Category:Human Collective Consciousness Control
Through guardian host gridworking within the planetary body the guardian host families recognised the reversals and broken parts of the planet's lightbody and grid controls of which their mission has been in rehabilitating the energetic flows through various long term repairs. Many etheric surgery practitioners would see the implants and broken parts inside the human energy fields, as is a smaller replica of the planet's larger energetic container for humanity.
As the human lightbody and physical body contains the memory record of the universal time matrix and its 12 dimensions of timelines and multidimensional bodies of the many stations of identity from one human lightbody, the guardian host energy sessions were able to identify and see that the human collective and individual consciousness was being influenced from many etheric weapons, implants, broken lightbody parts which are required for the human body to restore it's soul matrix triad (Earth and Tara 4-5-6D), monadic matrix triad (7-8-9D timelines in Gaian Matrix) and to feel the benevolence of the god creator forces and the truth of human existences. The guardian host offer the provision of sharing this information to support energyworkers and gridworkers to understand the truth of the inversions, distortions and mass consciousness controls placed by various invading interdimensional species to supress human consciousness and use the energy field of humanity and planetary resources for their service to self agenda.
Liberation of Humanity via Planetary and Personal Spiritual Ascension Cycles
Freedom, Sovereignty and Liberation of the planetary body is the responsibility of the Emerald Order Founders, in which have been returning into creational realms with the Cosmic Dragon Awakening cycle of the earth. The recording of the alien networks, the experiences and direct interactions many humans and starseeds have directly had from within their dreamtime, awaketime and the assorted evils which play out continually within the earth under mind control negative alien agendas, is being sequentially dismantled through the Emerald Order guardian's orchestrations of rehabilitations of the end of the dark aeon, as the new aeon and repairing of the planetary body and human blueprints (Diamond Sun Template 12 tree grid baseline of Silicate matrix rehabilitation) for elemental re-encryptions and solar symbiosis to restore the truth of the Holy Mother's Aquamarine White Sapphire Rainbow presences into the earth's Pendragon Heart Shields. Holy Mother's Body is a vast loving unconditional expression of true love for all of humanity, her body was impostered with alien forces and lunar moon forces acting in her position with evil intentions, seducer forces and lunar archetypal expressions. As she has returned her body into the earth through the guardian host christos mission, she contacts each person in divine timed appointments, seeking to usher that human or starseed into their highest expression, to return home to her - the One Holy Mother Sacred Cosmic Body of god that we exist within. Holy Mother and Holy Father's Cosmic Lovestory in the Elaysian Sun and Melchizedek Sun restored their Hierogamic Union from their body in the godworlds creator's realm into the Universal Time Matrix during the Cosmic Dragon Awakening Cycle, restorations are ongoing throughout the time matrix.
Pages in category "Human Collective Consciousness Control"
The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 total.
- Alcantra
- Alcateera
- Alien Love Bite
- Anti-Hierogamic
- Archons
- Ascension Class Audio - 2019 June Ego Wants & Desires, Consumptive Modelling, Healing with Holy Mother
- Ascension Class Audio - 2020 August Demonics, Spiritual Attachments & Spiritual Housekeeping
- Ascension Class Audio - 2020 February Negative Ego & Mind Control
- Ascension Class Audio - 2020 June Phases of Personal Growth
- Ascension Class Audio - 2020 May Victim Victimiser, Comparisons & Heart Centre
- Astaroth Demonic