Ascension Community

Aeonic Pairs

See Also Aeonesis

An Aeonic pair is one male and one female whom were birthed from the godhead together, and entered the time matrix as one hierogamic union coupling at their original point of creational birthing from their point of origin from the entry into time. The Aeonic Pair embody the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, through the rod and staff into each dimensional bandwidth correctioning and repairing the potential to rehabilitate the diamond sun 12 tree grid in which they will work upon bringing the trinity into each dimension of their lightbody. Once the rod-staff body parts have been rebuilt and located, in recovering their spiritual body parts from many fallen locations this allows them to repair gender patterns inside the negative ego, eventually they can access any point in time through the Cosmic Clock in their Krystal Spiral from the embodiment of the Risen Christos-Sophia Solar Trinity of Zero point of which birthes their solar christ child into form. Aeonic Pairs can override timelines through their embodied rod and staff, which allows them to operate within the Krystal Structures of the Universal Law of Structure.

They unite when the universal levels of their template are completed in which they can embody the risen Christos-Sophia together to leave the time matrix as Cosmic Citizens. In several template configurations the male and female may be brought together by their avatar god self in which to build through every layer of dimensional stages of inner male and female repatterning through the soul matrix layers, monadic matrix and in the solar logos of the avatar matrix. 

Antichrist and ET interferences, Targeting to destroy the union architecture

The Aeonic pairing template has many stages and corrections and has been aggressively targeted by the most heinous and extreme levels of alien military grade hidden weaponry from various alien racelines across multiple timelines. The Aeonic pair template holders embodying their Solar Christed forms are a direct threat to the hidden layers of the negative alien agenda which has controlled humanity for thousands of years. These negative beings who destroyed the entire time matrix clockshields in the holy father's rod destroyed the solar logos and they used this to create timeline loops to control humanity in their lunar force and black sun timeline controls. One of the many ways in which the human gender centres have been damaged and assaulted on the earth was the installation of the gender splitting alien machinery which runs through various stargates and off planet connections to keep human genders apart and in war with each other. Alien dark lunar mother, alien dark false father constructs took over the earth in various dimensional layers, destroying the holy mother and father's ley lines, stargates and portals into connecting to various alien machinery to keep mass confusion in place over identities and clones. 

Guardian Host Founder Cosmic Dragon Teachings and Cosmic Christos Families

Guardian host families holding an authentic rod and staff template of the potential to unify the male and female returned themselves from the krystal star realms in the godworlds.  In which they would function inside of time matrix would allow them to see the vast ranges of the extensive damage done here in the earth to human gender, DNA blocking and the massive amounts of SRA and hidden issues in the architecture of the mother-father and male-female at every level in the time matrix. Working with the guardian host in this way meant that those in genuine positions of cosmic field guardian host connections would be sent various destroyer forces in which to try to prevent them from reassembling the necessary detailed layers of the hierogamic template. These families who took on board this particular mission have been hunted down by massive alien hierarchies because these alien controllers in their various racelines had not considered that the founders of the time matrix would be able to see that many portions of the planet's body and the templates had been cloned out into millions of nested architectures in which they had used the vastly aggressive alien love bite software to create dramatic addictive false twin flame couplings across the earth. Many individuals involved in spiritual ascension must purify their vessels, their egos and values in which to move through the initiations of coming into relationship mastery in harmony. 

These hierogamic couples in the christos-sophia rainbow shield returned to the earth in which to support find and liberate their fallen stuck family members and to support the liberation of humanity. Their organically aligned higher DNA templates provided them a zero point outside of time cosmic viewpoint in which to have the capacity to see the many false rod and staff couples in place in positions of being controlled by the NAA invaders. The false rods and staffs were used to confuse and terrorise humanity in creating the spiritual betrayal wound of "finding the one and only" but that the couple would repeat damage to each other, or create continual bi-wave time locks through sexual misery, power abuses and the embodiment of lunar dramatic archetypes set in the polarities. As the earth is now holding hierogamic union through the Michael-Mary, and Hatshepsut-Ezekiel, King Arthur-Guinevere emerald order Albion dragons, the human potentials to create inner sacred marriage and outer sacred marriage in healing the schisms between gender programming is witnessed as becoming more prevalent on the earth. 

The Krystal Star guardian host families led by the Emerald Order Covenant, have returned again into the time matrix in which to support the recovery and rebuilding of the hierogamic template in the Avatar Solar Logos for Male and Female Sacred Marriage activations and potentials. These templates work from the upper dimensional levels downwardly into the timelines, and guardian host returned the Hieros Gamos, the full risen Christos-Sophia of extremely high refined Cosmic Christos unconditional love and perfect balance in the male and female rod-staff holders for various functions. The rod and staff is the sacred marriage that is held in the male and female together, in perfect balance for which their direct relationship with god is santified blessed and denoted by their walking the path of life together. 

The human body is a Christ body, which contains female and male gender principles in every single human upon the earth. The war over gender is the alien war upon humanity hidden in the various sexual misery perversions, depravity and abuses in crimes against humanity in which the bid to control timelines and gender happened through the various wars throughout the time matrix. Through the many stages of emotional, sexual, and male-female gender patterning healings to comprehend that the male and female when created at the godhead were in perfect balance with each other: template corrections in updates through the ascension cycle will support each human being to come into the realisation that we were born forth with one partner. The greatest love story of all time and space is held in the very sacred knowledge from the Cosmic Suns of the Dragon Creators from outside of time, in the Seven Higher Heavens where the ancient knowledges of the adam-eve pairing held the template for humans to find and heal their hearts. At this time Michael-Mary Dragon Ley Line Oroborous hold the human solar golden dragon essences in the sacred memories of the dragon creators, imprinted into every human heart.