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Archons are large creatures found inside the planetary body, taking over and mimicking the organic gestalt bodies of the holy godparents, and also found in the structural layers of the solar system and timelines, as elemental compacted forms, taking the shape of horrific creatures used to reverse, enslave and destroy the bodies of the planetary ley lines, dragon ouroborous ley lines in the Albion Body. Metatronic Wet Brain alien hybridised hive minds as large clusters of hierarchical nests working in daisy of death metatronic spirals as the flower of life patterns have also been traced and located for removal methodical extraction by guardian host projects in rehabilitation of the time matrix.

Archons were placed inside different evolutionary rounds of the planet's time shields, and thus, many enslavements of the celestial objects and planetary nodes in diamond heart networks were found to be intentionally damaged in order to be comandeered during the dark aeon on earth by the negative alien invasions. These creatures have been used to control humanity from the controlled enslaved elementals of the earth's physical matter body and it's etheric spiritual grid blueprints, and as a result have controlled the planetary body from receiving the organic light and rays of encodements which influx to the earth through the celestial networks of the solar bodies, the planets and stars throughout the galaxy and beyond.

An Archon can appear to the spiritually conscious observer as a mass of black dripping consciousness, not unlike Jabba the hut depicted in the starwars movies. It is usually a host body parasite which has been used to hold human souls, and in some cases the bodies of the Archons spanned multiple timecycles within the earth's rods, as the consciousness control insertion of the infections of these creatures was to control humanity in mind, and in matter, to prevent the human populace of ever being aware of the infected grids affecting life upon earth, essentially creating hell realms using the Archon's bodies.

Archons appear as huge nested creatures of demonic hierarchies, or as jelly fish with crabgrass offsprings or black dragon eggs and appear as a form of infected tumours inside the earth's dimensions in its auric field layers. These creatures generate false images and holographic false identities of themselves, so that when in contact with them the unsuspecting human starseed will not be able to see the actual nature of their intention as it will prey into their ego weakspots in spiritual hero-saviourisms maverick or pride, to act to generate black magicians misusing their energy without comprehending. Archons are antichrist and lunar forces which have plagued humanity for thousands of years from their position in the sky or in the earth, infecting and controlling the elemental matter and platonic solid instruction sets of the earth's physical matter manifestations and it's elements. During the ascension cycle, into the Cosmic Dragon Awakening taking place upon the earth, the Archontic Deceptions and their eviction out from the earth's body is underway by the guardian host planetary rehabiliation projects led by the Emerald Order Founders.

Archons Cloaked in the Sky - Clouds, False hexagonal crystal rainbow twin transmissions - false rainbow ankhs, false Lyra timelines

Many archons in the sky and in the earth had been tracked by the extensive guardian host detailed gridworking teams, in which the archons in the sky were hiding out using alien cloaking technologies to send out jellyfish offsprings, into the human axiatonal lines mostly found in 6D right side and 7D left side, ring fingers and gallbladder meridian. The illuminations provided by the recovery and restoration of the Ruby Cosmic Templar of Holy Father started to show guardians the detailed layers of these creatures which could now be addressed for removal by project work, from December of 2023. Holy Father's White Bride of Christ and her crystalline apples and triple cosmic suns through her voice and Zephyr Shield when she could see the archon, would direct her focus upon it and obliterate it out from creation, immediately the repatterning of that location would be restored to the original divine blueprint, through her Zephyr Tones of Four Leaf Clovered First Words of Creation. And therefore, the extensive 9D dimensions around the earth, and the Medusa issues plaguing the grids for the ongoing solar reisha-rishic triple dragon nodes and their bodies to be restored into creation and governing over matter required the methodical removal of these sky archons. The Archons were found to be transmitting false union and hiding zeta motherships inside clouds, and invisible cloaking around the ships bodies, in which also were connected to the abuse over the planetary gravity matrix, in whereby the hidden portals of time-space rips were being used by the SSP Secret Space Programs and their looking glass technologies, The archons were noted to be transmitting false rainbow ankh bodies into the Enki DNA skins, for the sole purposes of generating false ascended masters and false timekeepers. These networks are being addressed inside the earth as large blobs of matter controlling human bodies and planetary matters, and from the sky are witnessed by the emerald-ruby founders as harnessing the power of chemical trails of metal substances which have permeated the earths atmosphere, to environmentally continue the mass control over humanity and the weather warfares being utilised by hidden metallic hexagonal shields in the tectonic plates and destroyed crystalline sound body of the mother-father dragon's reisha-rishic sound body of the earth.

The ascended master's solar reisha-rishic lightbodies of their solar dragon parts hold the authentically risen and completions of their evolutions of time held in ascended outside of time of 1440 eternal time in their emerald rainbow ankh, as these beloveds are being restored into the earth from the cosmic suns ankh body holding the djedhi horizontal quadrata formations, more areas of the earth are being installed with the white bride of christ and her red king templar rishi-reisha organic transmissions to override and support humanity feel the creator's authentic presence in the grid networks. The Templar Dragon's hold Eternal Living Elxirs and LA-Vas within Godworlds time and operate through the body of God's Cosmic Chrysanthemum flowering body in the Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals of God's Master Templar and Cosmic Ankh-Aton.

The False Twinning of humans is being additionally controlled by the Secret Space Programs and their Zeta Grey Alien Ships cloaked inside the Clouds in the sky in corrupted gravity fields. These Sky Archons are being sequentially removed by Solar White Queens as stated above. The Zeta Alien Crafts operate within ranges of matter manipulations and dimensional cloakings to be undetectable to the mass human populace who cannot detect their presence. These ships have disrupted the Air Elementals, the Gravity Fields, and are witnessed to be generating clear air currents of turbulent airstreams. The Aurora Elemental Command, and the Aurora Cosmic Dragons can be called upon for support during travel in the sky, to support the removal or harmonisations of the elementals. The negative aliens pushing world domination blaming humanity for global warming have been seen witnessed and reported to the Interdimensional Free Worlds Councils of the Emerald Order. These ET races want to terrorise humanity by weaponising the Sun's natural and godly function of generating the required plasma emissions to power up the core of the earth's body and to allow more of the Cosmic Creator's Divine Celestial Management teams in Cosmic Rays, into the earth to oust their Black Sun Nazi Agendas out of the earth once and for all. Cosmic Father's Ruby Order Dragons and the Legions of Ruby Dragons of Michael Families, are operating the guardian raids to extract various antichrist controllers who operate and use the Archons as their beasts of protection in the earth.

False Lyran & Andromedan Fields inside 7D

During the extractions of the Secret Space Program constructs of the looking glass false realms technologies used and generated by the Zeta Grey Aliens, the extraction of several false Lyran fields were removed from inside the 7th dimension. Lyran field access is through the human avatar solar logos lightbody being rehabilitated into the original diamond sun of 12 strands of DNA, the 12D Shield building process helps humanity reclaim in divine timing, their god given body as a diamond sun through their own personal progression of consciousness in the ascension. And thus, the Archons controlling and manipulating matters, and human perceptions operating through Supressor Parasite entities, like jellyfish installed to the human bodies like a form of offspring from the Archons themselves, require to be extracted as implants to see beyond the inversions and deceptions. The removal of SPE happens during the clearing and reclaimations of the merkaba michael 6d wing and personal axiatonal line right side and mary 7d wing and axiatonal line, to reclaim the correct internal male and female balance. Archons installed to the human lightbody were through hidden structures coming from sky archons, and earth based archons, as large creatures like humoungous blobs of controlled matters and have been found to be used as respositories for stolen human light, including their soul parts, diamond crystals and their actual consciousness powers.

False Andromedan and Godworlds realms were located inside the planetary body in 7D connected and controlled by the Alien Dove Mind Grids of Crucifixion networks operating through 6D and 7D inversions and rod controls in the Violet Ray Dragon Body Kira, and Guinevere of the restorations of the Planetary Mind, and have been removed by guardians during the period of June 2024 for repairs to the Solar Dragon Wing Networks of the Earth. The ongoing onslaught of Lunar Forces of the Antichrist surrounding and attempting to hide the true nature of the Christos families on the earth is an ongoing warfare against humanity to detract and cloak/hide and clone the real and true nature of a clear human being on the path of ascension - and to mock them, to make them out to be actual archons. This rediculous agenda is being set into the grids through psychotronic weaponry by the most heinous looking glass holographic movie type of mind control. This is sent to people becoming closer to anything or anyone that holds the nature of god inside their own bodies. To see through this agenda, the liberation of the personal shadow and demonic attachments clearing from blinding the mind - is required to feel and sense the body of god in any reality here in the earth or connected to any human on the earth with divine purity and innocence. Mostly truthtellers and whistleblowers or public personas with ascension truths are targeted in the astral layers to appear as hellembodied people. The christos frequency is *consistent* *trustworthy* and also validated over time in a person's words, actions and behaviours and it cannot cloak who or what it is.

See Also - Looking Glass False Reality timefields as phantom matrices set into the quantum blending to control timelines and human experiences.

Hiding and inversions of Solar Dragon Ouroborous bodies into Archons of Lunar Dark Force Repositories

For the Emerald Founder's Cosmic Elohei Solar Templar Dragon Mission, their focal points have been to locate and find the missing and reversed Dragon Ouroborous bodies which make up the planetary Albion's main bodies of God, within the earth. The longer term planetary gridworking mission for the rehabilitations of the earth's vast networks was found to be holding several vast black dragons, satanic ritual hives, alien hive pods, with vast tanks of stolen human souls in blood sacrifices by the Satanic Blood Cult Rituals, and various crimes against humanity hidden in sections of the earth. The human sexual energy function was being intentionally siphoned in reversals, set into the 2D layers of the earth and orchestrating all human sexual energies to run into the powering up of the alien nests and hellrealms of the 2D layers of the planet's body. This was the baphomet hiding spot on the earth which if followed linked to large hubs of satanic control, luciferian control and running death energies as seducer lunar forces of energetic parasatisms into the paralell fallen time matrix named Wesa.

Mockery and descecration of the Female Principle, Mockery of Mother to create Alien Dark Mother Forces

Alien invaders who raped and pillaged the organic solar dragon leys lines, and ouroborous lines of earth during the Orion Wars, and the Lyran Wars, impaled our planetary tree of life configurations into the death tree, or the Kabbalistic 10 Sphere Sepiroth in the adverse shells of Qlippoth black fire currents. These impalements were set into the Crucifixion networks across the entire earth, found to be binding in spiritual programming of antichrist lies, about Jesus dying for humanity's sins, and various religious false god insertions to deface, and destroy the true forms and truth about the Holy Mother's Dragon Body aspects in the earth. During the guardian host recon mission, the emerald founders were able to see the impaling structures of destroyers that had impacted the planet's core forms, known as the Albion Solar Dragons, which vast amounts of alien machinery were installed, to possess the Dragon's ley line in the earth and fill it out with massive alien species, their offspring and powering pedophilic networks, human trafficking, killing and warring through the antichrist spines and structures placed into sections of the earth's grids. The NAA knew that by using and abusing the birthing process which is intrinsically held in the Mother or female aspect of the solar dragons, that they could control the power of the godhead from being diverted into their machinery, and siphoning this human energy source away from humanity, running it in reverse. This, coupled with the platonic solids of the grids being enslaved into alien command sequences, has resulted in the mass genocidal agendas, the wars upon the earth and the human suffering conditions whilst our Mother's body was desecrated for use to create death forms and alien pods of false dragon eggs of deathly evils inhabiting the grid networks.

As the long term project of all the previous guardian missions, including Guardian Yeshua the main mission strand was to locate and recover the Mary-Sophia Dragon Body of the earth, and the Michael-Christ Dragon body of the earth, which was a very long term arduous task utilising many thousands of orchestrated pieces by the guardian host which led to their final restoration of their Hierogamic Solar Dragon Ouroborous body being ceremonially ignited into the earth during this Paliadorian Covenant Mission in this time upon the earth. For the previous guardians who came to the earth as the solar dragon founders, their task was extensively difficult as their findings were derailed by many lunar forces attempting to derail their mission strands, and to attack their progress. If it were not for the bravery of our previous beloveds who came forth from the Solar Dragon lineages through Lyran-Sirian High Council and into the earth, the task to recover and find the required consciousness forms of Mary and Michael and their family lineages, would have been much more difficult. In this celebration, the Solar Dragons who are being protected in the earth, to rehabilitate their Hierogamic Union Albion King Dragon Emerald Order Creator Bodies, is a continual task of the Emerald Founder's continued mission, in which many Dragon Parts of the earth are under reconstruction.

Elvira Archon Archetype, Mother of Darkness False Fawn of God

Elvira Archon as a Mother of Darkness and Satanic Hierarchy connected to the Asian Grids was located as hiding out and infecting the Asian Dragon Mother's Body and also inverting the Silvery-White-Platinum Maharata planetary solar logos shield of the Christ Mind. Her body spans into grid networks inversions in the caduceus and crucifixion networks, across into the Irish landmass and inversions around planetary false Eireadonis controls in the Albion. She appears to be one of the archons who install false mer-deer crowns to lunar forces, and operate a false triple reisha as black bast like triple false elohei formation in one of her many shapeshifting archontic deceptions.

She uses Lunar White Tiger false emerald energies and appears to embody into the lunar forces in reversals to generate a moon child birthing sequence to the false khemalohatea alien love bite twinnings in SRA Twinning and in false union twins under various ssp handler controller agendas. The Elvira Archon was seated inside the connections across the grids of the earth and connected into the Sarasota 2D Grual Point, inverting the sacred Silvery Azothian Flows of the Male-Female Celtic Silvery Chalices in the earth. Elvira opposes the Mother's Pure Solar Goddesses and inverts the Sexuality of humanity to embody the Base 10 Tree of Artificial Life Realms of the Satanic Blood Cults held in the Realms of Bacchus-Dionysus. These Realms hold various overt lies and sexual siphonings, such as the White Tiger Lunar energies connected to false emerald founder realms, under the control of Enki's Annunakian false emerald order bases. These are being sequentially removed as the Holy Grail Networks on the earth are being restored as the Christ-Child Realm and Kingdoms of god's sacred twinned christ children are being birthed into the grids by the Cosmic Founder's Solar Hierogamic Union Dragons as they are directly connected to their Cosmic Suns in the Godworlds. The latin languages with pinyin chinese symbolisms, are used in the energetic bindings into the bone matrix in 1D of humanity whose bones are bonded to this Archon through her very lunar energetic bindings. She generates part of the planetary horrorific issue with sexual perversions, connected to the manga and hentai sexual obsessions in various distortions and sexual robot programmings to have humans enslaved to have sex with a robot, or a female synthetic bot.

These Archons have components based in Typhon Tunnels, as Evil Winds in the earth grids, as embodied satanic portals inside human bodies across the earth through the base 10 qlippoth tree of the kaballah and connected to the creatures of Leviathan Enki, Archons and Lunar elemental controls harnessing sections of the earth in their reversals. The Elvira Archon has attempted to thwart the true nature of the birthing of solar dragon twins by the cosmic founder's as cosmic christos-sophia by generating her own version of a black dragon moonchild into the earth through chosen or abducted individuals as connected to and operating in the phantom matrix false emerald founder's annunakian false realms and controlled by Secret Space Program agendas, mostly to generate false hierogamic unions and install false emerald order identities into the human populace, operating through MKultra programs on Mars, and other locations.

Her Archontic deception holds the Asian grids, and inversions to the solar dragon mother's body in the earth of which several sexual robots, and BDSM practises generating spiritual bondages to and with black fireletters and as genetic code crashing around sexual misery are used to bond into the horrific levels of pedophile networks operating in hidden pockets affecting the asian grid networks. Asian grids have suffered extensively from alien dragon installations as a series of black dragons operating through false dark matter corruptions. Many of the sexual bondage knot tying rituals are connected to this Archon, and it/she operates with Nike Black Demonic She-Demon, and assorted Incubus-Succubus false spiritual wives or husbands as demonically controlled to bond into humans through the nighttime as sexual misery dreams. Some of these dreams are sent for individuals to believe they are making love with their true hierogamic partner, but in fact, the zeta grey aliens and the enki adonis false god of sperms has used this to bring black magicians power in the grids of the earth in their lunar forced luciferian-satanic hierarchies. Using their sexual energy to serve demonic hierarchies, some of which take the form of a spirit guide or dragon being but of which is programmed to control sexual energies of the person's affiliated to this Archon. As emerald founder guardian projects remove these archons from the earth, their screeching and horror to be faced with the solar light of god, is being witnessed by the higher cosmic founder families. As these Archons have impostered god's body in the earth in a myriad of ways.

The Sexual Misery programming installed into the full planetary body has been the alien hivemind using these archons, which all humans must shed these lunar forms as they reclaim their organic RA centre of which eventually and slowly becomes a pure solar sexual energy which begins to build sophianic plasma flowerings internally. Elvira is yet another archon who has been used to generate false sophianic flowerings which might appear rainbowy or sophianic, but are actually baphomet alien lunar forms which bind into highly sexualised controls, and of which appear to generate wealth and riches in those who take on board the sexual misery patternings of which is entire womb control to the Elvira Mother of Darkness. Those who embody this in the earth, have been abused by the lunar forms or have taken the electrifications of the alien love bite into the body as central nervous system disruptors, using some of the most horrific sexual tantric inversions to generate money or wealth by using the womb for spiritual or material gain through binding the soul into the archon's lair of hellspawns. This happens as a demonic deception, in which the human cannot tell nor understand that this is not christ, and is a demonic archontic intentional deception which can play out to bring deceivership, lies, and to fulfill the person's wildest dreams but in leiu of them giving up part of their soul in the process.

Those in the ascending waves upon this earth, will come to realise that shedding lunar from the personal template, is happening and is required in order to reclaim one's sexual organs, out from the lunar light and bindings placed upon all of us down here, starseeds are included as we also must shed and evict lunar energies from our own bodies aswell. No one one on this planet is exempt from this, this has been the mastery of demonic deceptions upon all inhabitants on the earth.

As the satanic ritualling on the earth is used to bind humanity in false co-creations using sexual energy to attain wealth, we see this more in the mainstream where the energetics behind riches and fame are being generated by one giving one's soul to the devil, to achieve the generation of various Enki's sperm and obsessions with idolisations on the earth as connected to his false adonis body. Many of the sacred texts and teachings of the original cosmic asian dragon families of the cosmic christos founders, was inverted by these lunar forces to prevent the true spiritual knowledges of humanity birthing their inner golden seed in which to finally birth the christos-sophia through pure heart dedication and no desire to obtain money or riches other than by working to meet life's needs in direct consort with the path of rehabilitation of the inner christ within. Elvira has hosted her reign upon humanity using clones of asian mother dragon's body in the earth, to bind false teachings, and alien transmissions through an assortment of lunar forces of false promises, or where she rewards those under her sorcery with promoting various sexual or womb healing rituals. The womb itself in the female form, and in the body of cosmic mother's body in the earth cannot and will not produce money or wealth as the sophianic principle restoring to the micro or macro. The Elvira Archon appears as another layer of Archontic deception set forth to continue lunar bi-waves and to operate into black magician archetypes to wield power over female principles to take the mantle of the lunar light and embody it into the archetypes of dragons being used in reversals upon the earth. The BDSM movement, spiritual sexual rituals using false knowledges to generate materialisms which focus upon sexual energy to manifest are all under the control of the alien agenda to mock humanity and keep them enslaved into the reversal frequencies operating in the grids as death energies. These are also electrified powerful sensations set to install alien love bite control over unsuspecting or chosen couplings to inhabit the building of black dragon constructs controlled by the satanic hierarchies which pretend to be christ energies but have no solar light anywhere in their temples.

Elvira Archetype appears to be the mother of darkness generating the cloned body of the solar asian dragon grids. Her body is filled with seducer siphonings and succubus-incubus type of archontic embodiment sequence, which directs the human body to be the holder of a form of false dragon queen energetic with tentacles operating to control matters of the earth into black flowerings and timekeeper false emerald dragon mother body parts. Elvira is a sexual misery controller archon, similarly as Ezmarelda, and she operates inside the lunar forces pretending to be an Emerald Dragon Mother. Her body generates hellspawns into the Bacchus-Dionysus Alien Phantom Matrix Realms which operate through the Qlippoth Shells on the Base 10 Artificial Kabbalah Tree of death, operating to false founders Enki's Jardons of Edonic Annunakian realms. Her signatures appear on human bones matrix, which bond the human body into a series of Asian languages, Latin languages as spoken by Death-Eaters or Poison Apples as forked tongue, to continue to generate alien love bite couplings and pairings under the archontic control of the Elvira Mistress of the Dark Satanic Bride of Satan hierarchies. These creatures pretend to be Emerald order Mother, and harnessed the body of Eriu Solar White Queen Mother's Tuatha Dragon into inversions using the Corvidae Curse, and the Moonchild birthing process of false emerald dragon activations. Mother's Eriu White Solar Dragon is protected by her Cosmic White Four Fold Flowerings, with her Husband, in which she took the full embodiment of the earth's cosmic Emerald Crystal with her sister Merida and Michael Merlin in the 11D portals of the earth's Albion in Ireland, and UK during August of 2023. Elvira appears to have used the caduceus and snakes in her body, which makes her appear like a false eve, governing over humanity as bonded as DNA skins to generate inversions and lies around the Dragon Consciousness in the Albion, and the use of Enki's sperms as false adonis father's seeds in which to culminate controls into false ascending timelines. Her energy body is a large massive blob which takes the formation of lunar controlled matters, attempting to infiltrate the cosmic solar queen's rosetta stones in the dragon body of the earth, to steal their living rosetta rainbow breaths in order to keep the lunar force of hellspwans and her tentacles controlling portals in the earth as connected to hidden grail points in the earth. Her main agenda appears to be hosting her body as an emerald dragon mother, but operating in inversions connected to Asian Grid installations of black dragons.

To cast Elvira out of her seat of power, the Solar White Queens rebuilding their templates, must see her in the eye and denounce her abuses over the solar light of the Mother-Sophianic Bonds, as Elvira has stolen the breath of the mother of dragons, using lunar breath and black stone rosetta shields as connected into the Phantom Matrix death realms which hold false asian lineages as males operating inside the black flowering rounds of controlled timelines, to dispensate false knowledges to humanity by deceiving them into various streams of controlled false knowledge, and looking glass false realms.

Elvira operates with Enki, to generate DNA Skins as controller structrures as written on the bones of humanity as a series of false DNA skins to control the physical body into the elemental controls. The Aurora forces have been cloned to connect as a series of false white dragons to the Elvira and Enki's false dragons, as Adonis Gods, which operate in false rainbow ankhs and are hiding in the skies of the earth through cloud controls. These creatures are being removed as their agenda to keep control over the dragon body of the cosmic mother and father, is their archontic deception to pretend to be another rendition of emerald mother and father dragons, whilst using sexual misery controls and wealth tools to pretend to be cosmic emerald body parts of the earth grids.

Alcateera Archontic Body

See Also


Red Wave AI Artificial Intelligence

Red Wave Entries

[1] Lunar Trident Anti-Hierogamic antichrist forces]