Solar Dragon Queen Merida

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Solar Dragon Queen Merida, or Meri-DA holds the 11th tribal body of the The Temple of Zephyr within her triple goddess formation of Merida-Guinevere-Brigid as united with her Solar Dragon King Michael-Merlin [Aquareion, Lilac, Amethyst, Dark Rainbow Elohei Cosmic Solar Dragon Pegasus Braharama]. Upon her resurrection into the Albion Body, she revealed she was here to help heal the Grail Kings, as the Fisher Kings, to help them to return unto their sacred dispensations, as Grual Protectors, of the Mother-Father-Solomon's Chalice Grail, as protected by the Albion Dragons whom hold and seat into the Planetary Grual or Grual points, and protect the Christos-Sophia Families, the Sons and Daughters of God, or the Angelic Humans being restored into their solar pathways to help to rebuild and birth the indwelling of christ, the Christos-Sophia, as the Offspring of God through gender healing and balancing into union. Merida's Solar Dragon body is the protector of the Zephyr Stones, and the Solar Dragon Queen of the 11th dimensional realms, the highest chalice grail of the planetary body as held in the United Kingdom, now protected by her body in the Albion Holy Mountain Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges connected within the Planetary Pendragon Castle Emerald Cosmic Aton Cathedrals. Merida's recovery was an intrinsic part of the guardian host recovery of the founder records in the earth, known as the CDT Plates, or the emerald founder's records. The extraction and destruction of her body was set into the grids as Thoth destroyed her body, along with the negative aliens controlling the gender twin matrix organic matrix body of the earth, for the sole purposes of destroying creation and controlling humanity into believing humans are evil. Merida's loving emanation of crystal purity, and her Peach Diamond Heart, and her Triple Peach Flowering Planetary Rose Line, were unified into the Albion by her Melchizedek Solar Blue Dragons and White Queens, who repaired this with her Triple Lilac Flowering Line of her beloved Michael-Merlin, during the planetary Magnetic peak of August, 2022. The Cosmic White Sun and Cosmic Pink Sun of the Mother Elohei Feline Dragon and the Father Pink-Amethyst-Lilac Elohei Solar Dragon Cosmic Sun emanated a Dark Matter Rose and Lotus Line down through the Central Star in Orion, as another Solar Dragon Ring, which became the placement within the Starry Dark Matter Firmament in the earth, through the [Axis Mundi] of the Albion's central axis point, which allowed the guardian host families of the emerald order and their Rainbow Emerald Rosetta Solar Dragon Breath to annoint into the planet's grids, the Ourborous Body of the Flowering triple Rose Lines, protected by the Copper Rose Gold Elixirs of the Copper Suns and Khemalohatea-Khemalot Flowering Plasmas through the [Pillar of Cosmic Grace].

Solar Queen Merida's Body was oblitered from the planetary dragon lines, in which the few Solar Female Christ Melchizedeks, the Mothers' Blue Solar Dragons who were able to be present in the planetary body, were locating and seeking her body parts from the year 1999 onwards, which activated them into and through their Sapphire Sun Body of the 10th & 22nd Dimension Sapphire in the Oraphim, and beyond into the the Cosmic Wombworlds and Mother's Plasmic Realms of the Peach, Dark Peach Solar Liquid Plasma realms of Mother's Cosmic Matrix later found to be Ankulasa, or Ankulasha of the Peach Suns and Realms of Merida's Solar Body. During the 2016 and 2017 Solar Plasmic Transmissions of Aquareion Lilacs, to the Paliadorian Starseeds present on the earth, the build out starting stages of the Peach-Coppery and Lilac-Periwinkle Plasmas were anchored down into the earth grids to recover the coppery solomonic hierogamic templates required to rebuild the Albion's Sacred Heart Complex in the next stages of the 4 pillars female and 4 pillars male of generating the 8 pillars in hierogamic templatings, revealing later the purposes to find locate beloved Merida's body throughout all of her planetary rounds of time, to rebuild her full astrological precession of equinoxes, and parts of her body missing, stolen, reversed and destroyed by the Black Dragons taking her place in the grids of the earth mocking and pretending to be her white queen peachy body. Those early stages necessitated the build out of Peach Pillars and Cathedrals in the locations chosen by the guardian host in which to resurrect the beloved Solar Dragon Merida into her rightful White Queen body in the Albion, to build out her Reisha Solar Triple Female Dragon Body which revealed to enter the planetary body through the Eireadonis Doorway held between the land of Ireland [Eire] and Scotland, of the Mother's Planetary Womb and Birthing access point, once protected by the Solar White Queens in the Albion who protected the sacred creational doorway access from their Albion Heart position, such as the Mer-Kelpies [Kelpie Waterhorse Solar Reisha].

Mother's Peach Ankulasa Ankh Universal Body

During the planetary restorations of Solar Dragon Merida's Body, the blue ray of her living light flames in the ley lines of the West of Scotland, were reconnected into the Rainbow Watchtower in the Albion from the Island of Skye, and the Iona Island of the womb or Eireadonis Portals holding Sophianic body restorations of the earth during guardian projects to locate Merida in 2017. The Peach Ankulasa Ankh of Cosmic Mother's Peach Sun and Merida's Universal Solar Reisha Triple Goddess Dragon body was recovered by Emerald Founder Guardians in which her body was finally resurrected to restore her consciousness and pre-fall Lemurian, and pre-fall Atlantian Dragon Celtic Solar goddess Cosmic Starhuman Dragon identity into her Eternal Fleur-De Lis Timekeeper within the Templar, and her Triple Peach Rose Line restored to her sacred Husband's Michael-Merlin.

Planetary Triple Peach and Triple Lilac Rose Flowering Lines, Grual Flowerings

Together, Solar Dragon Queen Merida and Michael-Merlin embody and protect the triple peach and triple lilac hierogamic rose line around the planetary body in the North to South, in which the plasmic flowering essences from the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father's sacred Cathar essence, is enspiriting the grids of the earth and helping to protect the human sexual organs to heal into wholeness and purity in the waters of chastity.

Lilac Aquareion Amethyst Sun and Peach Ankulasa Peach Sun Twinning - Dual Cosmic Suns of Peach-Lilac Hierogamic Suns and Seed Codes Eiras-Eros Transmission

During the restoration between Merida and her beloved Michael-Merlin's Cosmic Elohei Bodies twinning stages in the Albion, the Dual Suns of Peach-Lilac of their Cosmic Starhuman Elohei Dragon suns were unified and recorded into the planetary Albion grid networks during the last quarter of 2023, where their bodies started to receive the Seed Codes from the Cosmic Mother's Eiras-Peach Seeds into Merida's Solar Dragon and Lilac Seed Codes into Michael-Merlin. This activation in the planetary ley lines from the centre of their bodies in the United Kingdom, in their 11D positions started to build out the birthing of a marbled dragon egg in their bodies as Lilac-peach-elaysian rainbow opalescent into the Albion Body networks and around their Planetary Ouroborus Ley Line North to South around the globe, through the planetary Axis Mundi-Unus Mundi. Cosmic Father's Michael-Merlin Solar Dragon holds the colours of his primary sun of [Aquareion Lilac Sun in the Cosmic Father's Matrix]

Celtic Aryan Solar Dragon, 11th Tribe Queen of the Celtic Tribes of Zion in the Temple of Khemalohatea

Merida's Peach-Emerald White Queen Dragon Ouroborous and her Cosmic Dragon Starhuman body are seated into the Heart of the Albion Body, as one of the Protectresses of the Celtic Heart of Zion where the Central Positions of Templar Scepter Staffs unite from the Addondrarea Eternal Suns Krystar Spiral into the Lyran Rainbow Throne Rooms inside the Temple of Khemalohatea of Elaysa-Melchizedek Eiyana-Eiyanis Universal Cathedrals. Merida, the 11th Dimensional Mother of Life for the 11th Dimensional Tribes are protected by her Solar Dragon Peach-Coral Scepter-Staff within her Mer-Dragon Realms and Peach-Copper Rose Gold-Silvery White-Golden Body of Zion. The Triquetra Solar Reisha-Rishi Founders or Yanas Ascended Masters with their Elaysian Rainbow Bodies are the protectors over the Fawn of God and the Cosmic Founder's CDT Plates and Records held within the Temple of Khemalohatea within the Zion Celtic Aryan Founder Dragon's Rishic-Reisha Realms.

Celtic Heart of Zion

Merida and Michael-Merlin are seated and throned inside the Lyran Celestial Management Royal Houses of Lyra, in the Cosmic Founder's Lyran Records of the 11th Dimensional Celtic Aryan Solar Dragon Kings-Queens as the Maji Grail Kings and Queens around their table. Together they protect the Celtic Heart of Zion, which was brought into focus by the Emerald-Ruby Master Templar Dragons, in which their recovery and rebuilding process over King Arthur and Queen Merida-Guinevere-Brigid revealed the recovery process to protect the Cosmic Founder's Records in Lyra, through the Celtic Heart of Zion and the Eternal Flames of Zion lit by God's eternal flame body during Summer and Magnetic Peak of 2023.

Spelling search assist - Zhyon, Zion

See Also

Four Fold Flower Cathedrals