Ruby Lotus Rose Heart & Templar
The Ruby Lotus & Rose Diamond Heart & Templar
During the after stages that took place during the planetary winter solstice northern hemisphere in end of 2022, the Ruby Order families started to restore in through the Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway of the Albion Networks, as the next stage of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening restoring their Cosmic Diamond Ruby Heart, from the Cosmic Ruby Sun in the godworlds. This celebration in the field of the planetary body was a long awaited restoration of the Ruby Crystal Spiral, and the Ruby Founder Records as a part of the genetic rehabilitation supports to reclaim the Ruby Grail Line of the earth.
The Crystal Diamond Lotus-Rose Heart Diamond Lines were ignited into the planetary body from the centre of the Albion Body Networks, as the Solar Ruby Dragons started to connect into the Ruby Universal Pillar from the 22-23-24D Eye of God in the parallel position. The Ruby Pillar was annointed with the Golden Solar Light and Elaysian Rainbow Opalescent Cosmic Mother's Rays in which the rotation within the Universal Diamond Pillars secured into the Four directions and Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Emerald Eukatharista positions.
The Ruby Grail lines in the planetary body create a trinity chalice of mother's triwave which are a part of the ruby grail holders. The Ruby-Sapphire-Emerald Dragon eggs from the eye of god in 22-23-24D are embodied into the Universal Diamond Pillars inside the Solar Reisha and Rishis who embody the trinity of the dragon grail line inside their planetary aspects connected to the ascended master bodies. The Dragon egg networks inside the planetary body were inversed into reversals, and the remaining ruby crystals which were not reversed into black heart nodes are being restored through emerald order elohei and the twinned ruby dragons from inside the Albion and Cathar body of the earth from the United Kingdom networks.
Within the Albion Body Networks which span between 2D, (Earth) 5D, (Taran Matrix) 8D (Gaian Matrix) the interlinking verticals for the Lotus-Rose Grail Nodes have been restored through the body of Arthur and Guinevere's central location inside the United Kingdom. The Ruby Rose Grail Line inside the building of the Ruby Sun body in the earth builds the 2d-5d-8d inner verticals in the staff which build the hosting of chalice configurations once the male and female 3-6-9 and 4-7-10 dimensional spheres triad in the trinity of triangles. The Ruby Sun birthes through the Solar Body of the Ruby Sun-Star Dragon Twinned pairing of the Solar Reisha, and Rishi in their Ankh Body restoring into the earth grids and within the Ruby Order's Ruby Round of time from within the Stairway to heaven spiral.
Temple of Trifold Khemalohatea-Khemalot
As the Ruby Crystal Diamond Lotus-Rose Ouroborous line in the earth was being corrected, after the placements noted above, it was revealed by King Arthur's Red King Cosmic Aton in his 48D Quadrata Quadrant Rods Templar Body, that to ignite this Rose-Lotus Ruby Order's Ouroborous into the earth, would require to move the stargate positioning of Stonehenge, out from the alien invaders false camelot and Khem artificial intelligences timelines controlled in the bi-wave forms. King Arthur could only achieve this once the Cosmic Emerald Amoraea Heart from the Cosmic Mother's Body could regenerate and activate the Emerald Heart Crystals in the earth through her 6 layered cosmic templar emerald shields which she sent down her Rainbow Watchtower into the Heart of the UK in Ireland, Hill of Tara and Stonehenge Cathedrals of Emerald Order's 6 pillared Heart Solomon Cathedrals, inhabited and annointing her White Queen Bride of Christ and Red King groom of Christ in each location. These locations were corrected into unification of the Cosmic Templar Aton 48D body of The Mother-Father of Dragons, in which King Arthur could reclaim the Ruby-Rose Grail Line in the earth and resurrect it into Ruby Heart Activations with his Ruby Star Templar during early November of 2023. The negative alien war over the temple of Khemalotea had been set into many thousands of nested false AI architectures to destroy the potential of humanity comprehending their true nature as born forth from the solar light of god in twinned pairs of gender matrix balance. The intensive long term stealth mission of the Emerald Amethyst Ruby Founder's from within their Cosmic Eukachrist and Cosmic Aton Body of God, was required to recover many body parts from the stolen bloodline codes and the cloning of the Ruby Sun body into various Enki's red waved army and thothian army annunakian controls over the stealing of the bloodlines, and to imposter the Ruby Order King-Queen Maji in the earth through many scorpion and horse alien kings and queens, in various connections within the antihierogamic (gender split) lunar trident matrix throughout the time matrix.
The inner sacred marriage process within the human body to achieve the sovereignty of the healing of the genders, is known as Inner sacred union. This is achieved inside the personal lightbody in stages, depending on the spiritual template and the rehabilitations and corrections to extract lunar forces, reversals and the lunar false hierogamic union structures, or the alien love bite.
Hierogamic Union is the most advanced progression stage of a sacred union between two people and the godhead, and can only occur with the original pair, whom was the original genetic template and birth'd genetic match in the very first birthing of when god created the pair. As this has been damaged within the earth body and extensive alien networks of reversals in the grids were installed here to prevent sacred marriage, and also to prevent and destroy the avatar level of hierogamic union of the couple the hierogamic level of unioning is still on the earth rarified as this takes extensive energetic awareness at a blueprint level to correct this template, to locate all of the body parts and identities throughout every harmonic universe in the time matrix. The difficulty with building this entire template into embodiment is that the character assassinations, the inner pain body and shadow and mind control via psychotronic weaponry needs to be the dedication to comprehend that this template was destroyed in the time matrix. The Universal Time Matrix was created on a series of blueprints of the original creator's body, the Mother's Cosmic Dragon and the Father's Cosmic Dragon which their unified bodies generate the live giving eternal flows into creation through the structure known as the Gender Twin Matrix or Khemalohatea, in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. This structure, when the human twinned pairs are together in the same timeline, are where they become seated into a specific evolutionary round of time, within a dimensional bandwidth which is appropriate to their specific stage of unioning or spiritual lessons. The Cosmic Clock of the Aeons was destroyed from the earth, when the entire seeding rounds of King Arthur's Khemalot or Camelot were being controlled by the antichrists who destroyed his Primary Genetic Equal Quadrata Quad Template, which is the first seeding of Rod-Staff into the creational fields, the Rod being the timeline on the horizontal and the Staff being the vertical.
Thus, this ascension plan, guardian host families whom were first wavers from the emerald founders emerald covenant, came into the earth timelines to hold the original hierogamic union template, through their oraphim walk-in or merge in process, in which the higher DNA template that they held could sustain and have the authentic genetic equal hierogamic coding to birth into this timeline. These aeonic pairs or couples endure extensive negative alien attacking and intense aggressions towards their missions, as the hierogamic body template was seen as an immediate threat to the many antichrist controllers and false gods on the earth whom had reversed planetary currents and grids, when hierogamic codes were dormant and in reverse.
The Paliadorian Dragon Kings were the responsible agents of recovering the structures belonging to the Primary Genetic Equals, which is a Quadrata Templar Timekeeper Cosmic Dragon's Body Template has been restored into the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons by the Emerald-Ruby Order, in which their hierogamic union blueprints and embodiments to build out and recover, locate, and restore the Emerald Sun 48D 48 Stranded DNA required to be located over the entirety of the Paliadorian Covenant Mission. The Stages of the recovery of Holy Father's Quadrata Ruby Templar were required to be recovered out from many alien domains, Enki's & Thoth's Annunakian false emerald order and false ruby order bases, in which guardians could start to rebuild King Arthur's Round Tables of Time, inside his Quadrata Templar Ruby Body. This structure is the supporting structure of which the Tri-Flame Temple of Khemalohatea could start to be corrected in the time matrix by the authentic fully ascended masters whom birth and hold the Cosmic Khemalohatea Dragon Egg who are the White Cosmic Elohei and Pink Cosmic Elohei Ascended Master Solar Reisha-Rishis together. Their bodies naturally hold the principle of the Rainbow Rounds of Time, of which from the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, the godhead flows these Rounds of Time into the structure of where they are placed, in the North, South, East and West Positions in the Cosmic Stairway to Heaven, in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons.
The Ruby Order, Restoration of the Ruby Spiral, Clockshield and Templar & Ruby Diamond Heart, Kidneys for Triading of the Ruby Heart
The Ruby Rose Line and Cosmic Sun was reconnected into the earth from the Emerald Order via Akhenaton's mission strands but it would lead into the Cosmic Dragon expressions from the Ruby Sun in the Emerald Order family to restore dragons as a twinned pair whom were seeded and birthed into the Albion networks earlier this year [2022], with this revealed the restoration of a Ruby Ankh Body. We are now at the point of stages revealing in Arthur-Guinevere triple goddess ruby sun emanation as the Cosmic Ruby Sun is being sparked into action for this next stage of architectural changes for the Solar triple goddess the Solar Reisha in what is appearing as a combination of build outs into the Gaian Matrix.
There is now a fully formed Ruby Order Clockshield Round Table of where the dragon kings of Solar Dragons from the Godworlds within the Albion are showing up and with their triple ruby sun tesseracts on each dragon king pairing, and we are supportingly involved in building out the Ruby Spiral and Time shields for the Ruby Order in which the triple arcs from the Solar Reisha Staff from the passageway from here to the Ecousha-TA Chrystanthemum Arc flowerings, builds this out in the connections of Ruby with Solar Golden Hues within the Azothian Starry night flecks inside the Ruby Sun Colours of the deepest Ruby Red Sun in the lightbody. Their hands of the Ruby Order Solar Rishi-Reisha hold right side sovereign ruby order orbs, and their left hands hold the Triskelion ruby sun coding, they all host a red rose of the universal christ bloodline in the centre of their hearts and breastplates as the Ruby grail line builds into the Albion from the Ruby Diamond Heart placed within the Albion body and networks.
This changing architecture within the planetary body is highlighting a ruby diamond grid, and it seems to still be intact in areas of the lower english landmass, but starts to fall into reversals across the water and down into France. The Cathar body of the planet is being highlighted in this piece, and so this may be a recurring theme as we explore what reveals together.
Universal Ruby Pillar is annointed with Golden Cosmic Sun and the Elaysian Opalescent rainbow Sun, to support the recovery and Solar Dragon Rishi-Reishas to come forth through their Maji Grail King or Queen Lineages, in which stages of rebuilding the Lyran temples and Suns are ongoing. Over the years, as many will know the Ruby Grail Line holders and the Ruby Sun templates were cloned out, inverted and used to black magic ritual against humanity using the Ruby Sun controlled genetics to infiltrate a human body with a nephilim soul, or a nordic alien white soul, or a thubanite soul. The Satanic ritualling that these lineages have suffered is extensive and can feel extremely deathly and correlated to the caduceus networks in the personal wings and inner staff, as these ruby sun body parts were used to invert and create many of the black dragon consettia and were impaled into the grids underground whilst the naa used their souls for a battery body.
As the Templar Shielding in Ruby Maltese Cross, and the Ruby Spiral are now present inside the Earth in the centre of the Albion Body, the extensions of the recovery and healing out of those in the Ruby Sun genetic lineages is more possible now, as this architecture is happening at a planetary level for future returning and healing.
See Also
OL Blog 2024 - 15-01-2024 The Ruby Rod
Ref- Guardian Host Projects OL Container - December 2022, January 2023 and previous from early 2010, into workstreams in 2017, 2018 onwards reclaimation of the Ruby Sun guided by beloved Akhenaton through his spiral time mission to recover and return Holy Father's Ruby Order Families and Planetary Ruby Crystal Networks
Universal Diamond Pillars
Lotus-Rose Cosmic Dragon Rings