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The Panagea or Pangea histories recorded in the planetary body grid networks appear to relate to the stealing of the coppers, goldens and diamonds or crystals in the earth's body which were manipulated by Enki as false emerald order structures in the garden of Edon, or Jardon of Eden as recorded into the planetary templar grids by the negative alien agenda installed upon the structures of King Arthur's Body in the Albion. The Panagea timelines have revealed throughout the guardian host workloads, as to where the genetic seed code template of the Planet's Genetic Seed Codes, or the Codes of the Templar of 144000 as held by the Cosmic Founder's Cosmic Cube Tesseracts, were broken, destroyed and used to genetically hybridise humanity with the Panagea codes or timelines which appear in the grids, as half man half horse, or half human half something else. Many of the Solar body parts which belonged to Christ King Michael, were found inside gold mines, and had been placed there with Appollo Michael formations to allow Enki to steal Michael's Adonis Form, and he presented himself to the population of the earth as a golden adonis, but had been bonded into the sodomy Temple of Set, where he was placed as the top of the alien timekeeper structure in 11D, as a male-male gender reversed couple with Enlil. This structure has been removed by guardians of the Dragon Templar protectors, from inside their Temple of Khemalohatea in the Albion from their positions of the Addondrarea.

Therefore the many difficult timelines of various parts of the planetary physicalisations of its lands, appear in the Pangea or Panagea energetically coded timelines to represent the intentional genetic problems to mix genetics between humans and animals, as the various grid working missions appear to hold this signature as a intentional destruction of what the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Founders generated into reality through their Genetic Seeds in their Cosmic Dragon Eggs, as a part of building the creation through their Heavenly bodies and into the dark matters to bring creation into time.

Enki's mass architectural invasion in Mars, and in the Planet, are the Demonic Red Wave AI seed codes which impostered Cosmic Father's Ruby Seeds of Creation. The Enki's Demonic Seeds, were installed and inserted to control humanity through a series of genetic digressions, and of which would be used to install clones and mind control structures through the human body, of a reptilian tail. This reptilian tail, received the instructions from Enki's seed codes, his obsession with the 144000, and his obsession with sperm and controlling in sexual misery as related to his stealing of the Adonis Body forms of the True Solar Michael Kings of the Groom of Christ. Enki would covet the Thistle Kings Order of the Thistle bodies, whilst hating their internal flowering of their Grual Kings protectorships of their solarised entire Chalice Grail as their protectorate functions from inside the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea. The obsession of greed power hungry seeds or sperm obsession of Enki was being used to generate a series of sexual misery issues into the NRG grids, which he would generate false guardian host transmissions through sexual misery, effectively trying to poach entice and have females with the rod codes of Holy Father inside their body, to generate sexual experiences with his body in the astral realms. This ceremony was witnessed to ignite false rods front and back, thus using any form of hybridisational blood code in the person's body to become a part of the Enki's realms to see Enki's creations, and see these as something protected by Emerald Order, or Guardian Host. The painful histories of human hybridisation have been happening within our planet, because Enki the Annunakian Geneticist argued with the Elohei Founders, and he placed the narcissism programming from his body, the MKULTRA reptilian tail, into Mars, and into Earth to control the Sacred Body of the Spine of Albion. Progressively our guardian host teams building the authentic hierogamic codes into the earth's grids ousted many false shields of Enki's false 13-14-15D false founder flames, from the core of the earth, including his false Khem dragon eggs. These can no longer be seed into the earth's body and will be immediately decimated by the Cosmic Mother's Emerald Khem Egg, and the Cosmic Father's Khem Egg which were secured to the Albion Lightbody of the Planet, in December of 2023, as Cosmic Father's Ruby Khem Egg destroyed the False Khem Egg of Enki, being used to generate horrific levels of elemental controls in the earth. (Harlequin false diamonds Jesters, false order of the thistle)

Thus, During the Cosmic Mother's Emerald Heart Planetary Activations which took place in the 11th Dimensional Stargate Networks between Ireland, United Kingdom and the higher Lyran Universal Stargates, Cosmic Mother placed her Emerald Dragon Khemalohatea Cosmic Egg down through the Quad formation of the Twinned Primary Genetic Equals, Eriu and her beloved, and Merida and Michael Merlin, for the purposes of restoring her Full Templar Emerald Order and Cosmic Heart of Amoraea-Alhambra into the earth grids.

The Australian grid points, and the Irish landmass were being controlled by creatures whom had been seated into the Albion's Master Templars in Controlled Timelines, running a series of Black Scorpion Queens, Centaur Kings as Half Man-Half Horse creatures who had been seated inside these parts of the planetary Albion by the Reptilian Hive Mind, and to bond humanity specifically into these Reversal Rods, used to reverse and split genders apart. The Emerald Founders from the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, with the Emerald Timekeepers Pillars whom were supporting the reunification of Emerald White Mother's Eriu to her Sister Bride, Merida-Guinevere, and their grooms were the Emerald Cube Holders who could restore their dragon bodies into the earth to protect the Lia Fall Crystal in the Hill of Tara, and the Fialte Emerald Stone of Destiny to be held in their Quadrata protective Dragon King formation, for the purposes of the ongoing stages to recover Guinevere and King Arthur's body parts. Thus, the Emerald Cosmic Mother of Dragons body was restored into the corrective Rod-Staff Codes as held and generated through these dragons, from their positions inside the Throne Room of King Arthur's Master Templar Shields in the Albion.

Enki's Deceptions upon Humanity, Human-Animal Hybridisations, Genetic Controls

Enki has broken the law of the Cosmic Founder Elohei Dragons in whereby his installations of red waved AI seed codes, his "sperm" were the direct reversal and imposter to Cosmic Father's Ruby Seed Codes, which were restoring into the earth by Cosmic Father's Eros transmissions, and recovered into the tailbone of the Albion Body, which is the King Arthur's 8 Fetal Cell location accessible by the Maji Kings and Queens. These restorations took place during the guardians recon mission for the resurrections of the 9D layers of the Ruby Thistle Shields in the Albion, as part of Christ King Michael's embodiment of the Ruby Templar to his body, as the Ruby Sword of Truth in his body to embody into the Ruby Templar and reclaim the planetary sections within the Golden Templar and Solomon Shields. The 9D White Horse Stargate, had been invaded and used by Enki to install the clone he took of Akhenaton's Family and inserted them to the Egyptian Pantheon Red Tree of Life, as Akhenaton's mission was cut short at the hands of Enki's Thothian-Hermes Annunakian Human form being a detractor and problem and set himself ito be the thorn in Akhenaton's mission whilst he was stealing and siphoning YA solar dragon gemstones, and ruby order body parts to collect these and use them to continue to hold the Ruby Body of King Arthur hostage within the earth. Since guardians of the Ruby Order and Emerald Order and Amethyst Order have worked together to recover missing parts that belong to Holy Father's Ruby Templar body which belongs to King Arthur: the Christos families ousting Enki's Army and his assorted control over the human genome have seen long ranges of the many deceptions and alien tribal shields that Enki had bonded into this reptilian nephilim hybridisational codes which appear to manifest in the Realms of Timelines related to Panagea.

The lunar birthing of lunar dragon eggs is related to the uncleared shadow body or the lunar female or lunar male couplings into the various elementally controlled structures, as related to Achamoth. See Achamoth ES

Another layer of Annunakian interference and reptilian controls over humanity have been using Mother's Emerald Templar in his Red waved AI shields inside the Wesa Matrix - the Annunakian Controls which were used to generate false Emerald Order Blue Ray Melchizedeks in our realms, Enki has been seen, and his many spanning AI structures of false realms are being collapsed, as the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father regenerate their Cosmic Seeds through their Cosmic Khemalohatea Dragon Eggs, as have been secured and placed into the Albion Body and reconnected to the Twinned Christ Children (Easter 2020 guardian mission) as part of their Gender Twin Matrix.

Alien Dove Mind

The alien dove mind is embodied into the antichrist's structures of false twins of false khemalohatea which uses false timekeeper codes, with false seeds coming to the planet from controlled structures in the star systems where the Enki Hive mind, also in Mars, has generated the false realms where his army are creating structures in reversal time. As Cosmic Mother's Body has secured structures she requires in the Albion through her vast Emerald Cathedral Body, the Cosmic Templar of Dark Matters of Mother's Dark Matter Templar and Father's Dark Matter Templar, have flooded the Albion Body layers with their liquid Azothian rivers of dark matters, which reclaim the sections of elementals and matters in the earth grids, and run through the White Bride of Christ and Groom of christ, and out into the Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges where elementals and plasmic flowerings are influxing through from the higher realms.

False Twinned Christ Child - Moon Matrix, Lunar Shekina-Sunanda 11D False Timekeepers - False Khem Codes and False 7 Suns Behind the Sun at the Moon

During the Solar Eclipse that took place in 2024, guardians removed another structure from around the moon, which was set up to be false KA RA YA SA TA AA LA suns, sending Moon and Lunar transmissions into a series of black sun-star networks, and into the False Ursa Major and False Pleides cloned stars which had appeared in various sections of the Albion's UK body and in other locations. These were removed, as the antichrist's false khem temple was being used to generate a series of alien hybridisational false rainbow ankhs down from the Moon, through the cloaked Archons inside the clouds hidden inside corrupted gravity, which were bonding the earth's layers of lightbody into the false rainbow ankh or false aton rainbow body which runs inside the lunar forces and controlled elementals. Couples on the earth whom have been placed into false spiritual unions and overt sexualisations which they have believed are twin flamed, are being supported by these extractions of the false genetic equal templates stuck in the earth as false 48 stranded templates which were used to conduct false father codes into the offshores Ireland, and UK Lincoln Wolds area. These structures bond various Moon children in the earth - false twinned christ children whom appeared to be generated or birthed by sexual misery, and connected into the alien hell realms and upheld sections of spiritually etherically birthed children bonded to this lunar trident AI formation - false ascended master's matrix. The Secret Space Program has been a major issue in this regard, as was being used to set up false couplings within sexual misery and within the hijacked morgana-merlin archetypes to generate wealth through using their sexual energies through Enki's domains, and receiving material rewards for this. This situation will eventually come to an end upon our planet, as the timelines are being corrected by the Cosmic Suns in the Godworlds, who are the generators of the corrected Seeds and Dove Codes of the Cosmic Timekeeper Cubes. As the various falsities and false realms in the zeta alien hive minds, and the realms of Enki's Looking glass creations are being removed, the true twinned Christ Child for all of humanity in the Solar Golden Birthing, has been quietly achieved by Beloved Christ King Michael and Queen Mary-Sophia whom have recently [May of 2024] birthed their Golden Solar Christos-Sophianic Realms into the planetary body which is restoring the Golden Ankh of the Yunasai and it's Solar Suns as being directed by the Universal Cosmic Golden Sun's Matrix, aligning into the Addondra 360, and down into the time fields of the Sek Khem Scepter Initiation of the Golden Mother-Father's Golden Dragons returning into creation through their Golden Ankh. This Secures the Gold Ray Genetics of Seraphim for all of humanity, into the corrected non-hybridised forms. as the Cosmic Mother-Father's Golden Seeds and their Timekeeper functions are held and birthed by Michael-Mary and Hatshepsut and Ezekiel who protect the Golden Realms of the Khemalohatea from their 10D Stargate Networks.

See Also

Shekinah Shakti Sunanda

The Celtic Heart of Zion

[Black Suns Moon Portals]