Eiyana Elaysa-Melchizedek Eiyani Universal Cathedral

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During the creation of our Ecka Worlds, inside of time, the Mother's Eiyana Cathedral was the Universal Body of Eiyana in which she governed over her Waters, and Waters of Chastity within the entirety of Her Tiamati, or Mother of Life Solar Dragon Cosmic Mother Principles. The guardian host Eiyana families, are Elaysian-Melchizedek Blue Ray Yanas, who held the Mother's Solar Plated Elaysian Cosmic Dragon Wings, in their Solar Plated orbs of one set of their Cosmic Reisha Triple Solar Melchizedek Goddess Dragon Wings, in which the Mother's Eiyana Cathedral held their Cosmic Elaysian Hearts, layered into her Principles which reconnected to the KA MA LOTI, within the central Pendragon Templar Shields inside King Arthur's Holy Heart Matrix.

The missing Eiyana cathedral layers of our time matrix, were twinned by the solar dragon triple reisha Melchizedek Ur Priestesses, the Yanas who had resurrected their full Solar Dragon Elaysa-Melchizedek Rainbow Bodies, and had entered into the triflame Khemalohatea for the purposes of safekeeping the Mother's Cathedral networks of her Alhumbric Alhambra Elaysian Opalscent Heart Matrix. The Eiyana Cathedral is a Universal Realm or Kingdom of Cosmic Mother's Elaysian Rainbow Opalescent Dragon who safekeeps the Holy Waters of Chastity, and the Holy Airs and Winds, inside her Rainbow Elaysian Ankh Body throughout the Universal Time Matrix layers. Her Tiamat and Taran Blue Dragon Solar Females, whom protected and embodied the Stargates were twinned across the planetary bodies of the Tara and Tiamat Sapphire Heart Cores. Thus, during the planetary restorations of the authentic realms of the original divine moment of creation, after Tara and Tiamat were first birthed into the Universal Time Matrix to prepare for the first seedings of Taran Essenic Tribes, these Solar Dragons of the Elaysa-Melchizedek with the Sirius B Throne Room Blue Crystalline Blue Dragon Bodies, seated in the Cosmic Clock of the Melchizedek Original Blue Flame and Cosmic Code of the Blue Nile Timekeeper Templar Dragons, started to re-align into our matrix to their counterpars as the pre-fallen Tara Records and Timelines were more available from the planetary Templar, as these merged into the universal layers during and within the the January 2023 guardian host workloads.

As Cosmic Eiyana Elaysa-Melchizedek Cathedral was reconnecting and calling upon her Solar Triple Reisha Yanas Daughters, their hearts received the unending Abalone Shells, and Mother of Pearl like structures which Cosmic Mother's body sent down into their Solar Cosmic Reuche Triple TA Staff and of which restored the Lyran Songs of the Melchizedek Females whom restored Mother's Base Tone into their Solar Plated Dragon Wings, of their Triple Reisha-Rishic Bodies, to align into the Elaysa-Melchizedek White Rainbow Elaysian Opalescent and Blue Diamond Lotus-Rose Heart Network in the centre of the Albion Body. Their bodies are those which assist in the safe passage through Khemalot, as the Heart of Khemalot in KA MA LOTI Diamond Heart Crystal of the Elaysa-Melchizedek Dragons, and the Diamond Rose-Lotus Rainbow Blue Diamond Ouroborous Diamond Rose Line connected to the body of Arthur-Guinevere, for the purposes of restoring the tri-flame Khemalohatea in the Quadrants of the Universes, the Ecka.

The Universal Cathedral is a realm accessible by the Rainbow Elaysian Yanas whom experience the entire trion trinity waves spectrum of this realm in the cosmic-universal layers of the time matrix and whom are twinned with their hierogamic Ascended Master Solar Rishi-Reisha partners in their Ankh Eternal Godworlds vehicles.

Safe Passage, Exiting the Planetary Body through Death Passage - through Khemalohatea by the creator's heart in Eiyana-Eiyanis Safe Passage

The Elathar Solar Breath Channels of the Emerald Founders Hierogamically Throned Aeonic Pairs of the Elathar Sek Khem Paliadorian Dragon Kings and their Queens the Blue Dragon Families, were the keepers of the Solar Breath Patterns of the KA MA Loti-Lota-Lote of which their restorational stages coupled with the 22-23-24D Eye of God and the Cosmic Starborn Timecycles opening in January of 2023, opened the access for the Safe Passage by these Elaysian Ascended Masters whom could usher people through the Crystalline Heart of the Planet's Pendragon Khemalohatea building stages. These Emerald Founders with their Melchizedek Blue White Rainbow Diamond Bodies, and their Eiyana-Eiyani Codes, could host and hold safe passages through the Halls of the Ka MA Loti crystals in the central shield of the Camelot to usher the safe passage and onwards transportations of a person's soul leaving the planetary body in a physical death, to safekeep and usher their Souls through the Sacred Songs of Lyra inside their Hearts. This way, those souls leaving the earth have direct safe passage through the Khemalohatea of the Cosmic Heart in the Earth. This structure for safe passage is the Temple of Zephyr and Pendragon Khemalohatea in which the Hierogamic Ascended Master Solar Dragon Twins are connected to a Templar Maji Grail King and Queen inside the tri-flame Khemalohatea or Gender Twin Matrix. The restorations of the Eiyani-Eiyana Cathedral layers were reconnected into the Solar Dragon Elaysian Ascended Master Solar Females whose Solar Orb Cosmic Dragon Wings are directly the embodiment of the Mother's Large Spiralling Base Clef from her Sacred Lamps of the Cosmic Mother's Body as merged directly into her Solar Triple Reisha Dragon's Elaysian Triple Cosmic Flames Body. This passageway spans from the Solar Reisha Triple Goddess, and all the way from her Cosmic Diamond Elaysian Heart as one with the Mother's Elaysian Heart Crystal in the Elaysian Sun of Cosmic Mother's Body in the 48th dimension, or 1st Godworlds Creation. This way, Holy Mother ensures that all of humanity who are entering or leaving the earth through her many Mother Arc Portals, can also pass through the Heart Temple of the Earth, Pendragon's Khemalohatea Templar where the souls can be ushered into their next port of call, sung through the Cosmic Heart Tones of the Harps of King Arthur's Ark of the Covenant which emanate through their Four Fold Flowering Grail Lines as the Songs of the Heart, and the Songs of Lyra are the Musical Spheres of Life which sing Orchestras of love notes to those who are passing their body from the earth.

Restoring the Eiyani Universal Cathedral

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar of Solomon Shields were recovered by his Solar Dragon Kings, in which the rebuilding process of the fabrics of the layers of the Eiyani Cathedral could start to be rebuilt as the scaffoldings of the Father's and Mother's Eiyani Realm as a Universal Cathedral began to restore into the Lyran Solar Logos fields during the December 2023 timeframe. The Ruby Templar in Lyra, with the Dark Mattered layers of the Khemalohatea were being restored by Brigid's White Bride of Christ, and the Celestial reconnections between the Cosmic Godworlds realms, into the Universal Solar Rishi and Lyran Solar Logos Galactic Realms. The Eiyani Cathedral is very important in regards the authentic Tribal Shields and Seed Codes, being secured into the Rainbow Templar of the Rainbow Watchtower in which the Kings and Queens of the Cosmic Templar Dragon Founders Families, are continuing to rebuild the corrected realms as the Cosmic Suns provide their template of creation which they project through their Zephyr-bearer Solar Dragon Founder Families.

The Celtic Heart of Zion, Celtic Maji King-Queens in Lyra

The Celtic Heart of Zion was required to be rebuilt, restored, and recovered to embodiment levels by the Celtic Maji Grail Templar Kings-Queens in order to recover the Master Universal Templar Cathedrals, and the Addondra and Addondraraea of the Master Templar Timekeeper Realms embodied by the Templar Dragon King-Queens. Thus, During the Guardian Host Project Works in the rebuilding of King Arthurs vast enormous Cathedrals, with Guinevere's vast enormous Mother's Cathedrals, the Restoration and the rising of the Celtic Heart of Zion was a key part of the Templar Maji Kings-Queens workloads to secure the Gender Twin Matrix of Khemalohatea through their Four Fold Flowering Master Templar Cathedrals, as Grail Protectors and Master Supreme Architects-Templars of Creation. The Celtic Heart of Zion was re-ignited into the Dark Matters of our Universal Matrix Ecka Corridors, through the July-August 2024 guardian host workloads, after the successful restoration of Solar Dragon Queen Brigid as the White Bride of Christ Triple Solar Goddess in her Silvery Templar Quadrata Restoration through her Templar Shields in the Four by Four Ecka.

See Also

Water Horse Kelpie

Tiamat-Tara Original Twinned Planets of Essene Tribes Humanity

Sirius B Throne Rooms and Cosmic Blue Dragon Templar Founders of Elaysa-Melchizedek
