Consciousness Traps

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A Consciousness trap is a belief, an event, actions or synamics which keep a person looping or attending to a certain energetic dynamic which can appear expansive and positive, but upon careful examination to its nature, reveals itself to be an enslavement to the energy and consciousness of the person involved. In the Archontic Deceptions set into the earths grids for humanity to take on board polarity thought forms, the negative consciousness traps are forms of enslavements to a belief or series of events which have no room for expanding beyond the trap set into the energy field.

Traps can appear energetically etherically as a form of prison, cube or horizontal plane which also matches the mental body thoughts or real life events in the energetic streams which are playing out. For example, in the hijacking of the Twin Flame movement upon the earth, many spiritually activating people are placed into a false twin union keeping extremely painful wounding in place, where those kind hearted individuals are leaving their families to go into the consciousness trap of the belief that this is their "Twin Flame" and yet, if not assessed accurately from a personal sane vantage point of checking if this relationship is indeed for personal and spiritual growth, the consciousness trap remains to keep people suffering instead of recognising spiritual growths, and moving on. In these cases, the trap says " this is your only divine partner forever" and in some cases, this lie has caused excessively challenging enslavements where the person defers their senses and their personal self-checks into the invisible spiritual realm containing ETs, entities and demonics controlling the trap.

[Consciousness Traps]

Implants as Consciousness traps

In each dimension of the lightbody there is a field of auric layering, which contains 12 subharmonics of the dimension, for a total of 144 subharmonics inside 12 dimensions. This is the tree of life of 12 Spheres of the Diamond Sun DNA of the human lightbody template. In each dimension, horizontal fields can be filled with cords, false timelines and consciousness enslavement devices including a trap. In the meditation dedication to your spiritual growth and freedom, intending to see and investigate any traps your consciousness is involved within is helpful to remove bindings, spiritual bondage loops into bliss or derailment energetics, and to allow you to observe the intended controlling patterns of which may also have a script or stages and steps listed inside it. Sometimes spells being cast or prayers with specific outcomes are also consciousness traps. Intending to remove and revoke your consent from anything which does not serve your spiritual growth in the Christ pathway, can reveal manipulations and eventually dissolve the consciousness trap out from affecting your life and its events. The dissolving of a consciousness trap can mean you must see all sides of the story; what you were involved with, what you agreed to, and how this was affecting yourself and others involved in the dynamics. Our lives are not pre-determined fates, and consciousness traps tend to play on our fears in order to keep us in a prison of our own making by agreeing to things even if they appear positive.