9D AI Machinery Kronos

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Kronos AI Rod, Black Cube Alien Timekeeper, Black Nile Cube

During the restoration of the Solar Rods for the Cosmic Ankhs and Arcs held by the Solar Rishi in guardian Ezekiel's Solar Rod holding function in the Galactic to Metagalactic Cores of the time matrix, ranges of machinery connected to Enki-Loki-Enlil and Kronos, including Melchior were found as artificial time control structures connected to a fallen metatronic matrix of time accessed behind the Orion Constellation from within the 8d-9d timelines in Gaia's Solar Rods. The Bifurcation of the Wesan structures reversal timelines which are connected to a black aeon black sun structure within the Wesan parallel Time Matrix and AI 9d Kronos was recorded by guardian families as a part of the Narcissistical programming of controlling alien gods, using false father AI and controlling timelines in the earth from artificial cube structures which appear as the hypercube tesseracts of fallen timekeeper codings. The Kronos machinery and networks were installed into guardian Ezekiel's higher heart monadic Gaian dragon body in his spinal cord in hosting the sextant matrix elemental compactions and associated 666 elemental seals which the guardian host recon mission removed.

AI False Archangel Metatron Transmissions

A central core structure of a metatron's cube was observed inside fallen timekeeper and timelines in Orion inside the 8th dimension observed as acting as another quantum controlling time supercomputer control hub was found to be sending out transmissions of fallen controlled metatron as an archangel (thothian AI) within the area but into the Yahweh-Metatronic reversal time matrix pockets. This architecture has been used to invert the holy father's body in the time matrix, in reversal rods and controlling the entity collectives of many black magicians and satanic hierarchies who connect into the black controlled timeline structures in a hierarchical black triading in unholy trinity lunar trident structures. The archetypes of Loki-Enki-Enlil, Melchior and Kronos appear to have alien Merlin transmissions as a part of the vast naa controlling over the holy father's body and rods. The Metatronic Cube and hypercube time controlling reversal architectures connected to this vast network were supported to be staged in orchestrated removal sequences by guardian host in the reclamation of Orion's Belt during stages of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening, in which holy father's dark starry night cosmic rose ring emerged from Cosmic White Mother Meritaten and Cosmic Pink Father's Metatronic Solar bodies which converged into returning the Starry Night Dark Triple Rose line through Orion's Alnilam and into the Centre of the Albion body in the United Kingdom of Arthur-Guinevere's restorations, in which allowed the triple goddess Peach rose line ignited by Merida's Solar Dragon Body restorations were possible during Magnetic planetary peak of August 2022.

9D AI Machinery Medusa Staff and Black Chalice Networks in 9D

The Medusa Networks in the earth and in the 9th dimensional timelines held the inversions of the planetary body Antakharana, and of which the extractions of these by White Bride of Christ in Brigid, supported the rebuilding of the chalices into the patterns of triwave cosmic flows from the bi-wave inversions running metratronic death spirals connected to the planetary and human reptilian tail khundabuffer negative ego and fetal cells on the tailbone being reversed into the descendent serpent lunar fires of the qlippoth.

Melchior Lunar Archetypal Force, Atlantian NRG Grid and Lohas Invasion of 11D Stonehenge Stargate fall to the Annunakian-Thothian invasion of the stargate

Melchior's essence was confronted by the Emerald Order Solar Yanas Dragon Queens, in their search and inventory of the fallen Khemalohatea Realms operating from inside the Atlantian controlled timelines of the fall of Lohas. Melchior operates in Jealousy, Misogyny and Competition with the Solar Female Cosmic Dragon Founders of the Elohei-Dragon Queens, whom are the embodiment group of the Mother of Dragon's Cosmic Founder's Records, the Yanas of the Triquetra Cosmic Aryan Solar Dragons of Zion, the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea and Deer-Fawn Crowned Celtic Maji Druidic Yanas Queens. Melchior essence as a demonic-black diamond krystar vehicle of a black false dragon or paliadorian is being accessed by the Celtic Maji Druidic Solar Dragon Queens from their Aramatena and Lyran-Avalon Zion Realms from within the Elaysian-Eiyana-Eiyani Cathedrals being restored from the Celtic Triquetra Cosmic Dragon Holder's Cosmic Triquetra Rod Shields of The Rainbow Watchtower.

Holy Father Chronos

During fieldworking the Solar expression of Chronos archetype as a timekeeper expression appears to be held within the triple flames of the Solar Rishi in their founder timekeeper Solar Dragon Templar expressions inside the Cosmic Founder Domains. The Melchizedek triple blue flames, and the Metatronic Triple Pink Flames with the Triple White Rainbow Flames of the Mother's emanations appear to be the override and direct Christos expression of Chronos, the archetypal influences through the Amethyst Order Rha Families with Melchizedek Families in the Solomon Triple Rods of the Solar Reisha and Rishi in revealing ongoing stages. At this time it is best to double check resonance as the fallen timekeeper influences and reversal rods are undergoing repairs within the earth, the Kronos machinery is false father and has been expressing trickery, falsity and false king of bliss, false king of tyranny expressions to create spiritual eliteism and promote black magicians in Merlin reversals of the 7D violet ray which prevents the 15D magenta ray of the father to build out the solar rishi rod of the 15:15 Amethyst Order Dragon Family rod and sceptre. This rod configuration was installed to the planetary body during the Solar Rishi Amethyst Order Founders workloads which took place in the October, November and December restorations of Father's 15:15 Rods of the Solar Rishi Amethyst Order Dragon Kings upgrading the planetary rods in the Solar Dragon Wings for Holy Man Gentleman of the Lamps, supporting the Solar Rishi of the Great Bear Ursa Major restorational phases: [[1]]

See Also

[Medusa Heads Grid Network 9D Alien Machinery]

[9d AI Machinery Kronos Energetic Synthesis]

[False Khemalohatea]

[Holy Pegasus Orders]