United Kingdom Dragon Lines

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The Albion Body

The Albion Body is the collective term for the entire planetary matrix lightbody, in all its portals, stargates, solar gate and sun-star networks, throughout the planetary evolutionary cycles. The terms of Albion and King Arthur's Round Table, in guardian terminology point to the rounds of time as the rods of horizontal shields as radial bodies which are held by King Arthur's Body as he embodies protects and holds all of the aspects of the mother and father, in the restoration of the rise of the Albion. The Albion is not just the United Kingdom, but many of the holographic geography memories of the Albion were being protected by those lineages of Druids, Celtic and the Dowsers walking the earth and recording the senses of the energetics within the body of the UK. The United Kingdom holds sections of the core centre master grid controls of the ancient Dragon Creators and their returning into actual embodiment over the last few years has been the combined orchestrated effort of the guardian host christos mission.

The United Kingdom landmass sits on the planetary grid lines which govern the architectures of the Albion Body networks. Within the UK, many historical remnants of the sacred sites and their Dragon memories have been inverted, stolen, and placed in reversal as the main rod-staff controls of sections of the planet sit within the guardian host instruction sets and blueprints of the planet. We call this King Arthur as he is the masculine principle King of Dragons positioning in the grids of the earth, it is his masculine body of which embodies the fullness of the Cosmic Father's aspects during his rising into position and living light structures of the Albion. Together with his beloved, the Bride of Christ in Mary-Sophia-Merida-Meritaten-Guinevere-Magdalene as the Solar Dragon Queen who embodies the Cosmic Mother's aspects and restores these all in sacred marriage with her beloved, Arthur.

Many historical accounts and confusions have been set into the architecture of the UK, as it holds the main tributary lines of sacred portals which connect directly into the future timelines of Gaia, and also into the 6D-24D Sirian Portals, from it's ley lines. The UK has main 6D north to south on the East Coast, and main 7D north to south planetary vertical axiatonal controls of which house in between them the main north to south Ouroborous Dragon Rose Lines, these are complex networks of Lotus-Rose Dragon Flowering Networks in which are entwined the Cosmic Hearts which have been replaced into the Earth's body by the Emerald Founders and the Cosmic Suns of Creation. The Emerald Heart of the Earth was reconnected into the earth in 2021, which started to support the Cosmic Creator's Cosmic Suns to place their Cosmic Hearts of Diamond Rhomboidal Dragon Hearts into the formations of the Lotus Hearts held by the Mother's Cosmic Sun Solar Dragon Body, and the Rose Hearts which are held by the Father's Solar Body. These Hearts contain the Cosmic Creator's emanations of source instruction sets which are being reanimated through the planetary grid networks by the seated Ouroborous Dragons in their Solar Dragon Ley Lines. THe process of their restoration is of Hierogamic Dragon Kings as a King-Queen pairing, of which at this moment we currently have Michael-Mary, and Ezekiel-Hatshepsut with King Arthur and Guinevere being slowly rebuilt into their Cosmic Cathedral of the Aton Eternal Mansions of god, being in reconstruction and liberation. To achieve this great work of the Magnum Opus of the Creator Body being repaired and restored into the earth, vast amounts of alien hierarchies and their demonics have been evicted, and are still in removal and extraction over their control over the planet's matters and elemental instructions.

Deceivers Liars and Imposters - Alien Invasion Takeover of the United Kingdom's Portals, Enki-Thoth-Alien Draconian Reptilians False Dragons as Serpent Black Dragons

Due to the higher stargate potentials leading out of this system and into the Lyran fields where the First Creations of the Eye of God enter into matter, the negative alien invasion which took place many thousands and millions of years ago affecting the earth body and ripping it out from the Tara planetary fields in the 5th dimension, the United Kingdom Heart of the Albion became reptilian central with hidden negative alien controls installed into the grid networks here. The Gender Splitting Nephilim Reversal Grid was running from the Stonehenge Stargate and working to siphon all human sexual energies through its gate and into a large Black Sun hidden underneath the land, and out into a sprawling matrix of various black-white checkerboard planetary heart installations to reverse human gender into the Daath portals, and Typhon Tunnels which are used through sodomy rituals to the alien gods such as Baphomet, Black Dragons Serpents, and other demonic forced alien hierarchies. The alien invasions into the earth grids took place so long ago, that humanity being born into this prison planet would not have been able to detect their presence, but previous guardian missions placed terma and genetic timecapsule records for the returning incoming guardian host christos solar dragon families from the paliadorian emerald order- ruby order covenant. These beings worked across time to span into all dimensions at once and to catalog the intense alien reversals of the mother's magnetic field, and to generate poison apple reversal merkabah and reversal breath of humanity from the stonehenge stargate whilst the albion dragons in the ley lines were broken apart and their consciousness bodies forced to run the antichrist death currents through obelisks and temples being worshipped by Satanic Cults, and Saturnian-Pluto Death Cults and their assorted power abuses over humanity. The Black Suns of Belial have strongholds in the UK body, along with various other black magician hotspots worshipping baphomet not understanding they are connecting to large alien constructs which have been used for blood sacrifice harvesting and gathering human energy named as loosh, into power up their own enslavement. As the guardian host families lead the clear up and correction of the planetary ley lines and grids, they have found the destruction of our solar dragons of the Albion Dragon Kings in various other realms, having been exploded out and requiring to be recovered and rebuilt. Their bodies in the earth were replaced by alien intruder black dragon serpents to distort the true nature of our earth's history and to run the black heart black madonna lunar force alien reversal energies as antichrist bi-wave consumptive modelling frequencies into our earth to reverse humans into the addiction matrix. As the Solar Dragon bodies are being rebuilt and recovered, their immense spiritual powers of cosmic energy receivership run assortments of the liquid light plasmas from the cosmic domains, through the time matrix inside their spiral cosmic dragon bodies. The secrets of the holy grail are held within the heart of each human who becomes in alignment to the godsource, and the invading species knew that the human gender-balanced internal of the natural expression of a male-female gender inner sacred marriage was the key to unending happiness without struggle, as at one-ness with god. Since the UK has been under extensive rehabilitation by guardian host, some of the intruding groups and alien factions have been evicted, as one of the tasks of the interdimensional free worlds councils. The Draconians have pretended to be kind dragons, but are actually reptilians without a heart or soul complex and thus do not have any feelings of emotions or human compassion. These creatures are being methodically removed, as their connections into human soul matrices was seen by guardian host families as crimes against humanity.

Stonehenge Stargate, and the 11th Tribe Networks Portals and Sacred Sites, Solar Dragon Queen Merida & Michael-Merlin Seating Throning

Stonehenge Stargate was invaded during the 22000 years ago invasion which extracted Solar Dragon Queen (King) Merida in her Peach-White Queen body from her seat in the Stargate, as the protector of the 11th Tribe and Grail Lineages Founder Records. In extensive guardian host mission over thousands of years through the Paliadorian Covenant the Cosmic Dragon Kings in their mission in spiral time were able to find, rebuild and locate her Dragon Body in which she was restored into the stargate networks with her husband, in his Aquareion Lilac Michael-Merlin body in which their 36D rod-staff Solar Rishi stepped down to take its place in securing the 11D rod-staff codes held inside their bodies, for the planetary body hierogamic union and ascended master capstones protection. The Stonehenge Stargate was used by the NAA to install the human DNA control named the checkerboard matrix, in which the black and white insignia of the freemasons and other secret societies would worship the ain soph and ain soph ur or the pillars known as Boaz and Jachin. These pillars were directly connected into fallen time fields and controlled alien hierarchies in the Daath portals, known as the capstone of the Qabbalah 10 Sphere adverse sepiroth tree of life. During the guardian recon mission of Malta, several of Merida's dragon body parts were found inverted and being held by the Luciferian and Black Dragon Scorpion Queens as False templars in the earth grids, controlling the various structures which actually belong to Merida's White-Peach Mother of the World and Earth, of her body. Merida's restoration into the grids holds the Stargate Records throughout time for the Signet Shields and Seedings of all of humanity's Genetic records, of which the NAA had stolen and created an alien tribal shield for their preferential genetics using black lunar forces of the controlled dark matter body of the earth in which their terraforming had allowed various human bodies to be hijacked and entered into using an alien soul to possess it, or to enter a massive amount of demonic force through a human portal. The returning of Solar Dragon Queen Merida has allowed the tribal genetics of the earth to be returned unto our Holy Mother through Merida, in which she restores the sovereignty over the female sexual organs and Michael-Merlin restores the male sovereignty over male sexual organs. Their bodies are removing the alien installed sexual misery and gender reversals set into satanic sexual seducerships and sexual acts in deprave, blood siphoning and in the restoration of the guardian Copper Dragon Eggs and Failsafes, were assistive in the removal of blood used in satanic worship or rituals.

During the guardian host cross-timelines christos mission to recover the Stonehenge Stargate out from the alien intruders hands, the Stonehenge Stargate was found to be surrounded and controlled by interdimensional Zeta grey alien crafts, linked to draconian reptilian creatures siphoning from the many visitors to the stone site in England. Thus, to achieve sovereignty for the Ruby Order Cosmic Father's King Arthur's Body parts to be restored to direct connection to Holy Father's Ruby Templar and Cosmic Ruby Founder Realms in the Father's Matrix parallels, guardians moved the Stonehenge Stargate to the Paliadorian Bridge Heart of Dragon Rings Cosmic Heart & Templar under the Rainbow Watchtowers of the Cosmic Cathedral in the United Kingdom in November of 2023. This move secured the stargate portal into the protectorate of the Templar Founder Families, who access the 11th dimensional Universal Stargate Matrix inside the Temple of Gender Twin Matrix Trifold Khemalohatea.

Merging of the Sacred Triple TA Tones from Mother's Matrix Emerald and Father's Matrix Dark Amethyst Braharama

As Solar Dragon Queen Merida & her beloved Michael-Merlin took their rightful place into the Networks of the United Kingdom, these two pillars of the false ain soph and ain soph ur were toppled out and their bodies spanned into the godworlds in which to restore the connections into the organic matrix of the eye of god, as a massive holy trinity of the organic White Rainbow Arc Bridge & Cosmic Pillar and the Dark Rainbow Arc Pillar of the Cosmic Mother's Elaysian Solar Body and the Cosmic Father's Solar Body from the godworlds merged their TA Dragon Diamond Rings into a unified whole, in which the King and Queen Solar Dragon Aton Eternal Cosmic Aton Body emanated its next layer of restorations into the Albion inside King Arthur's Throne in the Rounds of his Rainbow Cosmic Heart Cathedrals in the Rainbow Watchtower. This is another celebratory victory on the path of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening Cycle taking place now upon the earth, to support humanity in feeling and comprehending our true eternal spirits of the godhead, uniting into their own creation as the eternal promise to return to the Albion and restore Pendragon into the Rightful Kings and Queens, the Solar Diamond Pathway to the Christ for all of humanity.

United Kingdom Holy Trinity Sacred Marriage, Uniting Dragon Lines, & Albion Body

The UK has been a central nest for controller forces whom have been using key areas of hidden grail line architectures to subvert human truth and knowledge. The constellation of Cygnus the swan was heavily reversed through family of michael sodomy rituals through Anubis or Set where energies were used to bind and enslave the spine of albion through projections. Negative controllers binding the grids were using the inverted aspects of the belinus line, grail line and rose line to create an unholy trinity upon these dragon lines. Reptilian spine implants in the grids of the UK perpetuated reversals which meant that the michael or arthurian body could not fully rise to meet and unite with Mary. Over many years gridworkers in the Christos mission have cleared the reversals held in the Cygnus constellation. These reversed transmissions have been purposed in binding the UK land into gender separation.

In December Guardians worked on the re-unification of the 6d & 7d Dragon lines in the UK body whilst removing implants of the Michael-Mary Turnstile Matrix and Gravitron Beast Machine. This was followed by the installation of a Paliadorian King Dragon King-Queen shield along with the specialised guardian technology of the Rainbow Grail Configurations, and the Kingship arcs which emanate through the Pillar of Cosmic Justice. This was anchored into the centre of the UK by the Maji grail Kings to support the ongoing architectural repairs in which the planetary ley lines cross over. The intersection point is now able to unify these ley lines into wholeness, completing the male-female merge of the dragon lines.

This was a guardian celebration in the field as the Paliadorians merged the male and female principles of the leys and the landmass representations into a holy trinity: England-Wales as the masculine or King, Scotland-Ireland as the female or Queen, and the space between in the Irish Sea to Scotland as the child energies of the christos-sophia or the planetary womb fields. This anchoring in the land reveals the next stage guardian host long term project to unite the entire planetary 6th dimensional and 7th dimensional auric layers in the collective consciousness, which have been severely damaged through alien technology and very large implants in the planet known as the beast machine, or the Blank Slating Technology which used magnetic field reversal spins in the poison apple configurations to control the planet and its female aspects using the moon and its lunar force controlling of dark mother alien constructs.

The UK hosts the access to the planetary Albion body template of the world soul in which we speak of King Arthur as part of the michael-masculine archetype of the benevolent king; Mary is more readily accessed in the Scottish landmass as female-mother architecture and energies. As the guardians installed new shielding into the centre of the Albion body in the UK land, the restoration of the grail Kings and Queens unveiled the next stage of activations. The rainbow rounds held in this area have been sequenced and repatterned into refiring of the leys of 6D indigo and 7D violet, now enabled to host the triwave format repairing reversals. The rod and the wings of the planet are undergoing more changes as the mother and father sound tones are being united through the particle to anti-particle integration.

The King and Queen of the Maji Solar Archetypes continue their rising together, as these archetypes unite they emanate the triple male and female god-goddess codes, bringing forth the returning wisdom, benevolence, and truths of god in gnostic experience. The aeonic pairing of the families of Christos-Sophia come into form as the new Aeon is returns to the earth. The meek shall inherit the earth as the golden promise of divine creator is restored.

The Albion Dragons, the Kings and Queens as the Ouroborous Ley Line Living Light Emerald Dragon Hierogamic Kantarians

The Paliadorian Rainbow Dragons are interchangeable with the Albion Dragons, as these are the Emerald Order Founder's bodies who emanated their bodies into sections of Aeonic Pairs as Dragon Twinned Pairs, as Hierogamic Creator Couples who are seated within the earth grids. Each Dragon Ouroborous holds an aspect of the creator's body, holds records and is throned together inside a temple of solomon, in which to act in god's divine will as a part of the holographic geography living light realms of the earth's vast incredible lightbody.

These dragons were found to be in stasis during the guardian host mission, in which would require their bodies to be reconnected, awakaned, repaired and corrected with also the large guardian host ongoing mission to help them be evicted from alien machinery and evicted from the many demonic hierarchies whom had destroyed sections of their bodies, in which to take residence in the earth and control the matter and the human perception of the earth. The Albion Dragons, are being sequentially located and reconnected into their organic diamond sun hierogamic union, of which the Paliadorian Dragon Kings from their spiral time position, are hosting in the repairs and the annointments to sections of smaller dragon tributaries, and the nature of the entire ecosystem of the earth which is fed by the Dragon Bodies who span throughout time, into the future timefields of Lyra and out into the Cosmic Suns of the Godworlds where they first birthed forth from. As the Albion Dragons are being repaired, their journey is one of a hierogamic union in each of the Ouroborous lines, in which at the time of writing only 2 Cosmic Creator's Aeonic Dragon King Pairs of Emerald Order are seated and annointed into the earth. There are more Dragon pairings in the earth in which are revealing over time to be recovered, as portions of the earth's vast multidimensional Albion body is being restored. Many starseeds and indigoes have returned to the earth during this cycle in which to restore and locate their personal tribal connection into one or more of the earth's stargates. as these hold 1 DNA stranding code of the original seedings of the human bodies throughout the cycles of time. The earth is much more ancient than humanity has been led to believe, and inside the earth's mantle of the Albion body, holds the ancient wisdom in direct connection to the living light generated by the Albion's network of body parts spanning the earth in nodes, portals, lines, ley lines and in the nature kingdoms connected to its body.

Since the many lies and stories of the earth have been used to prevent the true sacred knowledge held and protected by the Albion Dragons, the antichrist forces cloned and inverted the organic godsource dragon kings of the earth into lunar forces of control, using their bodies to produce black dragon spawn and offspring and to force these dragons into creating death sequences whilst the true Solar Dragons were not animated nor present. When the Mother Arc restored her Blue Flames and Aquamarine Arc of the Covenant into the earth during July of 2009, she started to restore sections of the Universal Diamond Pillars through her Melchizedek Female Solar Christ Family who had been able to retain their Solar Female Body parts to locate the Mother of Dragons in the earth during the ascension Cycle. Many of the Aquamarine Mother's Codes were being reinstated to the earth through various nodes and points of conduit, through the Solar Melchizedek Staff Holders, who have the access to operate the planetary staff and recover the Mother's body. As this was the first time guardian host could secure the reconnections into the time matrix for the ascending wave of the Krystal Star Guardian Hosting, from the end of 2012, several Cathedrals held by the Mother's Universal Diamond Gateway were being activated to later bring the Guardian families connections into the earth to recover the aspects of Mother and Father God, in the emanation restoration of the Albion Dragons. There are 13 pairs of Albion Dragon Creator Solar Dragons who eventually will be resurrected into the earth, in the future years to come. As the Albion Dragons are seated into their Thrones, they hold the Rod and Staff of God within their Hierogamic Union as holders of the Risen Christos Sophia Christ Child, and flood the earth's grids in their location with the vast rivers of the Cosmic Creator's essences such as plasmic trinity waves, solar flowering plasmas and the sounds of the body of god which reclaims creation as it should be. In the guardian host projects their emerald order elohei templar dragons work in unification with the Albion Dragon Kings, as the Emerald Order restores their presences and architectures into the earth.



Hill of Tara

Scottish portals to Hyperborea

Rosslyn Chapel

See Also

Axis Mundi

Templar Cross


[Emerald Crystal Heart]
