Ascension Community

SSP, Secret Space Programs

Guardian Host families from the krystal star have been able to observe the massive secret space programs running in various timelines within the universal time matrix, which are hidden to the human populace upon the earth. Through various projects in remote viewing guardian host teams have located the control structures of off planet human trafficking, many secret space program bases have been found on Mars, Pluto, Ceres, and Mercury and within other planets and locations of time-space positions in future timelines. Starseed Christos gridworkers can see these realities and observe the timelines involved, which includes trafficking humans into other time space locations to server as worker bees, human experimentations, genetic equal experimentations and cloning centres. Many of the scenes from the show the X Files are close depictions from guardian host perspective. 

Humans who have been enslaved into Secret Space Programs are effectively removed from their body via soul transfer, placed into another timeline for a period of time, 20 years or 30 years of service and are immediately placed back into their current physical body without knowing that an astral abduction had taken place. In the case of some of the supersoldier programs the person starts to recover their memories and has flashbacks about their time in other planets. For some of the individuals involved whom have come back with some memories, their memories are being controlled and they are given various narratives about the positive aspects of the SSPs. Generally speaking, guardians have not been able to identify one positive aspect about this, other than to enslave humanity into hidden areas without their knowledge. The guardian host Interdimensional Free Worlds councils whom form the protectorate Sentinel teams from the Emerald Order have been involved in transiting out large volumes of human souls, human body parts, human stolen genetics and blood from various SSP bases throughout the time matrix. 

The guardian host have stated that the looking glass technology of time dilation, timeline blending and creation of vast arrays of false realities inside the AI red wave spectrums were used to control and hide various timelines, and of which have been used to distort humanity minds to not perceive the large range of alien craft, creatures and controllers whom are being extracted methodically out from our planet and solar system. 


German Holocaust, Soul Retrieval & Gridwork