Astral Planes 4D

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Removal of Blissed out Sensations from the body, False White Light

Those who have become accustomed to the feelings of the blissful sensations in the body may be altering at this time. People who are coming into awakening phases at this time may find themselves feeling a new platform, where it might feel as if the ground is not stable underneath the core understanding of life purpose. This can bring up all sorts of seeming negative reactions, impressions and the stagnant parts that have lain in a non-loving state for far too long.

There are ongoing, continued dismantlings of energy fields in the 6th and 7th dimension where the new age teachings which have siphoned the life force energy of those on the lightworker and ascending path are being uncovered and revealed by guardian teams. As individuals come into further awareness about taking responsibility for their own personal energy first and foremost (thoughts, reactions, judgements and external forces trying to impose will or the reflection of where we have attempted to control or impose will on another) there is support in the inner-source and core connection to reflect and allow release of these old ways of being. The embodiment of the law of one energies requires us to come to an inner understanding, and inner awareness of not judging any one else, and allowing for space to let these old patterns drop off the energy field revealing yet another platform of growth in this next cycle.

Power struggles and previous power imbalances are 'up' for release, should we choose to self enquire about where we have either imposed will and control in the attempt to shape our own reality; and also where others have attempted to impose will or control upon us. What takes you closer to your own inner truth? Will you allow the source connection the trust required in order to reveal all that must fall away?

Our bodies are undergoing new phases of sensory perception and a restoration to the inner christ links that exist within the personal christ self connections. This is partly related to the paliadorian lightbody activations which are ongoing this year. Alterations to the way we process mental information and the inner effect of that on the psyche, showing new ways of being more centred in the heart space, revealing more lessons of ongoing phases of consciousness shifting into further alignments, and providing healing space on the internal landscape.

Astral Bliss, and False White Christ Light

The astral bliss sensations or frequency sets that ascending humans have become accustomed to by ways of an inner understanding of the connection to godsource may also be shifting at this time. The astral bliss feelings have been harnessed into the human lightbody and have kept a hold on the umbilicus and heart connections. This can mean that there is a shift in the way that the feeling of energy is perceived or received by the lightbody and physical body sensations, and is altering for many at this time. The group consciousness feelings of astral (4D) bliss, is changing as the guru-disciple false light teachings is being revealed and ongoing themes of dismantling these false light systems by guardian groups in grid space and session work. Imposter spirits have used the light source of human souls through false light teachings and connect into the human aura giving a blissed out sensation. Many lightworkers are duped by this sense of woozy, drowsy, out of body and heaviness feelings, which is often misinterpreted as feeling their guides close, or feeling god source. The planetary lightbody has altered in recent months through the umbilicus connection and the heart centre connection whereby many many guardian teams have been supporting these shifts in order to support the realignment in the planet's body as the staff into the correct organic alignment into the aqualasha galaxy has provided the corrections. In all cases, those individuals who have been working with the inner christ light, source connection and/or 12D christed ray, this is the override for the 4d astral bliss light of white light that has been propagated on planet as a grounding mechanism and astralblissout plug in.

We may be in situations where friends have come to an end point with their own spiritual beliefs or teachings, and may be looking for a way to understand why a certain guru-disciple teaching is no longer hitting the mark or showing the way. We have to be responsible and loving to allow each person to come to their inner non-intermediary connection to source in all ways that we are able to hold a loving and neutral observer space. Coming through the astral bliss can be a painful knowing for those who are coming through it now. For those that are already aware of this, remembering the shock of coming to different awarenesses and altered perceptions can be a compassion point to hold steady for any friends who are facing this now. We may see that this is yet more prevalent on the planetary body for those who walking the ascending path.

Astral Traps

When accessing the astral plane, it feels sometimes blissful, woozy, spaced out and like someone gave us a chill pill but it knocked us sideways for a bit. It’s like an altered state of consciousness vibration and it makes us feel slightly tipsy. For most people, this is what they feel is a spiritual connection, and many people stay in this state of their lightbody connection due to feeling that bliss. This state of consciousness is not a natural organic connection to inner source. In order to understand and be free of this it must be recognised as a spiritual bypass mechanism by ways of individuals being tricked into giving their consent to imposter spirits. For example 'Oh, I love this state of blissed out feeling' this is translated by imposter forces as a direct consent to keep you in this state of being.

Any effort to keep yourself out of body awareness is also a trap set by insidious forces who would love nothing more than to connect into your energy field and body in order to have you provide them with a level of energetic power; which they can only obtain by riding on a human lightbody. Once you aware of this, you can realign your sense of reverance for your human body this lifetime, and re-establish a loving connection to and with your body.

In the astral plane there are many types of reversal architecture that stop us from reaching out higher into higher dimensions. Why try to go any higher, when you think you are at THE highest point? Exactly. This is an imposter spirit trap for humans. There are consciousness traps in the astral planes, but only if you are willing to accept that this could be a ‘thing’, will you open yourself up to knowing, keep on connecting all the way to the source of your existence, and eventually you will be shown the way out. In the 4th dimensional astral planes, there is a false white light architecture – so, if we are not asking to connect with our highest aspect of connection and we are simply asking to connect to the white light – we will go as far up in the dimension frequency spectrum as our lightbody will currently allow. Therefore, the white light you want to connect to, its not on the 4th dimension. You want the 12th dimension. Intending to connect, and practising the connection will be supportive if you are drawn to this.

The heart on 4D will merge in layers with the higher heart on 8D (thymus gland area) eventually once we can get out of the blissful astral states of wooziness, but many, believing that this 4D bliss plane is enlightenment refuse to leave this energetic feeling behind and become reliant upon it and it takes the central nervous system down. This is not a judgement, but the astral will be experienced as part of the journey (we go through it)- but their are states of awareness which tell us ‘we have reached the goal’, when really, the road to the goal had been very damaged that it takes discipline on the path to keep on keeping on, and to quiet the mind when it tells you you’ve made it already. If you had made it already you could easily choose to leave your body and travel the multi-verse and then return again, in a heartbeats moment. Guess what?…..You got it. Keep on keeping on, to make the connection to the higher dimensional parts of your own energy system. You have within you, a template of original 12 strand diamond sun energy: use it wisely. Connect with that through your thoughts, ask it to show you the way. No angel or ascended master can give you this energy: it can only be received by you personally. You might require an energy practitioner to support you in clearing some inorganic implants or damaged lightbody parts back to they way they should be, but it is not something that someone else can ‘give’ you, so to speak. You will not gain access to your source/zero point/trinity energy field using a permanent conduit provided by another person, but you can be shown how to build this for yourself, and the intention is easy. So easy, in fact, that people think they are already connecting to their source, when in many cases; they have been bent out to the side so that they cannot connect in a vertical fashion. The building of the vertical staff energies is something that guardian teams have consistently supported ascending humans with, in order to feel the truthful reconnection of the Mother Arc, the Holy Mother Aquamarine rays in the staff or vertical connection.