Category:Tools, Clearings & Meditations
By using our own voice, we can learn how to command our energy self sovereignty and remove various assortments of etheric & psychic weapons from our lightbody. Understanding energy dynamics and the right use of spiritual and life force energy must be understood to obtain energetic self mastery. This includes emotional and negative ego mind control healing. Reclaiming soul and spiritual body parts which have been bound into the grids of the earth and time matrix, whilst learning the Christos path of building the DNA stranding within the Diamond Sun Body, or Silicate Matrix. The tools on our site are suggested as a means of support in alignment with your heart based intention to remove superimpositions and blocks, from the many complex layers of the human lightbody; auric field and into multi-dimensional time vectors as other stations of identity.
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Our Community container allows further classes, toolsets and sharings for the purposes of community participation in the ascension cycle with hierogamic toolsets which are to support the diamond sun body rehabilitation and emotional shadow clearing and understanding the ascension changes of the diamond sun template and ascension plan B.
Pages in category "Tools, Clearings & Meditations"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.
- Meditation - Celestine Cleanse Lightbody Clearing & Grounding
- Meditation - Clearing Sacrum 2D Lunar to Solar
- Meditation - Cosmic Viral Clearing
- Meditation - Evening Energy Cleanse
- Meditation - Galactic Heart Intro to Unity 12D Shield Meditation
- Meditation - Hypnosis Anxiety Calm, Restore Inner Resources
- Meditation - Morgana Solar Breath Khemalohatea
- Meditation - Mother Arc Aquamarine Blue Ray Healing & Clearing
- Meditation - OL3 Core Soul Protection & Lightbody Clearing
- Meditation - The Spirit of Truth
- Meditation - Umbilical Reset Meditation Orion Corrections