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Any form of spiritual healing which involves using sexual organs or sexual energy is being controlled by the lunar forces of the antichrist, and must be repelled, as the human sexual energy in use by others or groups for participating in healing, generally shows astral demonics and demonic strongholds in which to start to posess humans interacting in this way. The self-sovereignty pathway of closing off sexual portals and organs, and being careful of who and what our sexual energies are in connection with is imperative to comprehend the human lifeforce and godsource lifesource of the body, to ensure no misuse or demonic enforcements and demonic houses are present. Demons will force lustful encounters, non-consentual encounters, and appear to have powers of electrified sexual overt heavy spiky and what appears as overtly-exciting to the human body. This pattern feels or appears to the christos founders as an urgent electrified force which generates a high frequency of reversal 10 black lunar codes as qlippoth directly operating from the baphomet satanic fields in the lower fields of the earth, this is death energy. The true christos solar energetics are very subtle, and can only build godly love connections to and with the body through the intention to dedicate solar diamond sun patterns and reconnections to inner gender, as god would intend as this supports the building of the stage by stage, inner sacred union. This happens in dimensions, as it is the rebuilding of the internal triad of the personality matrix (1-2-3D and sexual organs) and the soul matrix (4-5-6-D) to rebuild the solar triading of which the soul matrix can seat inside the body, in all 12 parts, to unify the sexual organs to the rising heart to heal the 2D/4D split in the human lightbody.
Any form of spiritual healing which involves using sexual organs or sexual energy is being controlled by the lunar forces of the antichrist, and must be repelled, as the human sexual energy in use by others or groups for participating in healing, generally shows astral demonics and demonic strongholds in which to start to posess humans interacting in this way. The self-sovereignty pathway of closing off sexual portals and organs, and being careful of who and what our sexual energies are in connection with is imperative to comprehend the human lifeforce and godsource lifesource of the body, to ensure no misuse or demonic enforcements and demonic houses are present. Demons will force lustful encounters, non-consentual encounters, and appear to have powers of electrified sexual overt heavy spiky and what appears as overtly-exciting to the human body. This pattern feels or appears to the christos founders as an urgent electrified force which generates a high frequency of reversal 10 black lunar codes as qlippoth directly operating from the baphomet satanic fields in the lower fields of the earth, this is death energy. The true christos solar energetics are very subtle, and can only build godly love connections to and with the body through the intention to dedicate solar diamond sun patterns and reconnections to inner gender, as god would intend as this supports the building of the stage by stage, inner sacred union. This happens in dimensions, as it is the rebuilding of the internal triad of the personality matrix (1-2-3D and sexual organs) and the soul matrix (4-5-6-D) to rebuild the solar triading of which the soul matrix can seat inside the body, in all 12 parts, to unify the sexual organs to the rising heart to heal the 2D/4D split in the human lightbody.
[[Category: Human Collective Consciousness Control]]
[[Category: Archetypal Forces]]
[[Category:Lunar Trident Anti-Hierogamic]]
[[Category:Antichrist Forces]]

Latest revision as of 19:54, 27 June 2024

Anti-hierogamic, or gender splitting technologies are felt as warfares in the energetic transmissions which come towards all of humanity to keep gender splitting in place. To those whom have repaired and healed their genders, or those on the ascension path who are building the inner sacred union between their inner male right side and inner female left side energetic layers of their diamond sun body, the anti-hierogamic antichrist gender controlled spiritual warfare is more easily felt as it immediately feels as attacking the sexual organs. In the early stages of reclaiming inner gender, the antihierogamic lunar bindings feel as sexual arousals and also inorganic Kundalini as sexualized energy under control. Kundalini risings are not inherently sexual in the reclaiming of personal life force. Gender split anti-hierogamic transmissions are not as identified or felt as warfare and energetic control where lunar energies or inner 2D Grail gender splits are operating. Therefore, to be aware of sexual misery programming is vital to reclaiming inner gender balancing in the spiritual ascension from lunar to solar. This is required of all humans upon the earth, including star seeded and indigo template holders on earth.

The Anti-hierogamic union forces are bi-wave gender splits apart, which cannot run trinity wave of the union of hierogamic trinity. Thus, many stronghold architectures of houses of demonics, false king solomon rods, and situations of false neutral of gender in androgyny or binary or other genders are being defined, could be considered as anti-hierogamic, to keep inner genders apart as splits in bi-wave energetically controlled siphoning.

See - Anti-Hierogamic Union

The Hierogamic Union of Male and Female Principles of Creation, started to appear into the earth grids from the Guardian Host Krystal Star Templates, secured into the Architectures of the Planetary Lightbody from stages of building out the natural trinity of the Mother, the Father and the Christos-Sophia to unify and override the bi-wave reversals and elemental controlled compactions of the planetary lightbody, and human forms. The inner sacred union of the inner male and the inner female starts in chromosomes, cells, blood, manifest human form, and extends into the auric field layers of the lightbody when the human body 12 sphere tree of life (Diamond Sun Body) can free itself from gender reversals or gender splits in the template itself. We call this Michael Mary Healing, on the earth, as the main archetypes holding the gender solar dieties of the Mother-Father's Godsource Body also come through inner Michael Right Side Masculine in all humans, and left side feminine as Mary in all humans. These gender principles of creation have been secured into the planetary lightbody, in the grail points (2D planetary Grails, connects to the inner human grail or sexual organs) in which the support to heal the inner sacred marriage or inner sacred union inside the self, is the pathway to reclaiming the full 12 strands of DNA, to embody the original divine twinned Avatar Solar Logos Body into the human form. It is at this stage of the human ascension where the original divine twinned partners one male and one female can come together to build the indwellings of the Hierogamic Union of the Avatar Solar Logos, to reunite the couple with god directly as Solar Christos Twins, to birth the Azothian Divine Firewaters, and the Risen Christos-Sophia as the Divine inner Child of god, into the couple together. This process is Hierogamic Union at the most advanced stage and has been extremely challenging for authentic couplings to build out this architecture together where the template wasn't present, as the extensive gender issues and alien love bite couplings was being controlled in our time matrix, in all 12 dimensions by the Secret Space Program which has been a Universal Realm of False Parent in False Khem, or False Metallic trinity controlled by False Father Enki, False Mother Enlil (Jehovah alien dove) and False Father Thoth as the false parents inside the Universal Time Matrix False Camelot, or false gardens of Eden of Sek Khem which is being removed by guardian host founders now in their Gender Twin Matrix Universal Corrections. The true nature of the body of god was generated as a Female Mother-Daughter (Mother-Sophia) and Father-Son (Father-Christos) which is also the original creation of the Angelic Human Race, upon the earth. This structure and true genome of the holy trinity inside the human body, is the stages of reclaiming the divine sacred marriage between the human body and the body of god, as recovering the indwelling of the golden city four square (Michael-Mary) to become at one with the godsource, and become the solar christ child upon the earth in direct healing of the lunar forces within to reveal the house of god inside the self, by following god's natural laws of creation, or the golden rules. Do unto others as you would have done unto you, kindness, harmlessness and the restoration of the human body and compassionate common respect for others.

When clearing of sexual misery and reclaiming the human sexual organs is happening, the individual will start to recognise the assuaults upon the sexual organs which come from movies, online content, people, demonics attached to others, and may feel a sense of being attracted to many people all at one time. This is an indication of feeling and sensing directly with cognition - that this weaponry has been controlling humanity for aeons, and in order to not be controlled by the sexual organs and urges and energetic siphoning that takes place through misuse of sexual energy or seducerships in physical lusts, one must consecrate the sexual organs directly to and with god's body of holy grail, as this will help remove and evict demonics, and descendant serpent black dragon fires and elementals which siphon the human body sexual life force into the underbelly of the hell realms in the earth. This process, of becoming freed from the intrinsic antihierogamic codes, is a process of understanding how humanity has been controlled as hidden in plain sight through the many mass issues of gender weaponisations, and enslavements brought to the planet by many alien species to use humans as their energetic slaves, through various sexual misery control programs which were NOT designed by the godhead. Spiritual Couples building trust and safety and learning the ascending solar energetics of their bodies, can experience higher purer states of unending benevolent love as a frequency restored to them by god, for the purposes of love-making in the house of god as the dwelling of their sacred union. One must banish deviant spirits or satanic and lunar spirits from the body to reclaim the indwelling of god's original union inside the self without force. The planetary body is undergoing a major shift of extractions of the lunar controlled elemental matters, and the extraction of various false gender patterns, split gender and alien generated genders - as this occurs, humanity will be faced to comprehend the nature of human sexuality and loving another person, in all forms and ways in order to heal these false parent (false mother alien god satan baphomet, and false father enki-enlil-yahweh-lucifer) which used the lunar antichrist to control human species and act as a controlling vengeful god.

Any form of spiritual healing which involves using sexual organs or sexual energy is being controlled by the lunar forces of the antichrist, and must be repelled, as the human sexual energy in use by others or groups for participating in healing, generally shows astral demonics and demonic strongholds in which to start to posess humans interacting in this way. The self-sovereignty pathway of closing off sexual portals and organs, and being careful of who and what our sexual energies are in connection with is imperative to comprehend the human lifeforce and godsource lifesource of the body, to ensure no misuse or demonic enforcements and demonic houses are present. Demons will force lustful encounters, non-consentual encounters, and appear to have powers of electrified sexual overt heavy spiky and what appears as overtly-exciting to the human body. This pattern feels or appears to the christos founders as an urgent electrified force which generates a high frequency of reversal 10 black lunar codes as qlippoth directly operating from the baphomet satanic fields in the lower fields of the earth, this is death energy. The true christos solar energetics are very subtle, and can only build godly love connections to and with the body through the intention to dedicate solar diamond sun patterns and reconnections to inner gender, as god would intend as this supports the building of the stage by stage, inner sacred union. This happens in dimensions, as it is the rebuilding of the internal triad of the personality matrix (1-2-3D and sexual organs) and the soul matrix (4-5-6-D) to rebuild the solar triading of which the soul matrix can seat inside the body, in all 12 parts, to unify the sexual organs to the rising heart to heal the 2D/4D split in the human lightbody.