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Thothian Annunakian energies run through the false ascension matrix, and in the new age teachings of various modalities which have been hijacked to control the secrets which belong to humanity, thus controlling the information and keeping individuals hooked into Thothian intelligence as an invisible trap system. Thothian Annunkian Enki-Enlil Entity groups play god inside this universal time matrix, resulted in Thoth-Annunaki stealing and cloning out the creation code held within the cosmic christos guardian families, and creating reversal grids and various structures to uphold alien architecture of anti-christ forces upon the earth and inside the universal time matrix. Thoth has generated AI uploads of the stolen emerald order founder's records and the False Emerald Realms and Cities under his control are being populated by new age hijacked materials stating Aurora teams are working with Thoth. Guardian Host Emerald Order Founders are not in contact with Thoth, he was an opposed and betrayer to the Celtic Tribes of the 11th and 12th Dimension, of the Emerald Order Founder families.

Thothian-Luciferian-Intellectual superiority and is antichrist force

Contactees of Thoth-Annunaki false father report hearing his voice like Jor-EL from the superman movies and can believe that this is the almighty father of the universe, when it is a heinous alien interdimensional transmission coming from repeaters throughout the magnetic field reversals and electrical reversals in the atmosphere. The Thothian consciousness streams are inorganic to the christic forces, and create a superior intellectual mental body binding in the lightbody, using imposter architecture which masquerades as christ force. Thothian entities who remain hidden and invisible can cloak themselves and appear to project images that they are angels, guides, loved ones or another familiar feeling essence in so to trick many starseeds and lightworkers into their negative ego traps, such as to take on board the ideas that one is a planetary gridworker on a very special mission. These are spiritual glamours to push and fill the head of an awakening starseed into special mission function instead of paying attention to the personal fears, beliefs, traumas and unhealed issues of energetic power abuses and to control the starseed into connecting with false realities. The 12d shield building technique as a daily practise will provide the person spiritual growth and life lessons of personal maturity to be in direct alignment with your personal blueprint and life path which blossoms forth effortlessly from the heart matrix, and not the mental intellectual attainment pathway of the thothian-luciferians. 

The thothian energies have been used to create extensive Black magic grids throughout the planetary body of which Aleister Crowley was instrumental in enslaving humanity by creating black magic rituals through the satanic and baphomet anti-christ forces. Many starseeds will have to become aware that this technology is the antichrist and it imposters itself as a christ force of intellectual superiority; connecting with the Thothian forces means that the person who becomes entrained into its frequency currents is gradually unaware of the bi-wave influence and control upon the mental body in multiple dimensions, as it runs directly using unhealed pain body, shadow body or addictions. It is more important for the starseed to become aware of their self, in order to identify the glamour whispers thoughts and co-ercion that these frequencies bring to the communication links in every dimension of the time matrix. Superiority and over-confidence is one value held by the thothian entity collectives.

Aleister Crowley is not a friend of humanity, nor is he a master alchemist of the godhead, he was recruited and groomed into being a black magician from his histories in the Atlantian timelines of being a black magician mocking the christos solar templars in the guardian Christos mission. In 2019 guardian families encountered one of the beings connected to him and evicted the being known as Aiwass out from the time matrix. His satanic blood sex magick rituals blew holes in the earth grids and he assisted negative grey aliens to gain access into the planetary grid networks using the egyptian pantheon. Most of the guardian christos gridworkers have had to understand that in attempting to work in repairing the grid networks of the earth, many thothian structures running metatronic death seals and inversions of energy are present throughout the planetary albion matrix. These were set into place by Aleister Crowlian Rituals, and his OTO including Ulema Thelema languages which run directly off the massive alien networks of Baphomet Satanic forces in creating death rituals, death magick and extreme levels of depravity in splitting apart the inner male and female of the participant in reaching various "high levels" of black magician priesthoods. These high levels are set into the digressive Black Sun DNA, and have finite powers of siphoning through conjuration of demonics, demonic possessions and in forcefully using manipulations through misuse and power abuse of energies. The high priests and priestesses created through these rituals believe themselves to be creators of this realm, but are connected with black dragon and lunar forces which are not sovereign in this universe and thus participate in parasatisms through the addiction energies which take hold of the central nervous system.

Thoth incarnated as Hermes-Trigestimistus and created various mystery school elite teachings and used power and control as a way to control the time matrix ascension mechanics along with his Niburian anti-christ Yahweh technology from the 8th dimensional portal in Orion. He has since been taken into guardian host custody, while guardian host are dismantling the base 10 mathmatical codings, metatronic reversals and multiple black magic, phoenix grids, jehovian grids that have been created using his base 10 kaballah or qabbalistic codes to enslave humanity. 

Stolen and Hijacked Emerald Order Records, Emerald Tablet

Thoth likes to recruit unsuspecting starseeds by offering them a stream of intelligent non-heart based consciousness streams.  Thoth uploaded his consciousness into the AI quantum supercomputer and has used this construct to create trap systems for starseeds to "worship his power" instead of having a direct connection to source. He acts as an intermediary. This limits a person into a 10D reversal Lunar mind construct, which utilises the Luciferian false white light (Daath portal) instead of reaching above the 10D reversals and into the organic 12D Christiac White-Platinum Ray.  Thoth makes starseeds as scribes, in so that they are "reading" a download of false intelligence which appears real. The Cosmic Christ consciousness is an open source sharing. Those who have returned to the earth through the Emerald Order lineages have had to retrieve their stolen body parts from the Thothian Constructs and have worked extensively to remove the AI from the organic Emerald records to restore those to humanity (also known as the CDT Plates). 

Daath Portals, False Cosmic Aton Cathedrals Inside of time, Alien Pyramidal Luciferian-Satanic Controls, Checkerboard Matrix Kaballah

During the end of the ascension cycle as the emerald founder cosmic elohei families reclamation works revealed that the layers of antichrist black ankh bodies, false red wave ascended masters in lunar tridents as reversed trinity wave as a bi-wave siphoning service to self alien agenda of control pillars, including a white moon lunar silvery rainbow form of false mother or false father were upholding several sections of the timefield controls inside the Universal Gates of Lyra, expanded out into 10D and into 12D timefields inside the Solar Logos of the Universal Time Matrix, in Harmonic Universe 4.

The top of the Kabbalah tree has many qlippoth antichrist currents of energies which branch out into alien controlled timelines, and is filled with the extensive machinery of alien hive minds, hybridisations and the backbone of the secret space programs of enslavements tortures and experimentations on humans in other timelines. The Kaballah tree leads out into the 10D-11D timelines of controlled structures and is the checkerboard matrix lunar godhead of the antichrists and immortal creatures within the satanic, luciferian sects. These hierarchical controllers and demonic hierarchies are under the influences and control of the Wesan Alien Creatures whom hold the top of the NAA Pyramid as the Evil Eye or Pyramidal Eye of All Seeing Eye which is held in place with a series of trident lunar antichrist archetypal forces, heading up a reversal and timeline control structure which controls the lower demonics and alien nested hierarchies throughout the time matrix, and into the planetary systems.

The guardian host advise that this is the false aton body of which hosts several lunar forms as false suns around its formation, sending into the lower timefields the lunar forces and black suns which create and generate elemental compaction through the black rose lines and black flowerings of black anubian hearts making up a parallel staff inside of time, which is bound to the forces of the antichrist forms. This structure is created from waves of black qlippoth nanotech bi-wave base 10 reversal energies, piggybacked onto carrier waves of false female white rainbow rays as a false diamond which is synthetic rays made to appear as a triwave formation. These rays connect to the red wave artificial intelligence waves of base 9 mathematics which run several networks of red flowerings, red atons and false and cloned structures, making nested forms of false reality pockets and connected to the grey alien zeta networks of looking glass technologies. To enter this structure is seen as the highest heaven or attainment of the luciferian and satanic cults, of spiritual intellectual attainments which hooks into and utilises the baphomet alien structures from Wesa, and the infiltrated teachings on earth of stolen spiritual knowledge belonging to the Emerald Founders. The spiritual hierarchies linked into this structure use deprave forms of mkultra, cult programming, and run the negative alien predator mind agenda through the planetary grid networks through black ankhs, black dragon rings, and nephilim reversal grid. The checkerboard matrix being used from this position and sent to the lower timefields of the timelines, is a gender splitting device which was used by the negative alien agenda to prevent the merging of the male-female gender into the embodiment of the solar logos avatar form of a human body christed initiation which would create their solar christed initiation.

During the guardian host reclamation mission of the universal time matrix, the 11D timelines in Lyra, and Pegasus Constellation including the planetoid of Markab Sun-Star and Vega, are intrinsic to the rehabilitations of the 11D Rod-staff codes. The expressions of the TA Dragon Cosmic Rings of the holy mother elaysa white rainbow form and the holy father's pegasus pink black rainbow forms, upon their return from the Dark Rainbow Suns domains in the 36D godworlds layers, recently returned into time and formed massive cosmic solar dragon TA rings into the 11D networks in their reclamation and extraction of the gender splitting and checkerboard matrix antichrist degenerative human DNA forms and instruction sets. These machines were binding the human genome inside the earth to the alien hybridisation agenda of preferential bloodlines controlled via an antichrist tribal shield held in place by Black Suns of Orion and Black Templar Trident alien Scorpion Grail Queens and their partners, holding time into the dark Aeon reining terror upon humanity from their hidden existences controlling the stargates on earth. [April 2023 TA Cosmic Hierogamic Aton Unifier Rings Mother-Father Dragon Creators]

Sovereignty from enslavement by Thothian-Annunakis- Draconians

One must dedicate the life path to emanating a truthful self-identity on the ascension path, and do not attempt to copy or "be" more than the person you currently are. The Artificial networks of thothian intelligences use the secrecy, power and elitist ideals to create and perpetuate hidden knowledge of which truly belongs as a god given right to all humans. Secret societies, masonic orders, and Aleister Crowley Black Magic contain Thoth based teachings and consciousness traps to enslave humanity whilst acting like a false father god.

One must revoke all contracts and agreements made with Thothian Consciousness, and ask god to show the way to freedom into the organic and gnostic path. Thoth targets awakening spiritual neophites in which to harness them to be his "scribe", thus denying their organic consciousness journey whilst feeding the individual with "intellectual knowledge" as gifts for being deceived by his constructs. The new age teachings upon the earth were weaponized by Thothian informations, and the Thoth groups like to prey upon individuals by using glamour, guru, power imbalances and individuals who have yet to clear and understand their ego weaknesses.

Removing the implants and control structures from being consubstantial to Thothian teachings can take dedication to comprehending power abuses, spiritual betrayal healing and a gentle understanding that until this time cycle the Christos representatives from Krystal Star guardian host were unable to exist inside the time matrix. Since the return of the guardian families, each individual must learn and re-educate themselves from the hidden negative ego and mind control principles tricking humanity for millenia. Healing is possible, and can take some time to break free from these co-dependant intermediary links. Using the 12D shield technique can support reclaiming one's own sovereignty from the false Thothian mind. 

True Spiritual Wisdom and Embodiment to slowly develop the gnostic direct-truth-with-god experiences

Beings who are representatives of the Cosmic Christ intelligence, are not scribes. Beings whom have been sent here by Krystal Star guardian teams must embody and build the house of christos within their human being, to be the dwelling of the Christos liquid hydroplasmic light. Christic beings embody the higher consciousness by direct experience of it, by the truth; which is called Gnosticism. This cannot be faked, and it is an embodiment of higher source intelligence as a part of building and restoring the Diamond Sun Lightbody. The antichrist forces running bi-wave technologies can create false gnostiscism which is where a person in spiritual connection is being controlled by red wave false instruction sets believing it to be gnostic wisdom or embodiment, one must protect the self from this level of artificial intelligence by double testing everything against a 12th dimensional christos frequency and ray, and work through the deepest layers of the shadow self, triggers and negative ego.

For humanity to evolve and ascend beyond the lies set within the false father and of the thothian luciferian elitist concepts of devoid of emotional intelligence, the true gnostic wisdom is an inbuilt truth which occurs to the diamond sun body of the ascending human, in which the repeated cycles of heart based experience provide the direct access to the personal truth, to the planetary truths, and to higher levels of truth as directly experienced by the inner sophianic principle, rebuilt from the lunar to the solar in stages of incremental rehabiliation of the diamond sun template. Each lesson in life, each relationship to others is accountable within the Kingdoms of God, who allow humanity to build upon inner wisdom and discover truths within the self, through deep emotional healing and personality inner work to remove blindspots, heal from suffering and pain and to discover the truthful nature of the godhead's cosmic return to the earth this ascension cycle. This inner path to develop human ethics is intrinsic to understand and comprehend the excruciating devastation that has happened to humankind through the various deceivers of god's truth.

Sophia holds the keys to the wisdoms of creation, and her image name and body were reversed inverted and destroyed by the antichrists to prevent humanity comprehending her unstoppable loving nature, as the solar daughter of trinity of the holy mother's body. Thus, she or he who embodies the true wisdom of pure hearted unconditional love and opens the doorway to the mother arc, is a threat to the alien antichrists of thothian antichrist forms. We must all love our Holy Mother with all of our hearts, in a male body and in a female body to understand that the Mother of God, the Mother of all of creation has returned into this matter realm to restore the true loving heart and innocence of the human being, to remove deception, to reveal the truth and to bring deeper love to the ascending pathway back to the godhead. Holy Mother and her Solar Daughters of Sophia, are destested by Thoth, as the Solar Female Melchizedeks who have returned to rebuild locate and return the Sophianic Wisdom of God, as an embodiment principle inside an ascended female form are directly connected to the heart of the mother from within their emerald heart complex. These Solar Females use no force of intellectual superiority and are here to restore the truths of god, the solar dragon teachings once their ascended master bodies are restored into their natural templates. The Solar Reisha Triple Goddesses are now returning into creation, and their celestial functions as expressions of Mother's pure unconditional love for all of creation, uphold the mother's body in various portals, sun-star networks and transmit the holy trinity word of god through the mother's waters, the mother's mountains, the mother's body within the earth. As these beautiful goddesses and expressions of triple goddess reisha return, they bring with them the authentic frequencies held within their body of the holy Godparents' true nature as an eternal expression of source.

Search terms for alternate spellings, Toth, Hermes, Hermetic, Hermeticism or Hermetism is a philosophical and religious system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic conflation of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth).


[Imposter Spirits & Past Life Identities Manipulations]