Satanic Gestalts
Satan, or Satanic energy is a parasitic force of energy within the earth grids and lower dimensional realms which exists as an alien installation of dark mother. Some call this hell realms, and in some pockets of areas in the earth the fallen angelic beings, demonic hierarchies and satanic beings reside in the shadows.
Traditionally, the influences of Satan are referenced as the devil. The energies of temptations and material wealth, pleasure, service to self gain and sexual overuse or abuse are part of the satanic forces.
The energy field of the being known as the baphomet, is a form of lunar force female principle as a demonic force gestalt which is an interfacing energy upon this earth. The 2nd dimensional matter fields of the earth are truly the sophianic christ force body, as the daughter of the god offspring. Yet, the Mother's body as the womb worlds and the true holy mother and daughter of creation principle has been broken, reversed and installed with alien machinery as an AI clone and bi-wave siphoning parasite. In the 2D energy fields of the planetary body, the black magic grids and black flower grids are used to siphon and collect death energy, sexual energy and specifically used to keep the wealth and sexual power imbalances in place to control the collective consciousness of humanity.
Satanic worship calls upon the baphomet energies to support the instantaneous creation or ritualling of bringing something material into the earth plane. Such practises as sacrifice are given as a gift to the baphomet and in return the person loses part of their soul energy to a demonic hierarchy which binds the soul energy and life force of the person under satanic control. Many humans on the earth are tricked into believing that they can manifest items to bring them comfort, but do not know the true nature that they are bargaining their soul into black magic grids in the earth and in off planet pockets. Energyworkers able to see the satanic architecture for what it is in architectural energy, know that the satanism energy is a deceiver and confuser set to mass control humanity and particular bloodlines into continuing the black conjuration or materialistic values in the guise of "freedoms" and acting in devil may care ways, in which the human soul is bound and fragmented out until the demonic essences take over the body in possession.
Satanic Bindings
Satanic bindings and entities must be evicted from the personal lightbody and any agreements that have been made must be revoked completely. In order to fully renounce onesself from these energy forces, a person must intend that god is their only authority. Each human soul has been created by god source, but this fact has remained hidden to humanity in order that the forces of Luciferianism or Satanic energy use the human soul energy for their own purposes. Satanic energy has no connection to god source, and must continue to parasite a host in order to feed itself. The Dark Mother or Alien mother consciousness upon this earth is related to satanic forces, anger and pain-pleasure mixing is a purely satanic force.
If interacted with, the energies will steal life force and have control over the human without their full knowledge of any agreements that have been made. Satan is a trickster energy, also the dark force female lunar forces and archetypes have at their core a satanic energy flow. All humans have been influenced by the satanic energies on the earth as these are used to harness and hide the true female mother holy mother energy which is, at this time being restored into the grids and ley lines of planet earth. One must protect the sexual energy of the body, as the satanic force is a controller, a seducer and a materialistic parasite, which stops the connection to the triwave energies of eternal god source. Many Satanists do not know that the satanic baphomet energies and their associated demonic hierarchies have originated as a negative alien consciousness stemming from the parallel fallen time matrix known as the Wesa Matrix which invaded our time matrix at the 11D 11th dimensional time fields millions of years in the future from current earth time and destroyed the organic matrices to clone and enslave the creations inside of time, starting with the Royal Houses of Lyra holding the rainbow rounds from the eye of god. Satan requires a continual energy force of bargaining, blood ritual or sacrifice, as the anti-christ is embodied into humans who have made a covenant with the devil.
Satanism and Satanic Ritual Abuse encourages hidden abuses to take place under the guise and hidden veils of Rich, Do as thou wilt (Aleister Crowley) and seeks to turn humanity into gender reversals in mocking the human body natural energy centres which should be internally merged (inner male principle, inner female principle) in order to connect upwardly to reconnect the body with the pure source of loving benevolence found through the true holy mother's cosmic principle which comes into the base grounding mechanism underneath the feet and upwardly into the staff vertical channels. Satanic practises reverse the human sexual organs into running descendent serpent (black dragon) fires, as lunar and alien machines take over the body enforcing sexual misery and addicition matrices which must be continually fed through pain-pleasure cycles and addictions.
The Satanic Hierarchies in the earth which were built from the Black Dragon, Black Avatar (9th dimensional, 10th dimensional, 11th dimensional) Black Sun Draconians, have reversed the grids upon the earth tying them into the fallen timelines of control including the repeating of war consicousness, the repeating of mass genocidal agendas, including mind controlling humanity to worship Material values and ignore human ethical golden rule behaviours. At the point of time on planet earth in 2020, the guardian host emerald order families have drawn a line in the sand to extract more of the negative alien machinery of the satanic hierarchies which cover over and hide the truth of human blood sacrifice, mkultra sex slaves, pedophilic massive networks across the globe, human organ trafficking, gender reversals in sexual misery, secret blood ritualling, canabilisms, and enslavement of human trafficking in sex trades.
Christos gridworkers who came to this earth to reverse engineer and to understand the planetary grid networks have been facing off and evicting these massive alien hive nests which hold Moloch tanks that contain human blood in the astral realms, including multidimensional pockets of hidden body parts in satanic ritual abuse battery tanks. These grids are heavily guarded secrets and have created networks of black alien mother lunar force dragon eggs, spiders, scorpions, hybridised creatures in chimera bodies, human faced multiple headed demonic machined beings, and massive black crocodile draconian bi-pedal beings who are amongst the hierarchies controlling the vaccination agendas on the earth to control humanity into keeping them plugged into a past timeline. As a gridworker in service one might face off and see-feel excessive amounts of human blood, human body parts, enslaved trapped souls in various dimensional jail-like structures and you may call upon the Holy Mother Arc Blue Ray and the Krystal Star guardian host to provide a transit in recovering these stolen human souls and their life force essences.
Forced sodomy ritualling or anal sex which is being promoted as the trendy sexual practises, leading into sexual violence, non-fatal strangulation during sexual activities and other pain control or debasement during sexual acts leads to the implantation and the destructive fracturing of the human soul matrix. This is why the human bodies whom are used in sexual predatorisms and rape, child rape, child abuse, sexual attraction to minors, pedophilia are most often seen as being entirely possessed by a reptilian entity which is forcing themselves to use the human in which to draw the lifeforce sexual energy from another human form.
Christos Gridworkers, Spiritual Warriors Embodiment in Absolute Neutral Expressions of Christos Embodied
In order to comprehend the massive dangers of Satanic energy, one must go slow to allow the reveal of the infection upon the earth grids in which Satanism has been used to create inversions, sexual misery abuses, and to destroy the human soul from feeling or connecting with god. The choosers of satanism in some cases have felt abandoned or do not belief in god as a benevolent source. As the cosmic godparents in their solar dragon orobourous bodies around the earth is the great christos dragon albion awakening, the structures of the satanic networks hidden in the grid networks of the earth, the hell realms in and on the earth in these lower astral layers are being rehabilitated as the satanic energies are being starved of their power source which primarily stems from the fallen black dragon and black draconian alien racelines inhabiting the wesa parallel time matrix. Many satanists are not aware that their god as baphomet is an actual alien being, masquerading as demonics, powerful black magicians or other forms of all powerful being proclaiming to give wealth power and beauty.
Guardian host christos gridworkers assigned to tracking the satanic hierarchies are the first wave of emerald order guardian host families from the Elohei whom work together in the mass orchestration to free humanity from the hidden underbelly of extreme depravity. In order to know the truth about what has happened to our planet, the guardian host have sent their representatives with the gridworking role to report back energetic architectural facts to continue to free humanity and to repair the planetary grid networks from negative alien machinery which has prevented the holy mother in her true Mary-Sophia and solar daughter forms from flooding the diamond heart networks and chalices with her pure essence of love. In December of 2021 guardian host were able to return our holy mother's true essence as a white solar cosmic dragon rainbow elohim into the grid networks after many hundreds and thousands of years without her emerald dragon mother oroborous, queen of dragons, Mary-Sophia in her Meritaten or Meritaton body. In her Cosmic White Dragon Sun Solar Dragon Body which travels through the White Emerald Ankh, she faces off to these massive alien creatures through her embodied representatives of solar female christs upon the earth, in which their shared diamond heart of the christos is returning their mother's body unto the earth. As this was a momentous moment upon the christos mission, the ongoing restorations of her body in the earth are met with the screaming banshees of many alien species who took her place in the earth and impostered her spirit in the lunar female formations. Baphomet is not her daughter, it is an alien parasitic predator devoid of purity essence of love and of which, when it comes face to face with a Holy Mother Sophianic body, it is more often annihilated out in the face of the mother's cosmic dragon rainbow sun.
Satanism pretends to be helpful, and kind. Satanism hides its true nature behind false identities. Satanism is a parasite and the satanic baphomet, hides inside demonic hierarchies and hidden rituals. Holy Mother Returns to free her children from those who stole and maimed, who raped and pillaged, who machined and pretended to be her essence on the earth, The imposter mother dark alien networks are being extracted as you read this including the rescue of many stuck souls whom were bound into the planetary satanic grids whom are being released into the arms of the true godparent and holy mother for full spiritual healing.
See Also
[[ Satanic Ritual Abuse==