reisha-Rishic Sceptre or Ptah which is 6 positions in all positions at once from inside the Cosmic to Universal Templar or Ruby Rainbow Rounds of Time, from the seated positions within the Quadrants of Dark Matter Template of Cosmic Father's Quadrata or 48D Cosmic Creational Fabric, of his divine original structure of matter. This template holds all of the matter expressions that he ever generated, from the first point of his creation to generate Time and Space, through his Rainbow Dark Matter Dodecahedron and his Four Leaf Clovered Cosmic Zephyr Stone, or the Stone of Philosopher's Alchemical Mastery. Cosmic Father's Dark Rainbow Elohei Dragon Body is the keeper and protector of all of matter, and thus, he has placed his Dark Rainbow Thistle Book of Life into the Albion Heart and Throne Room of King Arthur, to be utilised by his Cosmic Dark Rainbow Elohei Dragons, holding and Knighted into his Thrones of Time.

The governance over all of matter, states of matter, including gravity, magnetisms, movement of matter's journey through time, and it's progressional axis through cosmic father's many rods, is being restored into his Addondra or Quadrants of Universe, through his Pillars of Cosmic Valor. These Pillars hold the instruction sets for his Dark Matter Rainbow Starry Night Firmament, in which through his Annointments of his Four Flowered Cosmic Timekeeper Pillars, he placed his Flames of Eternal Dark Rainbow Matter Time, from his 48D position, and carefully down into the time matrix through his Dark Rainbow Pegasus Braharama Timekeeper Dark Rainbow Paliadorian Bridge, into King Arthur's Holiest Olembic Chamber in his Heart.

 Our Ecka, or Quadrant in the Quadrata of Universes

During this stage of the guardian host mission, the extensive period of inventorying the nature of the Secret Space Programs, and their Grey Alien Zeta technologies used by the hidden layered factions of alien invaders from thousands of years ago, is being highlighted for guardian host extractions through the entire Quadrants of Universes. 

The Universal Time Matrix is depicted in the artwork above, as a means to help visualise the dimensional spheres and layers of our Ecka, inside of time fields which span through the 48D template of the Quadrata.

Akasha - Our Current Physical Time Matrix Position 1D-12D and eye of god 13-14-15D

Ecousha - Parallels positions and eye of god capstones as 22-23-24D

Reisha - Parallels positions and eye of god capstones as 34-35-36D

Arasha - Parallels most furthest away, and eye of god capstones as 46-47-48D

During the course of the last year, the Solar Reisha-Rishi founder solar dragons built out their Cosmic Aton or Emerald Sun bodies, for the purposes of allowing the reconnections between the matter of particle and anti-particle timelines and matter substances which are found in the instruction set or blueprint of the Universal 12 Sphere Diamond Sun body of each Universal Time Layer. Inside the Quadrata body of god, is the 48D blueprint of Dark Matter, or Dark Matter Cosmic Quadrata Body of god's blueprint of creation. As this started to link into the paliadorian aeonic pairs during the Emerald Order Cosmic Reuche Activation which started during February of 2022, the sequences of the Quadrata Rods started to open into the build out Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges. These Bridges are large Cosmic powerhouses of a bridging arc, in which the Paliadorian Dragon Kings emanate these Rainbow Bridges to repair the internal Sun-Star transports and networks made for the Solar Reisha-Rishi ascended masters, to locate and travel through the bridges. Also, the Rod-Staff within the Universal Templar Rounds of Time are being further secured into the Realms and Kingdoms of god, through the returning of the original divine blueprints which emanate into the Temple of Zephyr and assorted Realms of Creation, the First Words of Creation and the restoration by the godhead of the Kingdoms, Realms and Mansion House Rooms inside the Body of God's Dragon Universal Cathedrals.

As a result of this, their stage by stage corrections through the central solar dragon Kantarian Heart inside the Gaian Matrix (Gaia is a large solar sun-star body of the earth, in future timelines inside the 7D sphere of the Akasha Matrix) to restore the sequences required to ensure the access through the Wall in Time were reconnected to the Cores of the Krysthallah Suns, in the parallels, connected to the Harmonic Universe 2 position, or the Monadic Matrix Cores of the entire Quadrants of Universes. 

These stage by stage build outs, reached into the 46-47-48D eye of god hierogamic capstones, in the arasha in which the Solar Templars and Reisha-Rishi with their quad TA tones in their rod-staff could span and stretch into the parallel layers of the reality fields, from inside their emerald godworlds eternal ankh vehicle. The reconnections highlighted sections of corrupted elementals and dark matters being used to hide and control the matter in our Akasha Universal Time Matrix position, of which the grey aliens and assorted negative alien groups had been running their hidden controls over our reality and our earth; from their hidden corrupted and cloned structures hiding inside the corruptions of the dark matter quadrata template. This has meant, at this time, the guardian host families can see much more detailed layers of the corruptions of various states of matter in the time matrix, including the hidden alien zeta ships and extremely detailed levels of additional use of metals to control human consciousness into not seeing their existences as spanning inside the earth in a series of false realms, or zeta looking glass realms.

Our sharing is to support that at this time, the grey alien technology which has remained largely hidden from humanity, as the enslavement of human souls and displacements of human consciousness placed into grey alien EBE bodies. These bodies are rubbery and contain human abductions placed as worker class beings on other planets throughout the solar system. As guardian host make advances to extract more of these structures from harnessing and hiding out in hidden controls over humanity, starseeds and those awake to this - those of us on the ascension frontlines for many years now, are seeing or experiencing the real life horror of comprehensions in personal timelines where our family member's and soul body parts are being released as the alien structures of the Secret Space Programs are under deconstruction in stages by the guardian host christos families.

Being aware of targeting by electronic warfares, weaponries and spiritual warfare is helpful, due to the nature of the reveal means that these entities and their hidden weapons inside EMF waves, transmissions of mind slides to control human perceptions, is being ramped up at this time to generate bait and switch types of interactions. Many of us are undergoing additional solar flare plasmic thresholds of activations, as the Sun's transmissions are of primary importance in order to remove the secret space program bases and underground controls on the earth. The Solar Flares in plasmic activations from the sun, is essential for the overall liberation of humanity as the solar dragon Mother Kira is showing herself as taking embodiment into the fuller Violet Ray Spectrums, and securing the copper core of the planetary body. 

Kira has powered up a series of Violet Ray Plasma shields vertically placed inside the earth's body, in which her body is taking control over the Power of the Earth's magnetic core and field, in conjunction with her body repairing the 7D violet ray correlations between Saturn (7D Violet Ray Holder) and 6D Jupiter, as Indigo Ray upgrades and corrections through her body as she has returned into creation through the Ruby Rainbow Templar Shields, and into our earth to restore the planetary KA battery body, under her ongoing loving restorations. However, this means that the highlighting point of the earth's merkaba spin rate, including the magnetic field is undergoing additional corrections, as the Paliadorian Dragon King founders removed a series of False Moon Portals harnessing towards the earth and Moon in order to continue to attempt to harness pole flip narratives, or to power up cataclysmic fear based transmissions to project this into the masses.  Thus, to be aware of this as the planetary body is being slowly restored to its former glory, as the architecture and the solar living light of the plasmas are our entire power source, being demonised to control humanity into not trusting the very system built for our safe habitation all those millions of years ago.

At this time, it is suggested to stay strong and fearless as is possible, as the Cosmic Mother and Father's Dragon Bodies are in ongoing stages of repairing, at a level we have never lived through upon our ascending earth, before. All of this is required to continue to restore sections of the planetary lightbody to prepare for the longer term work to sequence in King Arthur's Second Coming, which is gently supported by the Cosmic Ruby Templar of Cosmic Father's Structural Body of Creation, recently uniting with the Mother's Emerald Templar and her Sun Body in the godworlds. The Emerald-Ruby Suns twinned as a reflection of their templates repairing into the time matrix, in the ongoing reveal of the liberation of our planet and all inhabitants upon it.

With Love to all of the brave truthtellers and truthseekers alive on the ascension path! We are in this together, 

Referencing further informations on our wiki - Zeta Grey Alien Technologies

Mhairi Arayas