Meditation - Umbilical Reset Meditation Orion Corrections

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Umbilical Reset Meditation (Orion Corrections)

In this meditation we will connect with the Cosmic Suns of the Holy Parents, Cosmic Mother White Sun & Elaysa Opalescent and Cosmic Father's Pink Metatronic Sun and repattern the dark matter body and umbilical connections to your physical body reconnecting to their conduits. The Orion Core 3 stars were reclaimed by the cosmic parents, and this alters our personal Umbilicus in the time matrix in 8D and also on the planet, connected to the triple rose lines of the earth.

Clearing of cords, attachments and blood line clearing.

This supports the holographic repatterning to the umbilical cord to the biological parents supported by the holy cosmic sun parents, and to clear any imprints, ancestral 777 mitochondrial telomere corrections and the dark matter umbilical conduits bringing life force through your 1D sphere and grounding mechanism.

Meditation is Umbilical Reset with Holy Mother-Father to reconnect the umbilicus to the corrected patterns, dark matter reconnections and healing to the ancestral biological lines. The holy father's umbilicus was restored into the time matrix during the peach triple rose line of Merida's dragon body parts holy mother's birthing grail ouroborous rose lines in August of 2022, from there the guardian reclamation of Orion Alnilam supported the anchoring of the triads required to restore the planetary and human mother-father umbilicus, this structure is nested inside the universal time matrix levels, for the larger conduits to the birth transduction sequence from macro to micro. As holy father's umbilicus returns to the human body, he helps to dissolve and reconnect the truths about the male and holy father's essence. His umbilical cord should have been present within earth birthing process, as both the mother and the father creating a child together would have or should have had the corrected etheric connections to each parent for continual energetic-spiritual nourishment from the holy parents, throughout the ancestral lineage which leads all the way back to god source - directly from each body and also through the bloodline.

46 minutes audio hgs meditation clearing


OL Ascension Class April 2023 [1]

Meditation Audio