False Gods of Creation, Antichrist Controllers

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Many False Gods of Creation have been found during the guardian christos paliadorian mission, in which the Cosmic Founders returning into creation could see the damages which had happened to control humanity and the planet using corruptions, control and paltering by many infiltrations of beliefs in accordance to their Archontic Deceptions in controlling matter in the time matrix. As a result of this, the observations and the gridworking missions to restore the Creator's Cosmic Elohei Founder's Dragons Code into the earth has highlighted that the body of god and the many warring religious factions and groups in the earth, had at the behind the scenes many false gods whom had appointed themselves controllers and creators of humanity, to play out war-games and to use humanity as their pawns, without fear of being seen due to their extensive implants and matter of elemental controls in spiritual abuses and violences against humanity. To understand the nature of this issue, the guardian host founders from the christos family lineages and the ancient builders sent their solar dragons through the entrances to time, to document and observe the lies and evils of control to split humanity apart from each other, in generating the god as a vengeful fearsome god, who must be obeyed by obediences and live according to the paltered laws written into many revered and sacred texts, which had been twisted into truths and half-truths to prevent the human heart from determining the emotional heartbased inner truth and instead living to the external expectations written into books.

The Books of God's Laws, are a part of the planetary record systems also referred as the Emerald Founder Records, or CDT Plates technology which were destroyed, stolen, cloned and stuck inside the elemental controls in the earth - which meant the laws of god's creation and high level founder knowledge was hijacked by these false gods of creation, in which many Annunakian Sumerian False Gods, such as Enki, Enlil (Jehovah) and Yahweh, Muhammod were the creatures combining their Luciferian-Satanic laws into the earth whilst they destroyed the Mother and Father's Dragon Bodies of the Albion Dragons within the earth. The Spiritual Hierarchy of Creation as held inside the Albion Body Genetic Timecapsules, by the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Founders was reconnected into the earth and the Godworlds by the lineages of Guardian Akhenaton's Cosmic Father's Law of Structures Mission to restore the earth grids to the Cosmic Father's Laws and Words of God. Thus, the nature of our reality has been written by the Victors of War, those antichrists and False Kings who embody Tyranny and have no place in our realm and are being addressed by the Guardian Host Cosmic Solar Dragons, who have the capacity to remove and extract their alien archontic control and lies over creation and humanity. Many of these false gods would groom and recruit spiritually awakening individuals in which a different creation story is used as the narrative, each of these false gods stating that they are the "one" god, which also extends into many demonic hierarchies working in conjunction to seek a human vessel in which their own power is pumped up through the human's deeds and acts in the earth connected to their specific realm or providence.

Many of the original religions on the earth have been distorted into various lies, to break the human heart to maintain obedience in sufferings or repetentance towards being a sinner. The holographic inserts of crucifixion networks inside the planetary body, included the mass instruction sets of the christ crucifixions, generating a series of holographic movies of "christ died for human's sins" of which is the largest gaslighting evil sorcery against the human race, made by and upheld in these false god's architectures and cathedrals - houses of satan, houses of yahweh, houses of antichrist which uphold the sinners narrative in order for humanity to self-enslave in accordance to the mind controls and false beliefs written into the earth grids and under the false god's will.

The Cosmic Suns of Creation, the Cosmic Elohei Dragons Felines are the Original Creators of the Time Matrix. As these founders are returning into the planetary body, their focal point is to rebuild the Cosmic Founder's Original Blueprints inside the earth, by reconnecting these into the major Dragon Ley lines of the earth (under long term rehabiltiations) and to remove the Alien Intruder Grids connected and controlled by the False God's Assorted Bi-wave and reversals as these are antilife force death currents binding humanity into several layers of lies, and blood covenant bindings into the false god's chambers as sacrificial enslavements. The One Godhead is accessed inside the heart of a human wishing to know the truth, of which Jesus the Christ - Guardian Yeshua is often the saviour seen during such prayers. Yeshua is but one of the Solar Dragon Founders whose body was cloned out into the earth grids in various false Jesus narratives, such as the Crucifixion stories, to generate and perpetuate self-enslavements as the Crucifixion of the Christ was written by the archons and negative aliens who reversed the Mother's Body in the earth into being Crucified, This also is seen in the Controller Pillars of Society in money wealth and sexual extortion such as the gender wards, and the BDSM sexual violences and satanic ritual abuses or sexual abuses and violences, sexual misery where very literally the alien architectures of the crucifixions are exactly the same energy bindings placed into the female layers of earth and all humans, in which the bindings to the satanic cults is being enacted through sexual misery enslavements to the lunar forces of false female gods and false male gods of creation. The Crucifix Cross has been used as a means to continue this painful holographic insert and negative alien installation of architectures into the earth to bind the human wings of the 6d right shoulder and 7d left shoulder which builds the rod into the wings, heart and breath, in being at one with the creator from the personal body.

The Devil appears as a saviour, to provide those who want to serve his laws to be given ALL of creation through the lies of freedom through wealth, sexual prowess, and powers of doing's Satan's work on the earth to control humanity away from their inner work to heal the soul into wholeness and to unite again with the one and only true cosmic founders of the godhead.

In order to know the truth about humanity and the original creators, one must ask to seek the truth inside of the heart as the essences of god will support the spiritual truthseeker to see the lies, and to see the manipulations and to know inside the heart the truth through the emotional heart based purity, as this inner lens of heart based seeking, will be met with stages of truth-reveal in stages and layers through life's trials and tribulations. In removing the powers or convenants set into the human lightbody connected to the false gods, as one begins to free oneself from the lies and controls, these powers of antichrists will seek to torture and torment through the matter realms, in which the spiritual battle begins for the human to see through the antichrists lies, and back into god's house of spiritual freedom to be built as the indwelling inside the self, as the city four square or new jersualem through the solar cube earth element to build the solar pillars of christ. These are four diamond pillars which become the house of god, or cathedral of the human form, rebuilding this inside the self as one acts in accordance to the truth, kindness, and building unconditional love inside, to remove revoke judgements, lies and corruptions against the heart and soul.

Healing from the lies and paltering set forth into the planetary body and affecting human psyche, it is imperative to comprehend that the main force of the creator's body is pure and simple = LOVE. With Love, there is no control, no judgement and no difference between all species upon this earth. This truth is upheld in every moment where a person feels their heart and soul deeply and has the comprehension of being loved, and giving love, and being aware of Love. This force of energy is a human divine birthright, and is the Holy Spirit from the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father which is being restored into the earth in greater degrees through the rehabilitation of the planetary grid networks which carry this liquid light and cosmic aethers spiritual trinity forces of matter, into the subtle layers of the earth and is reflected between humans when they are kind, loving and respectful and reverent of all of life.

False Gods of Creation

[Dove] [Crucifix]

Yahweh or YHWY


[Enki Enlil Antichrists Annunakian False Gods]

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