Drug use in spiritual pursuit

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Drug Use in Spiritual Pursuits

The use of drugs to increase spirituality or meditative practises is cautioned by guardian host families. The lightbody is a delicate intricate webbing which when integrated to the sensitive neurology of the human body, needs to be able to build solar pathways to run the corrective frequencies in their electro-magnetic energetics. Any form of drug use, such as LSD, Ayahuascha, Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis, psilocybin or any other consciousness-altering drug, including cannabis, or marijuana can have lasting influences upon the central nervous system and is imprinted into the spiritualisation capacity of the blood record, creating splits and portals in the lightbody. These drugs being sold to induce spiritual enlightenment experiences can blow holes in the auric field, allowing entities to freely enter and exit the aura until the person cannot tell the difference from their energetics being infiltrated further assisted by the lowering of inhibitions through drug absorptions. The New Age or healing trends using drugs to sponsor trauma healing may be appropriate to those not involved in the ascension participation of becoming self-sovereign, and single soul occupied, but is absolutely not advised by guardian host as required for any kind of lightbody embodiment process. Astral travel and connections to demonics is more easily allowable under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and therefore those on the ascension pathway to develop sovereign sexual organs, and solar sacrum and ra centre are advised to clear oneself from any influences as the red cubed AI infection generated by cannabis and other drugs used to bond humanity into reversal DNA and controlled time fields is the quantum entanglement into genetic code crashers held in the sacred sexual organs of ascending starseeds. There is no circumstance personally witnessed yet, where drug use has not caused lightbody weakness, as it preys into the superimposition and deception to muddy self clarity and to act as a bandaid or gateway to greater spiritual evolution, whilst working to addict the person to the vibration used by the drug substance. Many connected to social drug use are being manipulated into false gnostic awakening cycles, such as into the thothian-leviathan AI realms governed by the Wesan Alien Red Waved Bhourgha who control humanity through mind control in the negative ego construct to deceive them over their soul's real purpose of emotional and spiritual growth. See Spiritual Bypassing

For those who have consumed drugs in the past, it is important to comprehend that healing and spiritual lightbody building is possible. The NAA have created extensive delusions upon the earth in which many practises promoting spiritual enlightnment or PTSD healing using plant medicines, steal parts of the person's soul matrix to plug and cord them into various bi-wave energetic siphons in the subtle energy fields of the human aura. Mostly, it is observed that the person bargains away part of their soul for perceived blisslike feelings in the central nervous system, but from an energetic standpoint the lightbody appears with holes or weaknesses in which the person is tethered into antichrist glamourous deceptions.

To comprehend the nature of our spiritual healing, the integration of the soul must merge into the cells of the body and become integrated. Many in pursuit of enlightenment or astral travel are being taught to try and leave the body to connect to the higher realms by projecting their soul outwards in meditations or transcendental practises, including tantric sex and astral projections. Guardian host advise that these practises have been hijacked to create enslavements which become hidden and cord the soul down into group fields on the earth. Learning and education about staying out of trancelike states, using alcohol, drugs, or sex for reaching spiritual enlightnments or attainment of spiritual powers attracts antichrist spirits to reside in the body and to eventually possess the human form if continually consubtantial to the false power presented to the human in those events.

The spiritual ascension is an inscension of which self-assessment and truth must be revealed to the ascending one in stages. Inscension means staying present, not in trance, not in autopilot but gaining eventual full control and clarity of an integrated one self in the body. Once the soul matrix is embodied and the male-female inner balance is achieved in the cycles and stages of ascension, energetic travel from within the self without projecting out of the body is possible.

Guardian host advise that no judgements are given to those whom have used these various substances but when one is ready to integrate and heal into wholeness, the understanding of the deeper nature of substances and energies is required.

One must learn to consent with the Cosmic Christos families who are not intermediaries between the self and god. Stopping spiritual practises and revoking consent with antichrist forces and learning the 12D shielding technique help to rebuild the auric field into a more strengthened state whilst extracting cords and implants placed during drug trips.

In spiritual deceptions upon many spiritual leaders of the earth, the NAA and antichrist chose the use of consciousness altering substances to control and manipulate the person to hand over their position of authority to a substance or drug believing it is the power to connect to god or enlightnment.

Navigating Climactic Spiritual Events

Spiritual Emergency, Mental Physical Emotional Overload, & Traumatic Events

Mental body imbalances, and extreme states of anxiety are often caused by the lightbody opening up in stages of Kundalini awakenings. This can bring up emotional states of severe confusion and seeing alternate states of reality, being attacked by negative aliens, or demonic beings as part of the awakening cycles. Use of recreational drugs, such as Ayahuascha, LSD, marijuana or other mind and consciousness altering drugs, including overdoing spiritual practises, overdoing energywork, overdoing meditation to reach bliss, chanelling entities or trying to speak with ETs without first having knowledge of the dangers that exist (negative aliens masquerade as angels and guides and try to trick humans into believing they are helpful) is a high risk behavior and can cause mental and soul fracturing. These are not spiritually enlightened methods, and create holes and tears in the auric field which mean a higher susceptibility to entity attachment and behavioral impacts. Drug use is a very dangerous and high risk practise to the human energyfield and soul. The human lightbody when under the influence of consciousness altering substances becomes weakened and open to spiritual attachments which change the mood and desires of a person and can create anger, suffering, void pain, trauma and rage. The influences of desire and addictions are also created through consciousness altering substances. The majority of humans on the earth today whom have consumed long term substances are not clear in their own decision making, or moods, or behaviours and are not single soul occupied.

To regain mental balance and states of comfort and safety, you must be willing to address your life from an energetic standpoint. This includes an honest assessment of any form of substance abuse and be willing to change the patterns to regain control over your energy field.

This means looking deeply at current life trauma and being willing to re-educate yourself in the context of what ascension and spiritual connection truly is.

With the current landscape of new age love and light on planet earth, many awakening humans lack the proper context for the war over consciousness which is happening in the inner realms and other dimensional bandwidths through human enslavement via negative alien influences.

Blood Record, Looking at Ayahuascha in the lightbody layers and central nervous system

I wish it was easier, and yet, we must honor that god has a plan and the plan is with god, the hopes are that individuals can gain insights and supports to add to any other level of professional supports that can sometimes be required, such as brain balancing medication as a means to obtain clarity or refocus into this reality whilst processing the heavy contents of the shadow body and pain wounds. I have seen cases where this was supportive to the individuals for a while, and who could heal the CNS imbalances, which then led to a better state of mind in clarifying the understandings of their traumatic events, in obtaining their soul fragments back from the original point in time when the trauma occurred. Individuals whom have consumed Ayahuascha, magic mushrooms, LSD or other social drugs usually have a harder time to obtain the balance as it creates a chemical blood record inside the body of which snapshots their consciousness into millions of clones of their blood matrix, this is a binding that our holy mother dragon copper egg and blood timeshields in the planet are assisting with, but the divine timing and individual blueprint is so very unique to each individual it's not possible to predict the level of healing possible, OR if possessed individuals can regain single soul occupancy within their current biology, usually it leaves at the death point, at least this has been what I've seen in the past.

This is a really subjective topic, and so, with everything it has to be an absolute 100% personal decision where, what, who or why a person chooses to interact with. For example if you felt safe that this resort or the plant medicine seems supportive for your own personal experience, then understandably you would want to check it out. If it resonates to your heart, there must be a reason for that. Go with your own heart first.

Please take this on your own discernment. I know before I write this that I am sounding all dampening of the joy, and honestly - it isn't meant. When I came to earth I didn't realise I would be critiquing and tracking the vast amount of damage that has been done to humans without their consent, so please know that with my heart, not trying to put a dampener on your enquiry. Just feeling I can share working with the energies of these things, that are very much hidden and behind the scenes.

Even people who have good intentions are being manipulated by negative aliens because they cannot see them, and they do not have a connection up and out of the 4d or 5d false white light fields. This is what I have experienced, and it's a really difficult thing to try and explain without sounding judgemental - when in all honesty, it is not a judgement, it's a literal energetic connection. A person who has cleared their lightbody of implants over several and many years and is 12d shielded, is more likely to be able to host a connection up and out of distorted planes of energy, which takes time to establish really strong spiritual foundations.

Over the years working practitionership, I have supported starseeds who have consumed Ayahuasca under the guise of healing or spiritual enlightenment attainment. From what I have observed this plant fractures the lightbody and creates weaknesses in the mental body and the central nervous system. I can tell you this because every person who came to me for session work who had either disclosed or not disclosed that to me up front in the pre-session chat: every one of them had a level of soul entrapment to a negative alien group entity field, and it created a soul binding to which they were not aware. It can be seen in different levels of the lightbody or matter to form layers, ie in between space and time fields - not all healers can perceive that layer of the lightbody and fieldspace. Here, with our 12d shielding and building that diamond sun template, we have the ability to eventually see that level. This is where the truth comes in.

People I have treated have come close to mental break because they consumed it, others are blinded by astral fantasy and bliss and all caught up in spiritual pride and glamour, and stuck in astral realms. Or they obtained miracle pain relief, but a chunk of their soul matrix was the price and they could not see that for themselves. Or they had amazing spiritual experiences and healings - all of them had a lightbody weakness, despite them feeling 'ascended already' 'really strong and spiritually connected'. It can create a binding to a demonic negative alien group field that perpetuates bliss in the central nervous system, or it can bind to a demonic entity that impacts a person's sexual energy. Or, any number of things. The consumption of the plant can and does create damage in the crown centre (6d and 7d layers), the pineal gland, the heart matrix, so higher connections to the monad and the 6d levels of soul body can take damage. This has a tendency to damage the DNA etheric receivers and transmitters in the lightbody.

In some individuals I have worked with, they had lightbody locks which connected them to the other people in the group where they received the intiations, and this was harnessing their soul body into the individuals of the group (without their consent, knowledge or awareness of the impact of it), often this manifests as "oh, theses people are my soul mates, I keep feeling them in my dreams. I keep getting synchronicities that no-one could make up!" and this is a consciousness trap. A consciousness trap can be seen by an etheric surgeon with the ability to see them, and the starseed or human doesn't even know this exists. They feel it as a pulling or magnetization towards a person, place or thing, and it keeps them distracted and in a state of awe or glamour as part of keeping them plugged into a false reality field - that they, themselves perceive as their spiritual expansion. This is very difficult to explain, but it is a part of the hidden mind control and controlling energies that lock human consciousness down.

I may sound cynical, and non-positive, I know that, but I cannot apologise for what I know as truth with these things because I have seen it with my own eyes and supported the lightbody repair for individuals. None of this is judgement, it's my direct experiences with viewing, cataloguing and reporting back to guardian teams of what this actually looks like in a human lightbody.

Regardless, of all I have said, it really is a personal individual choice, no one can make that for anyone else. There may be a reason that people are drawn to Ayahuasca, whatever that may be, so please know my post is in no way a judgement. Some starseeds take drugs to expand their consciousness and it has similar consequences, but they may also be doing a piece of learning and research at the same time. None of it can be judged. Just the same with everything, shields on, and away we go, to observe, understand and check some things out.

Planetary 5D Stargate - Macchu Picchu, Peru

The Macchu Picchu Ancient andromedan portal of the 5D stargate of the earth held many ayahuascha traps in various dimensional pockets of which gatekeepers of shamanic demonics obtaining the fractured soul fragments into the portals as stolen lightbody parts and soul matrix identities held inside these naa traps. Black wesan collectives as black dragon avatars were holding these body parts. Guardian host evicted these beings out and rescued the stuck spiritual essences and body parts which had been stuck in the black magic portals and reversal mayan pillars that appear like black totem poles in the interdimensional spaces. Many shadow animal creatures made from AI in the AI demonic gestalts had created a very large metatronic spiral of which many black magicians had kept human souls in their traps in the lands, of which was obstructing the passageway of the Buffalo Calfwoman and her husband from the Aquaelle Matrix from reconnecting into the ancient guardian portals there.

Planetary 12D Inner Stargate, Kauai Hawaii

The Island chain of Hawaii, at the island of Kauai was hiding a kracken Archon creature as a black tentacle archon which was also utilised to be a stealer of spiritual ceremonies in mushrooms or ayahuascha ceremonies within Hawaii. Guardians extracted this creature from its position near to the 12D inner gate at Kauai, as it was linking into the false Melchizedek priests of ur within the stargate connected to future invaded fallen emerald order founder records within the gate passageways.

It is entirely typical of the NAA to use a gorgeous landscape and beauty spot upon the earth in which to lead people into drugged states and whilst the person cannot determine that the blissed out feeling is a trap, can consent to allowing entities access to their energy field and to continue to soul siphon from their body for long after the event took place.

Anecdotes and Healing from CNS Damages in Substance uses

The guardian host caution for using drugs is because the effects on the central nervous system are invisible until another level of DNA activation comes along and creates long lasting trauma in the mental body, or that the person has to release the effects through meditation and prayer and using appropriate spiritual energetic awarenesses to overcome weaknesses in the auric field. It is important to apply self-forgiveness if the use of substances has been a part of the awakening journey as it is true that some starseeds who have opted for this choice have doneso with a personal unique reason.

To become freed from the influences it is important to stop using the substance. It is also suggested as a primer to use the website of http://krystalaegis.com to start to build self-sovereignty and spiritual freedoms as part of your journey in rebuilding the lightbody in repairing weaknesses.

See Also -

[Spiritual Emergency] [[1]]