Ascension Community

Rishic Founder, Solar Rishi

See Also:

Solar Rishi 

The Solar Rishi, The Seven Rishi of the Great Bear, are aspects of the creator's body as solar dragons who birth themselves through the entire constellation matrix of Ursa Major.  The Rishi are the Masculine aspects of the godhead in creation, their counterparts the Solar Reisha are the female triple goddess aspects of creation who travel through the entire Pleiades constellation. In order to travel through the progressions of the time cycles that are held inside the Ursa Major and Pleiades Constellations, the Universal Ankh body of the entire godhead 13-14-15D solar rishic plasma shield is embodied by the Solar Rishi and Reisha in which to travel into the timelines, in through a series of Solar Dragon Rings inside their Emerald Ankh body.

Solar Rishi and Reisha are know as triple goddess or triple god aspects of the Cosmic Suns in the godworlds, which are parts of the prime creator's body which emerged into the time matrix through the period of time of 2020, as many of their body parts had been reversed and removed and damaged and required to be located, rebuilt in the matter realms through the Aurora Tritone Luminary Rainbow Dragons mission to re-encrypt the diamond sun body of matter within the earth's elementals and atomic matter forms in the atomic layers, the subatomic matter and the quantum field levels of reality.

The Solar Rishi and Reisha take their form in a 36D Diamond Sun Body, in which the Cosmic Christos Dragon families of the Paliadorian Dragon Kings are supporting the reclaimation, rebuilding and location of the absconded dragon body parts which belong to the planet's auric field and matters. The Rishi and Reisha aspects are, when they appear in the time matrix, taking their position in reclaimed and repaired structures, inside the sun-star network. Such as, the Solar Reisha Sapphire Goddesses emanated their restorations of the Sophianic Eireadonis Sapphire Cosmic Spirit Suns into the Star Constellation of Piscis Austrinis earlier this year.

These triple goddesses birthed through as a formation of 12 daughers of sophianic sisters together and are the form holding star-burst expressions of the Stars's sentient intelligence, holding the Mother's Sapphire Plasmic Dragon Shield and Cupola in which Holy Mother's body transmits the qualities of her body through the stars, her triple daughter Sophias in the Piscis Austrinis Constellations. Another example of a Solar Rishi in the planetary body, would be the Dragon Ouroborous Ley Lines under constructions. The Solar Rishi are repairing these Ouroborous Dragon bodies, in which to connect them into the higher layers of their Emerald Sun Cosmic Founder Emerald Sun Dragon Body.

The Cosmic Elohei in their 36D Cosmic Starhuman Dragon emanations (such as the triple goddesses inhabiting the star constellations, and other aspects of god in the earth and matter worlds) can travel anywhere inside or outside of time and can read the planetary grid networks, carry out repairs immediately and are the main arm of the Emerald Order's Cosmic White Sun and Cosmic Pink Sun Elohei-Elohim Feline Lineages, which makes their presence through the Founder's staff and into the 36D Diamond Heart in their Ascended Master Triple Goddess or god triple masculine body forms. Their lightbody structure within the earth grids required to be rebuilt as a series of quad templates which emerged from the Cosmic Sun they were birthed from, inside the Seven Higher Heavens Godworlds Realms. In their ascended master bodies, their diamond heart complex emanates three diamond hearts as a baseline, in which the holy trinity of the higher 36 suns which inhabit their bodies, can enter into their divine blueprint. The Solar Rishi or Reisha may also choose to emanate into a founder's body on the earth, as a human cosmic starhuman dragon. Previous Ascended Masters who achieved this upon the earth are Padmeshambava, Ramana Maharshi of the Elaysa-Melchizedek Blue Rainbow Masters holding their Cosmic trinity diamond heart.

This level of Creator's aspect is in early debut in its return into our time matrix. When encountering these beings one will find that they are the most neutral unconditionally loving expressions of god's holy sacred cosmic suns trinity and are the aspects of creation which animate the qualities of god in the earth kingdoms and realms, as the holders of the spirits of christ within their forms. The solar reisha female triple goddesses have been restored into positions inside constellation matrices, and into the solar dragon albion dragons, whom are the direct connection of god's purified solarised elemental essences, such as rivers of cosmic rainbow plasmas and diamond hearts. The Solar Rishi Dragons and Reisha Dragons as the triple goddesses and gods, are that body of god aspect in the earth, in which emanate these in birthing series of triple dragon cosmic eggs and animating the life forces of the plasmic flowerings, and the diamond heart networks under rehabilitations on the earth, as their bodies are able to express into the earth through the cosmic spirit suns of the dark matter and many triple rashas and gelesiac dragon rings animated in the earth.