Ascension Community

Aton Solar Disk

The Aton or solar disk, is a cosmic creator dragon of the cosmic christ god technology restored to the earth which provides an ascending human organic access to the sun-star network through their diamond sun body. The stars and solar bodies in our galaxy, into the andromedan seven higher heavens is a star map of intelligent godhead energy which belongs to each human being on the earth. This is also a sun-star network in which allows the embodied Aton, or the Aton God body to transfer and move consciousness through portals, when the Ankh Solar Lightbody as the Transfiguration Vehicle, or Godworlds Eternal Merkabah Vehicle is embodied. The sun-star networks allow direct arcing and time travel through the sun-star networks if the keys to the suns have been built and embodied in the solar embodiment of the avatar christos-sophia. This is a part of the eternal returning to the godhead creator through the journeying in ones personal tree of life.

The Aton discs or sun-star network connections will come as a natural activation in the person's genetic and blueprint, and is the nature by which the cosmic dragons from the andromedan godworlds outside of time can travel as cosmic citizens anywhere inside of time, travel through time, and return into the godworlds in their solar dragon rings held within the eternal ankh body and is the releasing of the human from the constraints of time, to exist within the avatar christos-sophia rishi embodiment as perceptions of zero point - or no time. 

In the 18th dynasty timelines in egypt, guardian Akhenaton was restoring the true knowledge of the one godhead, through the worship of the Sun, as the Solar light of god shines into our solar system through one-source god source. He was assasinated by Thothian Draconians in order to stop the human peoples understanding that the blood sacrifices are satanic and not true cosmic christ human consciousness. His One solar god, or the ATON was the pathway back through the stars to the organic home of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The Cosmic Creator Dragons of the Elohei families are the human creators, or Angelic humans as the correct name for our species is. Akhenaton knew that the moon and the assorted blood sacrifices were antichrist alien agendas, but he endured great ridicule from his detractors, as he was seen as a threat to their practises of hidden controls. 

The Aton solar disk is a part of the eternal Ankh lightbody which is a consciousness transportation vehicle for travelling in time through the universal time matrix timelines, and outside of time through the zero point and into the higher heavens in Andromeda, leading to the godworlds where there is no time. It becomes an embodied shield in the ascending starseeded human lightbody who has this template or blueprint, during the ascension cycle as part of the restoration of the RA Christos-Sophia centre and solar sacrum in the gender centre. This disk when activated into the 10-11-12D solar logos Eternal Ankh lightbody and base shield, underneath the feet on the horizontals, aligns with the 10D sun-star chakra above the head, which continues to repattern into the higher crown centre.

As this is restored through the personal lightbody of an ascending man or woman on the earth, the way home through the crown is changed, into the organic North star, leading home, to the home constellations of the sun-star bodies. 

The extensive range of suns and stars we see in the sky each contain there own unique creator's identity of the Aton disc and are a part of our Cosmic Christos Dragon Creator Dragon King families who created our Universal Time Matrix, and these are the families who have held the keys to restore and embody the aton within the universal ankh body as part of the diamond solar shields.