Ascension Community

Spiritual Body Parts

The human lightbody layers and auric field in the electro-magnetic etheric layers contain a number of spiritual body parts in which these have been stolen, broken and removed in various past timeline traumas in the extensive history of the human race. As a general experience, many starseeds and indigoes will start to reclaim their spiritual body parts using intentional connection to their 12D Platinum Ray, and may find that in dreamtime or meditation the consciousness starts to travel into different planetary locations and have other memories of different times and experiences in which the lightbody is going to collect and rebuild the consciousness units held and stuck in other timelines. 

Spiritual body parts can include and are not limited to:

The angelic human diamond heart monadic permanent seed atom or 8D Higher heart

Chakras or energy centres

Ray or Dimensional Colors and codes for access to the dimensions of time or DNA activated components

Multidimensional awareness

Soul parts, monadic body parts, avatar body parts

Genetic seed codes

Male and Female inner lightbody components; these exist within each human being

Wings, Rod codes for horizontal time masculine, Staff Codes for vertical sound female

DNA stranding codes and cellular alphabet for time vector positioning 

multidimensional awareness

third eye pineal gland

various organs from the human body have spiritual essences which reconnect into the christ energy when one practises connecting only with the one and true solar godhead




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